Want To Make Her Submit

Chapter 13

“Boss, where do you want me to go?” Wearing his seatbelt, Roy turned back to look at Levian Smith who was entering the back seat.

“Go to the company directly.” Levian took off his coat and threw it beside. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top most buttons on his shirt revealing his wheat colored tanned skin and sexy collar bones.

“Yes boss.” Roy started the car and left the parking hall. With in a few second they were driving on the main road.

Levian picked up the tablet and turned it on. He usually did not like to spend time in social media but today he had the urge to open it.

He clicked on the red icon for apps in the home page and scrolled down the newsfeed in the postagram.

The top most post caught his attention. He brought out the air pod and put it in his ear.

“These people are super fast..” Levian’s mouth curled up in a smile as he tapped on the trending news on the home page.

“Boss, did you find something interesting?” Roy who was driving the car saw his boss smiling as he looked at his tablet on hand.

“Social media is waste of time.” Levian had always disregarded the use of social media if it was not for profit oriented business.

But now the same man was immersed in it. Roy wondered what black magic was done on his boss.

He had rarely seen his boss act like that so it came as a surprise to him. Plus the day had just been wasted uselessly.

Roy had expected him to be a little angry but instead his boss was looking at the tablet with a smile in his face as if he was watching a lover of his performing something.

Roy felt his boss was acting stranger than strange since yesterday. He was slightly concerned but decided to wave off his worries.

His boss was a capable man, he didn’t have to worry about him. Roy thought in his heart.

Levian head Roy’s question but he did not speak anything, only slightly nodded his head.

On his tablet that he was holding, a video was playing.




#Scum_bag lover

#Lona family

Under such hash tags and title, a video was trending on the internet. From the time of upload, Levian deduced the video to have been posted only half an hour ago.

A woman dressed in a beautiful white gown; a wedding dress was confronting a man who was likewise ready for a wedding.

The man had a surprise Pikachu face when the bride threw her veil at him. Levian had seen this scene for the 2nd time today and it looked fresher than fresh to him.

“She is really bold.” Levian commented in a low voice applauding her gut to do that on the day of her wedding.

He had thought the family might cause uproar in the wedding today but betraying his expectation, Sherry was the one who called off the wedding.

“So, she knew he was a jerk all along then.” Levian was surprised at the out come of today’s event.

“But if she knew, she would not have stuck to him for such a long time.” Levian wondered inwardly.

He could not put his finger on how and why Sherry changed her decision over night.

The woman was getting more and more interesting and mysterious.

But because of all this, somehow, he felt her to be more appealing to his eyes. He even wondered how it will feel like to make her submit to him.

“boss, we have arrived.” Roy interrupted his thoughts when he informed them about their arrival on the company.

“Good.” The air surrounding Levian suddenly changed from relaxed to sophisticated and unapproachable. He placed away his tablet and took out the air pod from his ear.

He had wasted almost half a day today by accepting the invitation. Now it was back to working for him. Work was his real lover after all..

But he still had a slight curiosity in his heart.

“How is she going to handle the after math of her actions?” Levian; like an excited adolescent kid wanted to know what happened after the lady head of Lona family came running.

It was chaotic after they all left hurriedly with only the head of house, Mr. Lona apologizing and sending everyone home.

“Well, I can always get my answers.” Levian entered the elevator to get to his office.

Meanwhile, the Sherry household was as good as dead. The whole premises of the building was silent.

All the guest why had arrived earlier in the morning to attend the marriage had already returned back.

While outside the house, there was pin drop silence, inside the living room of the main building a figure sat on the couch cross legged.

Sherry still in her wedding dress was sitting alone in the huge living room, her face shadowed and darkened. With her hands clasped in front of her face, Sherry rested her throbbing fore head on it.

“Young miss..” the old maid of the house was standing on the doorway observing her all this time. Unable to take it anymore, she walked inside and tapped Sherry gently on her shoulder.

As an old lady who was unaware about the situation between Sherry and Chris, she did not understand why Sherry broke off such a good marriage, yet she did not ask her anything since she knew it was not her place to poke her nose in to.

She believed in Sherry’s decision and was confident Sherry had her own reason for doing so.

“Aunty..” Sherry did not raise her head but spoke softly, her head still hanging down in depressed mood. The old maid felt her heart shattering into pieces when she heard the exhausted and dried out vice of Sherry.

Sherry was someone she loved like her daughter after all. Seeing her in pain made her maternal heart well up with sadness.

“It’s fine, Sherry, everything is fine.” Wrapping her arms around the trembling body of Sherry, the old maid coaxed her gently.

Sherry rested her head on her bosom, the warmth emitting engulfed her breaking heart and exhausted mind.

There were only two people in the room, the warm sunlight poured inside the room from the window which slowly lifted the heavy atmosphere inside.

Sherry did not know how long she clung on to the old maid, but after a while she finally felt her turmoil of emotions settling down.

She was glad she dumped her betraying fiancé before a mass of people but she could not erase the empty feeling in her heart. All her beliefs and trust came crashing down in a day, no it took less than a day for everything to turn around by 360 degree.

It was given for her to feel everything she was feeling now.

Sniffling little, she let go of the dress she was clutching.

Just at the moment, the door of the living room opened with a bang startling the two woman.