
The next morning, Lyra woke up with Blake still hugging her. She tried to move but was completely trapped in his arms

"Blake, get up! I'm sticky all over"

Blake opened his green eyes slowly and kissed her cheeks "Just stay like this Lilly, I want to hold you for some more time"

"I'm famished, I want to eat something," she said pushing him away

Listening that she was hungry Blake immediately got up and paused when he saw his mating mark on the side of her neck going towards the back of her ear, It was a black snake tattoo with emerald eyes. It was covered with her hair so he was not able to see it earlier, he was a little disappointed that it didn't end up on her heart but it didn't matter as long as she loved him.

He stroked her neck "Lilly, I have become your mate, my mark is on the back of your ear"

Lyra touched it, she didn't feel any difference, she should see her reflection in the river.

"Is it?" she said touching it, then she looked up to his eyes "Do you like seeing your mark on me"?

Blake smirked and captured her lips in his

"Very, This the happiest moment in my life"

The gentle kiss turned passionate in no time, still kissing her lips, Blake groaned "Lilly can we do it again"?

"I still feel sore down there"

He pushed himself back and picked her up and headed to the bathroom. He started boiling water while still holding Lyra in his arms, she too was very tired and knew that she couldn't walk for the time being. Then he made her sit on the stone slab, brought a small pot of warm water, dipped an animal skin in, and started wiping her vagina.

she winced due to slight pain and discomfort, Blake stopped immediately and stared at her "Does it still hurt Lilly? I'm sorry I was not able to control myself yesterday"

Lyra chuckled seeing his look that looked like an abandoned puppy. Well he was anything but puppy yesterday 'cough cough'

"I'm fine now Blake, it is normal to experience a little discomfort the first time"

After her reassurance, he finally stopped sulking then lifted her, and together they entered the stone tub with hot water, Blake made her sit on his lap with her back facing his chest. Lyra leaned her head on his shoulders and relaxed her body. Then all of a sudden Blake started massaging her inner thighs and waist. she was very touched because of this, even though she said it was fine he still saw right through her.

Blake cooked meat soup and rice for breakfast and didn't let her go until she finished her food. After that day they had sex daily for almost a week, they almost did it everywhere in the house. Lyra most of the time would be naked hugging Blake, and he did not mind it a bit and even skipped hunting and stayed with her most of the time, cooking food that was previously preserved.





After a week, the mermaid tribe found the horse tribe. Renold knew from his spies that Lyra was last seen in a cave and a snake beastman was with her, so he followed that lead and found out that only the horse tribe was near the forest, then some beastmen also informed that a powerful snake beastman recently started living there with a female.

Today Blake went out to hunt and also to soak himself in the river. Being cold-blooded he loved to swim around the water but resisted because he was scared that Lyra would get sick if he touches her.

After Blake left the house, Lyra started weaving a grass basket to store fruits and vegetables, then she heard someone knocking on the door. She frowned because Blake would directly enter the house if he returned and it was only an hour ago that he left and then she thought maybe someone from the village visited her. She kept her half-done basket on the ground and got up to cover herself with a thick bearskin and scarf leaving only her pretty eyes on the view.

After opening the door she suddenly felt dizzy, the last image which she registered was a shadow catching her.

"Your majesty I used mermaids breathe and made the female unconscious, we should leave before that snake beastman returns, I heard that he is one of the powerful beastmen who crossed five stars"

Renold carried Lyra in his arms and informed "we will return to the wave city right now, some remain here and monitor the situation"

After their prince's command, some mermans hid in the shadow. Renold looked at the tiny warm figure in his arms and smiled, then left to wave city without knowing the trouble he had to face from now on.

Blake returned from hunting after some time and entered the house. He frowned because he could not sense Lyra's presence inside the house, he was also getting restless as time went on because he could smell some foreign odor on the entrance, he turned into his half-beast form and dashed inside the house and started calling Lyra.

"Lilly where are you? please come out if you are hiding" he quivered at the end

No answer, complete silence greeted him back. His Lilly! His mate! did she abandon him? why? they loved each other, even a couple of hours ago she kissed him and sent him.NO! his Lilly would never do that, there must be something else going on. He transformed into his beast form and slithered towards the horse tribe leader's house.

Seeing a Black snake beastman dashing towards their leader's house the beastmen in the village couldn't help but tremble. Blake reached the house and broke open it, he then turned his upper body into human form and glared at everyone in the house, and growled loudly "Where is my Lilly!"?

"I know you guys didn't want a snake beastman living in your village. Is that why you took my Lilly as a hostage"?!!!!

The horse tribe was not ferocious like carnivorous beasts and how could they even hold a female as a hostage who has such a powerful mate. The leader was just about to open his mouth to speak when Blake curled his tail around and started squeezing him. His eyes were bloodshot, he looked like a devil himself without any restraints. The only person who could calm him was not there with him now, he would destroy whoever took her from him.




Lucas and Noah also gradually reached the horse tribe but were stunned to see the dire situation of the village. Huts were toppled down, stone houses were destroyed, beastmen were running around frantically, some were protecting females. Amidst all this, they saw a black figure with green eyes destroying everything in its way.

Lucas was the first one to recover from his stupor, he understood that the one responsible for this chaos was the giant snake, then it clicked to him that Lyra was with a snake beastman in the cave, 'was it this beast?'

He caught a fleeing beastman and asked "What is happening here? why is that beastman attacking the village"

The beastman who was stopped steadied his breathing and answered, "His female was not found in the house when he returned from hunting. So he is attacking us thinking we kidnapped the female"

Lucas frowned "How does that female look like?"

The beastman thought about it and answered "I have only seen her from the distance, she had blonde hair and blue eyes and was very beautiful"

Lucas staggered in his steps and his eyes were filled with tears 'His Ly! it is her'

Noah also heard that but was now even more worried because the beastman informed them that she was missing.

While Blake was going to kill a beastman, the doctor of the horse tribe shouted at him

"Stop this! I know where your female is"

The three of them simultaneously turned towards the doctor.