Ch. 366 The dwarf that sailed around the world.

When one thinks of high sea's adventures, one does not picture a stout red bearded dwarf. But try telling that to Magell Dar Warborn, and ya might find a dwarven made boarding axe buried to the handle in your skull. He was about as far from a pirate as one could be, despite the way he dressed and talked. He loved to hunt down pirates and smugglers out on the ocean blue.

He was born in the middle of a battlefield surrounded by death and carnage, and develop a taste for battle at an early age. Only he prefers to fight with cannons and ship, instead of axe and shield. That did not mean that he was not skilled with them. Magell has split many o skull open, both human and dwarf alike. The only thing larger than his thirst for blood and booze was his driving hunger to see what was just beyond the next wave.