Ch. 367 Gathering Support

The meeting between dwarf and dragon was rather short and to the point. Magell Magell Dar Warborn was an obvious choice for the position of the the overall guild master of the Explorer's Guild, making Elric's job of choosing one rather easy. While Magell could not have been more excited by the prospect. Exploring evey inch of Zania be it land or sea, with essentially unlimited funds to spend on supplies, was music to the ears of one such as Magell.

Several of the would be adventures and explorers joined Magell Dar Warborn on the last leg of his voyage around the world. It was a historic moment that the newly formed Explorer's Guild could use to it advantage when it came to drumming up support. While people would flock to the docks to wave them off or welcome them back, getting the common man to donate his hard earned coin to the guild was an entirely different matter.