The mind of Solara raced as the was torn between running away with Onix Nightbanch, standing her ground, and flying head first into the fight making herself a target. Other than him she would only feel a slight sadness over the passing of the members of the Explorer's Guild that she had only recently met. The loss of several of her father's knights and a few unlucky enough to be there witches and warlocks would leave a painful memory, but she could only avenge their deaths of she lived to grow stronger.
Standing her ground and fighting spell to spell with the mages was extremely dangerous, but she knew that running away was wrong, and only had a slim chance of working during a moment when the strongest amongst the mage hord attacking Team Forest was distracted. The idea of making herself the primary target of the mages would most likely be fruitless and suicidal in the end. Her father or grandfather could probably pull it off, but they were much bigger and stronger than her.