Get to know each other

After the commotion, Lucas took Lyra to his house leaving the banquet.

He didn't talk anything as they continued walking towards the hut. Lyra also realized that he was in a bad mood and didn't ask anything. After reaching the hut, Lucas pulled Lyra into the house and started kissing her. 

Lyra was surprised in the beginning but responded to his kiss because she knew that he wanted some consolation. This may come as fast for many but Lyra was not able to discard her feelings for the man in front of her. she never encountered a guy in her life who could move her heart in such a short time but here she was.

she still didn't know if she liked him but for sure knew that she was attracted to him.

Lucas deepened the kiss and pried open her mouth then put his tongue into her mouth tasting her insides.

His other free hand started kneading her mounds which earned a moan from her.

Then he picked her up from the ground and she clasped her legs around his waist. Lucas slowly moved towards the grass nest and reclined with her while putting all his weight on her body.

"Ly I want you. can I take you now?" he asked in a slightly hoarse voice.

Lyra too wanted him to continue but thought that it is very early in their relationship to take this step. It was not like she was rejecting him, instead, she just wanted to spend more time with him and open up about her origin before becoming his mate. Today she learned that a male can have only one mate in his life so she didn't want to trick him and later regret it. 

Thinking this was right, she lightly pushed him and looked into his eyes, "Lucas we are still very early in our relationship and I think we should know more about each other first and then do this"

"Why Ly? You don't like me?" he asked pitifully and turned away.

Seeing him like this, Lyra didn't know what to say. she cupped his face with both her hands and made him look into her eyes before telling, "It's not that I don't like you, I'm just asking you to give both of us some time to understand each other. I know you have many questions for me about my origin. We can first get to know about each other"

Lucas looked at her adorable face which was shining from the moonlight coming from the window. He was never the patient one in conversation and had a habit of getting what he wanted by any means. But seeing her genuine face where she wanted to give their relationship a time, he didn't have the heart to break her efforts, so he pulled her closer and hugged her.

"Sorry Ly, I was really in a bad mood today because of that annoying guy and took it out on you. We will do as you say by getting to know each other first," he said and kissed her forehead.

she smiled and hugged him back, "It's fine, Thank you for agreeing with me"

"Tell me, what do you want to know about me?" Lucas said holding her in his arms.

"Hmm, tell me about your family"

"My family? Well, ours is not that different from other families but because my father is a wolf king it was my mother who took care of me and my brothers. My mother has eight spouses including my father. I grew up more with my uncles, they taught me hunting and brought me up"

Eight spouses? Oh my God, Lyra secretly admired the wolf queen.

"I have three biological older brothers and one half-sister. I was only close with my elder brother and unfortunately, he died in an attack by stray beasts" he added while clenching his fist.

Lyra looked up at him and saw that he was sad and said "I'm sorry for that"

"It's fine now, I was very sad back then but after the birth of my sister I slowly moved on from that"

"You must be close to your sister"

He chuckled, "I am, she is a sweetheart and is liked by everyone. I bet she will like you the moment you meet her" 

"I should meet her then, can you take me to her?"

"She doesn't live here, her first spouse is tiger king, and she lives across the mountains. I'll take you there some other time or we can wait for her. She visits my parents sometimes"

"Okay let's do that"

Lyra was happy that he shared everything respecting her decision, "Now it's your turn, what do you want to know about me?" she wanted to put her trust in him and just hoped he would not hate her after this.

"Okay, I know that you are not one of the species in the beast world and do not wish to share it with anyone. It's fine for me, as you are my female I don't care about your background. you can share it anytime with me" he wanted her to trust him but if she is uncomfortable he wouldn't pry too much.

Lyra was touched because of this and thought he was very reliable and gave some information but hid some, well better to be on the safer side.

Then she started "You are right, I'm not one of you and I don't know how I ended up here but I'm not that different from females here" she decided not to mention her world because it was too bizarre to believe.

"You are wrong. you are very different from females here" Lucas suddenly blurted out.

Lyra suddenly panicked and said "How? I'm really not that different"

Lucas smirked at her and said "You are very pretty, those females can't even compare to you. So you are not normal but you are very special"

Lyra knew that he was teasing her and blushed.

They continued talking to each other all night and went to sleep cuddling each other.