Damian succeeds.

You see what I was telling you the whole time Sebastian.For you to take things easy and think very well before you act but instead of you to listen to me,you decided to do what you like.Now you are seeing the consequences.

Brother this is not the time to start blaming me,I don't want to hear that criticism from you Damian.I just want you to help me.

But how do you want me to help you?What would you like me to do for you Sebas,you know I would do anything without thinking twice.You are like a brother to me you know.So just spit it out and I'll see what I can do.

Well i really appreciate Damian,I'd like you to just help me talk to the supreme commander and make him understand that I really need to go home to my place because its really very important that I go.

Sebastian can you tell me why you're so stubborn?Because I don't really understand you at all.You are working towards this but I'm telling you it won't work that way and I'm trying to give you a better suggestion but you just don't want to calm down and listen .Can you tell me why?

I don't know why you all seem to be annoying and stupid at the same time,why don't you allow me to do what I feel like doing in peace.Everyone thinks their own decision is the best but I don't buy that.See I really need you to help me right now and also spare me all these suggestions of yours.Just stick to what I want and help me achieve that if you are really my friend and Brother as you said.Its that simple Damian come on.Are we going go have this conversation over and over again?Do I need to remind you that this is about me and I know what's best for me.

Sebastian maybe this time you are not thinking straight and I assure you if we follow my own suggestion everything will be fine .The only thing you have to do is to listen to me,come on why is it so hard for you.This incident really changed you a lot and it's almost like I don't know you anymore.

Alright we've argued about this for so long and it's alright,come again,let me hear your suggestion and let me see if I can consider it.You are really getting on my nerves with your stubbornness.

Alright I'm glad you decided to listen to me Stubborn goat.The thing is I want you to get all the training you can and I want you to be very grounded in this military work.You need to train yourself and its very important you commit yourself to it now more than ever.When everything is done and when you become very skilled and strong then it would be the right time to embark on that journey of yours.It would be the right time for you to join forces and take down that bastard and all his cohorts.

Excuse me Damian,did you say join forces?Join forces with who if I may ask.

Alright it's a good question you got there,when I said join forces this is what I mean.When you must have gotten all the training you need,then you can go and meet the supreme commander and I'll also go with you if that would help.If you go there,you can request for him to help you by sending some of his men to go with you over to your place. You know to help you in the war you are going to embark on. I'm telling you this because I know its the best thing you could do.Ralph is the enemy here but you just can't go to fight your enemy and not even just your enemy,but a very powerful enemy.It would be foolish of you to go there empty handed and alone.He would take you down without even stressing it at all.For you to do what you want to do you need the resources,you need backup,you need support

I'm not insinuating you are weak but you and I know that for you to defeat those kind of men,you must really prepare very well for it before you go there and disgrace yourself .

We both burst out laughing and I started thinking about where he was driving at too.Maybe I was in too much pain that I couldn't think straight and that's why It took me this long to make the right decision. I was blinded by pain the whole time and I am glad I haven't taken a drastic step yet.

You are really a genius Damian.I use to think you were an idiot but I see I was really wrong.

You are funny Sebas,I don't know who is the idiot now you or me?

Well I'd say the both of us and that's final.

Hahahahaha.Aren't you hungry?

Damian asked as he stood up to go into the kitchen..

Well the last thing I'm thinking about right now is food and I don't really have any appetite. Not for food and not for enjoyment either.

I feel for you Sebastian and I really wish there was a way I could help to relieve you of your pain but I'm only human. The only one that can do that is the Almighty. I want you to be strong anyway,one doesn't know how strong he or she is until being strong is the only good option they have and I'd say that's your case.But you are really strong Brother,some of us cannot handle this kind of pain with a cool head,even though you showed some symptoms of madness.But you handled it afterwards anyway and only the really strong ones can do that.

I'd say you are close to being like the supreme commander. It was said that when he lost his family,no one actually believed that he did because of how well he handled the situation.

Well thank you for sticking with me during this hard time because you really proved to be a good friend even when I made it difficult for you.

I really appreciate.

Come on don't thank me,what are friends for.That's the least I could do for you.