
The next morning, Lyra woke up with a fresh mind because she was able to relax after sharing her secret with Lucas.

she did not share all the things but still felt relieved knowing she had someone to talk to in this unknown world.

Lucas was also very happy because now he knew that Lyra didn't hate him but wanted to get along with him. But then came another dilemma of keeping Lyra away from other males. Yesterday as soon as he left her alone, that jerk Noah kissed her. Lucas was very angry because of that but he also knew that he cannot always be around her. Looking at how beautiful she is, many pests will hover around her but he would try his best to prevent them from coming near her.

"Ly, what do you want to eat for breakfast?"

Thinking of food cooked by Lucas, she suddenly didn't want to eat anything for the rest of her life.

But she also didn't want to discourage him so she slowly asked, "Lucas, can I cook the breakfast?"

"No!" he instantly rejected.

"Why?" she really didn't want to eat Lucas's cooking.

"You are a female and people will laugh at me if I let my female do the work" he wanted her to be as comfortable as possible. she was very soft and delicate and he didn't want her to go through hardships.

'What kind of logic is that?' Lyra was dumbfounded.

She sighed, "I'll cook here inside the house, it is not like people come here. Please Lucas"

Lucas frowned but soon gave up "It's okay for now but teach me and I will do the cooking next time"

This fellow! Lyra smiled "Alright I'll do that, so do you have any herbs in the house?"

"We have salt" he innocently replied.

She started giggling, he looked so cute making that face.

He stared at her in a daze listening to her soft giggles which were like music to his ears and thought that he was the luckiest man in the world to be in the presence of his beloved girl.

She stopped giggling and started searching the house to find something. And when she opened a stone trunk, there were some herbs like cinnamon, ginger, chilies, and other things. she was not expecting to find these things here and turned towards lucas and asked

"These are herbs I'm talking about. we can cook using these materials"

Lucas took a look at what she was showing and replied "Ly those are medicine, we can't eat them. I got them from the doctor yesterday to treat your injuries"

"These are medicine here?" she realized that people here used the cooking commodities as medicine. 

"Yes, now go and wait for me to cook"

"Lucas just believe me this once. From where I come, we use these things for cooking. At least let me try" she requested.

Not having the heart to reject her, he let her try. well he can just go hunting again if the meat gets spoiled.

"Okay, what can I help you with?"

"Get me a stone bowl and a small stone to mince these"

Lucas obliged and bought the stone bowl and washed the herbs and put it in and started grinding. After finishing, he looked up to her asking what to do next.

Lyra took the mixture and smeared it on meat and sprinkled salt and started roasting it. A delicious aroma started wafting in the air a few minutes later and Lucas's eyes started sparkling.

He thought that his female is really one of a kind. she turned medicine into something delicious and he couldn't stop himself from salivating. Tearing a piece of meat, he put it in his mouth and felt himself melting right then and there.

It was very delicious that he started rolling on the ground due to satisfaction.

Lyra started to laugh after seeing him acting like a puppy. She too tasted the meat and was quite pleased. 

He got up and exclaimed "Ly, this is so tasty and I have never tasted anything like this before. From now on, I'll learn everything you teach and cook you delicious foods"

she smiled and finished her breakfast. After that, she suddenly wanted to take a bath but didn't know where to go and asked him, "Lucas, can you take me to the stream? I want to take bath, I'm a little sticky"

"Sure, come I'll take you" he took some extra clothes for her to change and left for the stream together with her.

After reaching the stream, Lyra wanted some privacy and didn't know how to tell that and just stared at him.

Sensing her gaze, he chuckled and said "What is it?"

"Hmm, can you please turn around? I want to take a bath" her face flushed after saying those words.

"Who is stopping you from taking a bath? We are a couple now, there is nothing to be shy about"

This little! Lyra blushed furiously and slightly raised her voice and said "Don't tease me and just turn around!"

He laughed and answered "Alright, don't be mad"

Lyra sighed and took off her clothes and entered the water and started bathing. The water here was very clean without any pollution and many fishes were swimming around her.

when she was peacefully swimming, suddenly something caught her legs and pulled her inside the water. She started splashing upward but was unable to reach the shore and was dragged into the water.

Under the water, she lacked oxygen and struggled to breathe but was unable to do anything. Right at that moment, a human figure came near her and kissed her passing air through his mouth. She groggily opened her eyes and bright green eyes came into her view but the next second she blacked out.

Then the strange figure turned into a large black python and coiled around Lyra and took her with it.