Angry Blake

After hearing the doctor's words, three of them stared at him, Blake was the first to reach the doctor and held him by his neck

"Spit it out! Where is my Lilly" he said in a low threatening voice

The doctor struggled to break free from his hold and tried to talk but only mumbling was heard. Lucas grew restless seeing this 'This darned snake' he attacked Blake turning into his silver wolf form.

Blake was completely lost in his abyss and was not able to listen or think about anything. He never felt such sadness even when his parents died, even when he was left alone in this world, never felt this much pain even when he failed many times fighting when he was trying to get stronger. But having separated from his Lilly, his rationality was lost and he could only think about killing.

Lucas pounced in the middle of Blake and the doctor and broke them apart. Blake broke from his daze and hissed at Lucas and went to attack him, Lucas was not scared of his life but currently, his importance was to look for Lyra, so he turned into his human form and said

"Stop! If you keep on doing this we will never be able to find Lyra"

Blake stopped his movements and put the doctor on the ground.

He calmly questioned the doctor "Speak! where is my Lilly"?

The doctor was scared for his life and didn't dare dwell on the matter and called a horse beastman and answered "This beastman saw some mermaid tribe beastmen lurking around your house, we also caught some of them, you should question them"

Then some beastmen pushed the mermans on the ground and ordered "Speak what you know! Because of you guys, our tribe is in danger"

One of the mermen looked up and answered trembling "Our prince took the female of this snake beastman. We were just protecting her from him, there was news that the female went missing, and believed he kept her captive against her will"

Blake closed his eyes and calmed himself, as long as she was safe, then opened his eyes and asked in a sinister voice that sent chills down to others "Captive!? She is my Mate!!!"

"You dare assume everything on your own? Tell me where your tribe is or I will rip you apart"

The merman shuddered to his threat and blurted out "Our prince took her to wave city, the princes of silver wolf tribe and lion tribe know that place" he pointed at Lucas and Noah.

Blake turned towards them and raised his eyebrows "I never got to learn who you guys were, so you were princes?"

Lucas was still processing what he heard 'He said Ly was his mate!, Did she break her promise to me?, Did she forget me' thinking about it he felt his heart constrict, he knew that having her to himself was greedy, but now he just wanted to stay by her side that's it.

Seeing Lucas not responding Blake was getting impatient and asked "Tell me who you are!?, Why are you here"?

Noah was the one to answer "We are princes of wolf and lion tribe, We came in search of Lyra after she went missing in the stream"

Blake frowned "Your names?"

"I'm Noah and this is Lucas" he pointed at Lucas.

Blake's frown deepened 'How could he not remember that name? He didn't know the first guy's name but couldn't forget the second guy's name. His Lilly mentioned him saying she promised to return to that guy '

Now the most important thing was to find his Lilly, he could take care of everything later, he swept his eyes on them and said "Lead the way to wave city, I must bring my Lilly back"

Lucas finally broke from his stupor and turned into is the wolf form leading the way, Noah also followed him turning into his lion form, Blake slithered behind following them.






In an amusement park full of people little Lyra started running leaving her parent's hands and fell to the ground then started crying.

Her father who had brown hair and eyes came to her and picked her up from the ground and started consoling her "My princess it is fine now, your daddy is here. Don't cry, baby I will buy cotton candy for you"

Lyra sniffled her sobs and said with her big blue eyes "Really?, Mommy will allow me to eat sweets?

"Yes my princess I will request it from her"

Little Lyra clapped her hands "Yeh! I get to eat cotton candy"

Her mother, a beautiful woman with black hair and brown eyes came to them and checked Lyra's knees and frowned "Ly you shouldn't run around like that, see you got scratched"

Lyra sank back into her father's arms seeing her mommy angry, her father said "Let it go Sandara, don't scold her too much"

"You spoil her too much" her mother muttered

Her father chuckled "Don't be upset San, we came to enjoy ourselves here let us not spoil our good mood. Come" he held her arms and hugged her.

Three of them continued playing in the park, Lyra's eyes shone in happiness. This was one of the happiest moments that she spent with her parents.

Seeing that happy memory in her dream made Lyra shed tears, Renold who was watching her closely panicked seeing her tears. He was getting ready to call for someone when Lyra groaned and fluttered opened her eyes.

Renold froze in his spot looking at her aquamarine blue eyes, her face was still covered in a scarf but only her eyes were enough to capture his heart.

Lyra squinted her eyebrows and scanned her surroundings, her head was still feeling dizzy, and her body lacked the strength to sit up. She noticed someone sitting beside her, so she stretched her hands asking for help.

Renold saw the pretty hand which was stretched towards him and grasped it tightly and was surprised wondering how warm it was. Lyra on another hand narrowed her eyes, she gave her hands so that he would help her get up, but the person just held her hand in his, she sighed and propped her other elbow on the ground and got up. Seeing a handsome young man with light blonde hair and purple eyes observing her hands like that of an artifact made her uncomfortable, she cleared her throat to bring his attention to her

"Can you leave my hand?"

Renold whipped his head towards the sweet voice and stared at her, Lyra moved her eyes towards her hands hinting to let them go.

Renold followed her gaze and left her hand and nervously said "I'm sorry"

Lyra looked at the place she was currently in and questioned "Where am I?, How did I get to this place?"

Renold moved his purple eyes to her and answered "I was the one who brought you here, I heard that you were missing and a snake beastman held you captive"

"Captive? He is my mate, why would I be held captive?" She questioned back

Renold widened his eyes. 'The snake beastman was her mate? But commonly snake beastman don't get mates even if they do, it is by snatching females'

Seeing his dumbfounded expression Lyra removed the scarf from her face and showed the mating mark behind her ear "Look this is his mating mark. Why would you bring me here without even asking me?"

Renold was once again stunned not because of the mating mark but because of the female's face, she was so beautiful. His tribe's females were considered as most beautiful all around the beast world. But this female was a masterpiece, she was glowing, her mesmerizing eyes, sunlight like waist-length blonde hair, and pouty red lips were a sight to behold.

Sensing his unwavering gaze Lyra felt extremely uncomfortable, she stood up from the rock and started walking when she suddenly felt dizzy and blacked out.