

Lyra's periods ended five days ago and for some reason, she was very nervous, they both have been intimate for the past few days but it was only Lyra pleasuring Blake, and they didn't cross the line, Blake also obediently listened to her and enjoyed her ministrations she did for him, but today it was different, Lyra didn't want to drag this any longer but she was afraid to talk to him about this. That idiot was not even asking her.

She made up her mind, she have to do this sooner or later, let it be today. She laid down on the grass nest and waited for Blake. After some time Blake entered the bedroom and froze in his place.

His Lilly laid on his nest on her back with one knee folded and one hand on her head, he knew she was beautiful but today she looked different. Her eyes were fogged, her lips looked extra juicy, and she was naked with animal skin just below her breast valley, he gulped,

"Lilly why are you sleeping without clothes, it is winter now and you should keep your body warm"

Lyra smirked at him "Well I know a better way to keep myself warm"

Blake walked towards her and hugged her "what way is it, Lilly"? he innocently asked

Lyra looked straight at his eyes and said " It's mating, let's mate Blake"

Blake was not expecting this. He too wanted to become her mate in every sense but thought that she was not ready, it was because of the stories she shared with him about her world and about how the relationship worked there, she emphasized that understanding was most important so he was restraining himself and trying to go with her pace.

"Are you really sure that now I understand you entirely"

Lyra raised her eyebrows "What"? what was he talking about?

"You said that in relationship understanding is very important", "In the stories, you shared" he added

Lyra furrowed her eyebrows, then it flashed in her mind, and started laughing loudly. so that was why he didn't talk about mating.

After she stopped, she held his face and kissed his cheek, and said

"Yes, now you understand me completely"

Blake gleamed and asked "Really"?

she nodded her head, the very next moment her lips were crushed by Blake's cold lips and he started kissing her ferociously. It was not the gentle kiss they shared every day but it was demanding that made her know his desire for her, he was indeed restraining.

After sucking and licking her lips his tongue entered her mouth and started exploring her insides, his tongue was cold and Lyra shivered when he gently bit her lower lip and tugged on it, they gasped for air and stared at each other for a moment before diving back to kissing.

As Lyra was naked, it was very easy for Blake to pull off the blanket to capture one of her mounds in his mouth and he started lapping on them and bit her rosy nipples, Lyra screamed,

"Bla Blake that feels so good"

He looked up at her with his mouth still on her mounds then slowly licked it and smirked.

That was so hot, Lyra screamed in her mind her heart was beating rapidly and it felt like it would burst out of her chest. Blake was also the same, looking at her enchanting blue eyes, flushed face, swollen lips with her golden blonde hair sprawling on the floor being completely bare for him to feast on, he was drooling and wanted to eat her up.

Then Blake removed his animal skin skirt and put his weight on her body and went to enter her. Lyra widened her eyes and tried to push him but he was very heavy. Seeing her struggling Blake said in his hoarse and sharp voice

"Be good Lilly, I can't control myself any longer"

Listening to his voice Lyra gulped, he sounded very dangerous now, and for a minute she was scared of him but she knew better that he would never hurt her, it was just that, she was not wet enough to take his length. She too just wanted to bury herself in him but knew it would hurt because it was her first time.

"You know that I'm not the female from here right?, If you directly put it in like this then I would be hurt"

Blake frowned "Then should we stop now"? he wanted her but if it would hurt her then he would never do it.

Lyra blushed and said "No need to stop, I must get wet first then we can proceed"

She took his hand and guided it towards her entrance and said "Look there is something wet coming from here and if it is sufficient we can mate"

Blake was surprised, there was indeed something wet and sticky on her entrance so he curiously bent his head and nuzzled his nose on her wet core to smell it, Lyra gasped because of that, and when she went to stop him he licked her slit as if tasting her

Lyra's mind went blank and she moaned loudly "Ah!"

Blake was baffled by her loud moan and looked up, her eyes were hazy and she was panting slightly and biting her lower lips. She looked so luscious and he wanted to see more of that look on her, so he went down again near her wet core and licked it again and a moan followed after that, he was thrilled now and started licking her slit putting his tongue into her core. He was also looking up to her from time to time and felt immensely satisfied to see her moan and wither because of him.

While he was enjoying his newfound discovery, Lyra was overwhelmed with pleasure and put her hands on his head and pushed him more towards her. He obliged and continued pleasuring her and with a final slick on her slit, she reached her climax, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

"Tha that was so good" she whispered hoarsely

Blake grinned and went to put his head between her legs, Lyra widened her eyes "What are you doing? I already reached my climax"

"But I like watching your reaction when I lick you there," he said and put his hand on her slit rubbing it. Lyra held his hands, this guy was going to be the death of her, he was doing this the first time but was already this good, touching and licking her however he wanted.

"You don't need to do that again. We can mate now" she said in a low buzzing voice like a mosquito, but he heard her

"Are you wet enough?"

"Don't ask shameful things and do as I say" she whispered angrily.

Blake thought for some time, he wanted to lick her again but he couldn't do anything that Lilly didn't want. So he spread her legs separating them and positioned his manhood on her core, then pushed it with one rough moment.

Lyra screamed and tears started to fall from the corner of her eyes, it hurt very badly she knew it would hurt but still she was not ready for the pain, and on top of it, Blake's shaft was very thick and long which was slightly cold inside her.

Blake stopped moving and looked at her face and paniked seeing her cry "Lilly, did I hurt you? I'm sorry"

Seeing his dejected face Lyra didn't have the heart to say that it hurt, she held his face in her palm and made him look at her, and said

"Blake, it is normal for me to hurt a little because it was the first time, don't worry just continue"

Blake was controlling himself with all his might. If he was a warm-blooded animal then he would sweat buckets. When he didn't move Lyra lifted her hips and started moving to encourage him. He groaned because of that and slowly started moving his cock to meet her clenching insides, Lyra's initial pain was replaced by immense pleasure and soft moans escaped her lips.

Blake likewise enjoyed it, her insides were tight and squeezing him, he enjoyed getting pleasured by her hands but this was another level, he felt intimate towards her and finally felt that she was his in all possible ways. His beast side soon took over and what started gently was becoming rough and demanding.

"Ah! Ah! Blake! it feels so good" She started screaming and moaning until her voice turned hoarse and after some time even her voice came in whispers.

Blake bent his head and kissed her lips as he continued ramming her walls, his Lilly felt so good, he could drown himself in this pleasure.

Lyra caressed his abs and felt his perfect body in her hands, then slowly moved her hands to his hair and kneaded it which was blacker than the night sky, and kissed his feral green eyes which promised more sinful nights for her.

Blake halted his movements and flipped her on her stomach and entered her from behind without mercy and fucked her. Lyra could only grasp the animal skin which was below her and enjoy his passionate lovemaking. In this position, he reached deeper. After some time he fastened his moment, then grunted loudly and filled her insides with his seeds.

Both laid enjoying the after-effects of their deed and soon Blake's cock twitched inside her. Lyra widened her eyes and looked at him, then without waiting for her to talk he continued pounding inside her. she was awake for three more rounds but after that, she couldn't take it anymore and fell unconscious.