Ch. 500 Retaliation

Note: If everything goes according to plan ch 500 is the mid-point of Dragon's Throne : Rise of Dragons. Soon the long slow burn to towards the final chapter will begin, filled with more secrets being revealed. Thank you for reading.

Hearing his Grandfather Ker's warning about how dangerous that old woman was, Even Elric was not going to tempt fate and face her mage craft spells head on. As much as he would love to test his limits against a powerful foe that could actually change him, but he knew that the risk far outweighed the thrill of the battle.

"Alright get them out of here. Blaze don't hold back but stay away from that large group with the old arcaneist in the middle. Father if you could help grandfather get everyone else to safety, I would appreciate it."

"What about me should I fly away?"

"Aquatica, fly up high and make rain on the city. Don't focus on taking out any one mage, just get everything good and wet for me."