Camp 3NTE. Wednesday, August 19, 2015.2.20 5.
The search was fruitless. The first group of missing persons did not turn up. Eric Ardell did not turn up either.
Yorlett was forced to speak separately with the Sergeant. He added to his taciturn explosive bipolarity the bewildered attitude of not quite knowing where he was.
-- I want to make an official statement.
-- He did not accept resignations,"-- said the sergeant quickly.
-- I want to inform you that I am involved in this case and withhold information,"-- he said out of the blue.
-- Lower your voice," --said the sergeant.
-- I am romantically involved with Omeo Cooper. We are thinking of getting married," --she said with tears in her eyes and a tremor in her voice.
For a moment they were silent. Then Caster decided.
--Okay. It's all right. I'm your sergeant. I know that. So much for that.
-- You have to report it to the Inspector," Yorlett said formally.