Ch. 365 A time of exploration

"The lower court judges handle the aberration of small disputes between the people and make rulings on guilt and innocence of suspected perpetrators of minor crimes such as being out after curfew."

"I assume that you personally chose them?"

"Yes, and no. A few of them were formerly Voices of the People for many years. Others are subjects that have proven loyalty and shown to possess a keen eye for details that others might miss. Think of them as well trusted advisors that have been given athoity over small matters. Any large scale disputes and serious crimes are still handled by the crown. Be it me, my wives, children, consorts or concubine Moon Shadow. Yes she holds high position in this empire. A witch such as her that is mother to a dragon should not be looked down upon. Her not being an empress is only due to a certain promise I made to my late wife reguarding the number of wives I would take at once."

"Do I dare ask that number, your eminence?"