Road 36


--Honestly I would have preferred to stay in the truck-- said annoyed cowboy, as all crammed into the minimal Prince Skyline

--This is not an Opel??," asked Smokey.

--Parmesan said, listening to the shortwave radio that the car was carrying. They were listening to all the police communications.

--Just the Nissan?

--They're talking about an Isuzu.

--Isn't it the same thing?--Tequila asked, annoyed, almost squashed against the left rear door, since Smokey occupied almost the entire back.

--It seems the trucks here are so bad they don't get stolen,-- said Cowboy, stretching his long legs out on the passenger seat as Catholic drove roughly.

--Another truck?"-- asked Parmesan, equally squashed against the right rear door.

--Zacharias,-- they all said at the same time as they understood.

The two men embraced inside the dark church.

--You've really messed things up. You should have asked for help,--Zacharias told him.