Ch. 604 Acting on Rosebud's crazy Plan

As the Fog still had not shown any signs of clearing when the dawn of a new day approached, Guild Master Megell already had two lamps burning inside his own small stone hut writing a lengthy report for his Emperor.

In it he explained that he had decided to go with the Imperial Princess Rosebud's wild but realistic plan due to the risk to not only the forward scouting team, but the entire group of the fog did not lift before they started running low on supplies.

Granted he could have opted for the use of the Odin to do much the same as what Rosebud planned, but it would be risky to fly towards it blind as they could fiy right into it, or end up lost trying to find its location out in the natural harbor, as it was yet to be moved closer thanks to a sandbar the sailors failed to notice.

The bird could make use of the same hole as the little air ship that still remained nameless officially anyway.