

Deep in the blue ocean, there was a vast city built of stones that were decorated with colorful coral reefs, many fishes of different shapes and colors were roaming around the city, and upon entering the city one can see beautiful Mermans doing their daily jobs like making salt, collecting prey brought from land beasts and so on.

There were a total of twenty-eight females in the wave city, very few compared to land beasts and lived in the Island because even though they could breathe in water it was only for short term and males of mermaid tribe were too prideful and didn't mate with females on the land because they deemed them as ugly, hence many remained as bachelors and were responsible for providing food for tribe and making salt.

Lucas and Noah were also currently here negotiating for salt to bring to their respective tribes. Land beasts could breathe inside the water because they were covered in water bubbles that were produced by the mermaid tribe.

Noah and Lucas came face to face while walking in the street and stared at each other for a long time without talking anything. Lucas turned around and walked when Noah called him.

"Did you find any lead regarding Lyra" he knew Lucas was also searching for his beloved.

Lucas frowned and turned to face him and answered "What does that matter have anything to do with you, she is my female and I know how to find her don't concern yourself with it"

Noah calmly replied "I know she has not yet accepted you and I don't care even if she becomes your mate because I love her and I will genuinely pursue her"

Lucas gritted his teeth and took a step and threw a punch at him. Noah was taken aback by the sudden punch but soon recovered and returned the punch throwing him on the ground, soon two of them started fist fighting, and the water bubble around them burst making them difficult to breathe underwater.

Seeing this their princes struggling their tribesmen didn't know what to do and started panicking and asked help from surrounding mermans. soon a big water bubble surrounded Lucas and Noah.

Then the one who made the water bubble entered the scene narrowing his sharp purple colored eyes with flowing light blonde hair and said "If you guys want to create trouble then do that within your tribe, this is our place and if you dare disturb the peace here then we will cut off our salt trade with your tribes"

The one who talked was none other than prince of mermaid tribe and the next king of wave city Renold. He was the one in charge of the wave city as of now because his father was bedridden due to some illness.He was just passing by when he saw the commotion created by land beasts. Mermaid tribe were best when it came to combating in water but because their females liked to eat meat and other things grown on land they tolerated land beasts and agreed to exchange salt.

After Lucas and Noah left;

A merman who was responsible for negotiating and was living in the land for many years came to Renold's side and informed

"Your majesty they are two princes from the most powerful tribes on land the silver wolf tribe and lion tribe"

Renold frowned "Why are they fighting each other? Aren't their fathers best friends?" he knew them because his father respected and always had a good relationship with both the tribe.

"Your majesty their fathers are good friends, but both the princes do not like each other from the beginning but now they are fighting over a female" the merman replied

Renold chuckled "They are fighting for a female? well, who is that female who can move the heart of two princes?"

"I don't know your majesty, I just heard that female is very beautiful and some even said that females from our tribe are less compared to her"

Renold blinked "More beautiful than our tribe? Are you sure that she is a female from land beasts?"

"Yes your majesty, prince Lucas was the one who found and saved her but now I heard that she went missing"

Renold raised his eyebrows and smirked "Take our elite group and find her before others and bring her to me. I should also check if she is really that beautiful"

The merman was surprised but soon composed himself "Yes your majesty"

Then Renold left for his castle to meet his father the king.

After entering the castle, one can see that it was lot bigger than other stone houses in the wave city with many mermans working and guarding the place. Renold entered his father's room and saw his mother taking care of his father.

They turned towards the door and king supported himself up and sat on the bed and asked "Are the negotiations going well son?"

"Yes father, everything is going well but I came here to discuss another matter with you" Renold replied

His father was surprised "Is it? tell me son, what's the matter?"

Renold started "Father our tribe is slowly starting to decrease in number and there are not many new borns but old are increasing. Also our females have not given birth to a single female baby in last twenty five years, conceiving rate has also decreased, if this goes on then our tribe will not last longer father"

The King held his forehead and sighed. He also knew about this matter and this is one of the reasons why he fell ill. Females in mermaid tribe didn't have good pregnancy rates and even if they got pregnant it would mostly be only mermans born, once in a blue moon were female babies born and they too didn't survive longer because many land beasts would attack the island where females were and snatched them away.

"Hmm, I know about this matter son but I'm not able to find any solution. Do you have some idea?" the king looked at Renold

Renold thought about it and replied "Father we should now stop the prejudice and let our males become mates with land females. I heard that they can give birth every year, and quite often also give birth to female babies. There are already many males without mates in our tribe"

The King sighed "son do you think I didn't wonder about this? I never restricted anyone from getting land females as their mates, but the males of our tribe are too stubborn and dumb for that. Your grandfather also suggested this when he was king, but those bunch of idiots don't listen. Tell me what can I do in this situation?"

"I have an idea father, I will become mates with a land female first and seeing me our tribesmen will also follow that" Renold replied

The King raised his eyebrows "Are you sure about that? Land females are not that beautiful compared to our own and you must also stay where she settles"

Renold smirked "Don't worry father, I heard from one of my men that there is a female on land who is more beautiful than our own, also your two good friend's sons fancy her"

His father chuckled "Do you mean the princes of silver wolf tribe and lion tribe"?

"Yes, just now they were fighting each other because of that female"he confirmed

"Do what you think is right son, I'll always support you" his father informed and went to sleep

Renold tucked his father and left. He will get busy as of now, after all he have to find his mate.