The thin short sword welding elf's face and ears grew red with a mixture of anger and embarrassment as the vulgar lude words of the heavily armored dwarven warrior she had been fighting up until just seconds ago pierced through the horrific painful ringing in her ears.
She had no idea what the source of the massive boom that was so loud it felt like she got kicked on the chest that the little bastard was probably already fantasizing about, but he seemed to not only know the cause, he was acting like he expected it.
She screamed out of anger and frustration. If she wanted answers the was going to have to chase after him as the went into diggy, diggy hole mode as of he was an armor plated mole. She knew that the axe loving stone pounder was going to torment her with more lude words about how she was so excited about his offer that she ran after him.
"Get back here you short foul mouthed sorry excuse for a turtle mole. I want answers, and you seem to have them."