Feign Innocence

Chapter 14

Chris looked furious, his eyes were bloodshot as he looked at the two women in the room. Precisely, he was staring at the one in wedding dress; Sherry.

“Oh, you are back?” Sherry asked in a relaxed voice. Although she was scared when the door opened with such a loud sound, she had already picked up herself back.

SO when she saw that it was him, she actually felt more relaxed than she had thought she would. She was not sacred of this stupid guy.

“You…” Chris gritted his teeth as he walked towards her without speaking anything. His silence was the sign for something violent and Sherry knew it.

“Mister Chris.” The old house maid stood in front of Sherry like a hen protecting her chicken. By looking at the face of Chris , she knew he was trying to do something bad to Sherry.

“Step away.” Chris had his face darkened with anger. He did not even give a damn care that she was on old lady and mercilessly pushed her away.

“Chris, don’t hurt her.” Sherry was angered by his action and stood up from her seat as she tried to hold the old maid in her arms.

“Right, You are the one who deserves the pain.” Chris smiled, his smile growing sinister with each second.

With a raise of his hand, he grabbed Sherry’s shoulder and forced her to look at him. Since he was slightly taller than her, he had to raise her head to meet his eye level.

Sherry bit her lip to prevent sound of her groan in pain from coming out when he pulled her chin. She did not want to show this hateful man any more of her weakness than she already had.

“What do you want?” Sherry matched his eye level and asked with out any fear in her eyes. She did not fear this lying and cheating piece of shit.

Moreover, the fact that he was even acting this way towards her instead of asking her what went wrong was more than enough for Sherry to completely discard her feelings for this big monkey.

Monkey! Sherry imagined his face in place of monkey and could not help but let out a small chuckle.

“Pfft..” Although the place where he was holding hurt, Sherry laughed staring back at him.

“So you are pretending to be strong and even laughing at me huh?” Chris was even angry when he saw her laughing. It felt to him that he was being mocked by her.

Sherry had always been docile and obedient to him so he had never thought a day will come when Sherry will show him this insolence.

“I have always been strong.” Sherry replied her ace still snickering at him. “I just have been blind and idiot for falling for a guy like you.”

“You…” Chris pulled her chin even more. If he exerted even more pressure, her jaw might even get dislocated.

“Mr. Chris, please behave yourself.” The old maid was frightened when she saw Chris acting violently towards Sherry.

She did not care about the marriage or whatever they had before their marriage. If someone was trying to hurt the young miss, she was willing to stand up against them.

Sherry saw the frightened expression on the old maid’s face. The old maid was a heart patient. She already had experience more surprises than necessary for today. If this continued, Sherry knew it was going to be bad for her heart.

Sherry raised her hand and grabbed the hand which was grabbing her chin.

“Let go of me.” Sherry used all her strength she could muster and threw off his dirty paw from her face. He was a strong man with big muscles so when she tried to pull him off, she had to use much more strength than she had expected.

Chris was furious and was almost panting like an old man in his seventies after climbing a 100 steps in a staircase.

“You are courting death!!” Chris roared at her.

“We can talk like proper adults, Mr. Chris.” Sherry maintained her dress and looked at Chris who was even more infuriated by her words.

First it was cancelling the wedding out of nowhere, then now this!! Sherry was really trying his patience today.

“Sherry, you are crossing your boundary. I am still your fiancé.” Chris roared at her . He could not let Sherry go after all. Despite not liking Sherry, she was the foundation of all his plans.

“Heh…Fiancé?” Sherry scoffed, the disdain she was showing was clear in her eyes. How could one be this shameless.

“You know what you did right?” Sherry was not going to play innocent anymore. She was tired and wanted to make things clear once and for all.

“What did I do now?” Chris barked at her again as if he was being falsely accused here by Sherry. Seeing him playing the victim made Sherry want to puke out her guts.

“You know it better than me.” Sherry averted her gaze and looked out of the window crossing her arms in front of her.

You screwed my best friend behind my back! Is that what I am supposed to tell to you? Sherry was filled with heart crunching disgust.

“Wait, is it about Bella?” Chris was silent for a while before asking her with a doubting face. “Is it?” He repeated the question once again.

Two days ago when there was a short party at the house, Chris had helped Bella to sit in the couch in the presence of Sherry. Although that time she had said nothing, Chris figured Sherry was acting petty because of that incident.

"....", Sherry just looked at him with blank expression.

Sherry did not reply but the small change in her face was noticed by Chris.

"I was just helping her as she is your best friend." Chris totally lied without even flinching his eyes.

“Even today just took your friend to hospital because it was an emergency.” Chris rubbed his fore head feeling his pulse increasing every second. This day had gone from being bad to worse and worse to worst.

“Are you acting like this because of that?” Chris felt it was because of that Sherry was acting like a jealous woman.

“…..”, Sherry did not even want to argue with this childish man who was changing facts one after the other.

“She is your friend Sherry, I am just helping her because her husband is not here!” Chris spoke as if it was the truth and Sherry was acting unreasonable.

“Chris…Just..How great do you think you are hmm?” Sherry looked at him stupefied at his arrogance. “You know what? Just forget it” she did not want to continue this anymore.

He made it look like Sherry was the bad guy who was uncaring of her friend and even a vinegar woman who broke off wedding just because of that.

“Leave my sight before I get angry.” Sherry placed her palm on her chest and gave him a push.

“ Don’t forget you are in my property and you are an outsider who is trespassing the boundary of Lona family.” Sherry turned back, completely cutting him off from her sight.

“Sherry..” Chris caught her by her hand trying to prevent her from leaving. With Bella admitted in the hospital and her life in danger due to her pregnancy and Sherry spoiling all his plans for him, Chris was already on verge of losing his sanity.

Sherry was the last thread that he could never let go.

“Sherry..” There was dominance but a different type of pleading tone in his voice as he called her name. He hoped he could melt her heart once more with his soft attitude.

Sherry stopped for a while, hesitating to walk from there.

IS it working? Chris wondered when Sherry turned back but his hope soon shattered when Sherry spoke to him in cold voce.

“Chris, I will call the police if you keep this up.” Sherry shot him a piercing angry look.