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They both tasted each other not even bothering to take a breathe, then Lyra was the first one to pull herself back from the kiss and started gasping for air, Blake glowered impatiently as he didn't want the kiss to end so soon, he moved his hand to her back trying to remove the tube top. Lyra obliged and raised her hands for him to take the top off.

Blake roughly removed her top freeing her mounds for him to feast on, without waiting for a second more he brought his mouth to her buds and suckled them, his other hand reached her other mound and kneaded it.

Lyra couldn't control herself and moaned, and he gently bit her breast earning a sharp gasp from her, then he licked it to soothe her

She was caught between pleasure and pain and her mind went hazy.

His other hand slowly traveled to her milky white thighs and he started caressing them giving attention to every part of her body then when he finally reached to remove her skirt Lyra snapped open her eyes and held his hand and stopped him but what she looked at next was too erotic for her mind to process

His beautiful emerald green eyes were turned into vertical slits like that of a wild beast ready to pounce on her and his perfect jawline was clenched tightly as though he was holding himself back and his pale skin was flushed red.

Lyra gulped looking at this, she momentarily forgot that she was still having her periods, she sparked his desire to only stop now. she also wanted this to continue but gritted her teeth

"Blake we can't do this, I'm still in heat" she rasped

He was on the verge of losing himself when she held his arms but restrained after hearing her

"I'm sorry Lilly, I was not thinking straight, I just wanted to become your mate as soon as possible" he answered pulling her towards him and kissing the top of her head

Lyra shook her head "I also wanted that to happen, you don't have to apologize"

"Blake I want to confess something to you before we mate" she needed to do this, she can't just trick him into being together with her forever without even coming out clean.

Blake nodded his head and pulled her closer to him pressing their naked upper body together.

"After hearing me it may be too difficult for you to understand but please don't hate me" she was suddenly nervous because she didn't share everything even with Lucas.

Lucas was the first person she saw coming into this world and he even saved her life, gave her a place to live, and took care of her, and she also felt fondness towards him but with Blake, it was different, at first she was very scared of him and just wanted to leave him but after spending more time with him she came to realize that he was much more then what he showed. He was cold, arrogant, and scary to others but with her, he would turn into a big puppy. She saw his efforts in taking care of her, she knew that he never did anything like this but for building a family with her he was putting his efforts and how could she just throw them away without even reciprocating? She would just apologize to Lucas later and cut ties with him, it was good that she didn't become mates with him. Call her selfish, but she was romantically more invested with Blake.

Seeing her not talking Blake lifted her chin and kissed her cheeks and said "I will never hate you, Lilly to tell you the truth I was always lonely in my life after my parent's death and slowly even got used to loneliness but after meeting you everything changed. I don't even know how I lived in past, you are my present and future you matter to me the most so don't be scared and tell me"

Tears threatened to fall off her eyes listening to him, she had to do this, she took a deep breath and started

"Blake, I don't belong to this world. I somehow ended up here and I don't know why. The place where I came from is totally different from here, there animals cannot transform into humans but males have a complete human form same as females here, and females there are different from here, we go into heat every month and can get pregnant any time of the year" there she said it all

Blake frowned, Lilly was not from this world? Is that why she is so pretty? and getting pregnant anytime? wasn't that dangerous for others to know, they could force her to keep giving birth, he should protect her he can never let anyone know about this. He was confident in his strength but now he had his weakness that is Lilly, he vowed to himself that he would protect her no matter what.

Blake kissed her forehead and looked into her beautiful blue eyes and said "Thank you for trusting me Lilly, I will always protect you. I don't care if you are different or not you are my Lilly, that is all that matters"

Lyra felt sweet inside, her biggest burden was lifted from her shoulders, she leaned in and kissed Blake on his lips but suddenly he pulled his head back and distanced himself from her.

Lyra raised her eyebrows questioning him

Blake clenched his jaw and looked down, she followed his gaze and saw a bulge in his animal skin skirt and blushed furiously, then after some time started laughing, he was wriggling around not able to calm himself, and was panting heavily as though he was holding a boulder in his hands.

He glared at her and she stifled her laughing but her shoulders were still shaking.

"Lilly" he whispered through his gritted teeth.

Lyra stopped laughing and went near him and kissed his lips and trailed her lips towards his sharp jawline nibbling on it, her free hand touched his chiseled muscles traveling down to his abdomen and touched his bulge.

Blake gasped when her hand started moving on his shaft it felt wonderful, his legacy never mentioned something like. Lyra on another hand didn't do something like this in her entire life and was not even sure if she was doing it properly. She couldn't bear to watch his pitiful face restraining himself so she thought to help him with her knowledge which was completely from novels that she read.

As she moved her hands faster, Blake captured Lyra's mounds in his mouth and started suckling them, Lyra gasped because she was experiencing many new sensations that her body didn't know in past. Blake was also enjoying her soft hands on his shaft and groaned in pleasure

"Lill-Lilly It feels so good" he glowered, this feeling was too good, is this the reason males die to have mates?

Lyra smirked at him. she was sure that people here didn't know about hand job or blow job as they were beasts they would just do the deed directly and end it. She knew this because Lucas was also ignorant of this and wanted to get it done on the day of the banquet, then she lowered her face and licked the tip of his member and put it slowly in her mouth, and bobbed her head up and down. His thing was cold in her mouth like an ice popsicle.

Blake gasped loudly because of the sensation, it was mindblowing, and looking at his Lilly doing this for him was still mind-boggling for him. He also instinctively raised his waist and moved his shaft in her mouth.

After some time he groaned loudly "Lilly something is coming, I'm not able to stop it"

Listening to that Lyra's mouth left his shaft and continued it with her hands, after a few more strokes he groaned and came all over her pretty hands.

His breathing was labored but the look in his is eyes said that he was satisfied

"Lilly I didn't know something like this, it was marvelous" he whispered

"You know that I'm not normal right?" she chuckled

"If it is this type of abnormality then I don't mind at all" he smirked and replied

Lyra rolled her. This fellow I relieved him and he is teasing me.