It will be about 9 hours of sailing in good weather,"-- said Cowboy, making his calculations.
--That has never happened in Japan,-- said Zacharias, averaging 14 hours.
At 5 hours of sailing an old P 39 Mustang passed over them and pulled away.
--I hope you've got something good out there,-- said Zacharias, fully understanding what was coming.
The Mustang made a distant turn, came back hidden in the low clouds and haze.
--Here it comes,-- said the group, drawing their light weapons, beginning to fire blindly toward where the noise was coming from. The double stream of bullets rocked the old slow boat from end to end.
--What did you find,--shouted Cowboy, --who the hell did you take this boat from?
--It was only the boat. I haven't got anything else,--he shouted, firing at the departing plane.
-- He'll turn around,-- Hiroshi said.
--This time it's coming from the same place it flew away from.
--It's not coming that way. It's coming from the south.