
Renold was given a shock when Lyra was going to fall, instinctively he grabbed her in his arms and laid her on the bed. Mermaid breathe was barely effective in making females unconscious and didn't even work on males and also after waking up it would lose its effects, this is why he was confused that she fell unconscious for the second time so he called the tribe's doctor.

The doctor examined Lyra's pulse and smiled "It is nothing to be scared about, she is pregnant"

Renold stopped his pacing and froze 'Did I just kidnap a pregnant female?'

The doctor continued "She is still in her early pregnancy and she should move into the island where pregnant females reside, it is not optimal for her to stay inside the water bubble for too long"

Not getting any reply the doctor called him "Your majesty? Did you hear my words?"

Renold broke from his daze and turned towards the doctor and asked him to repeat, after listening to the doctor he also thought she should move to the island. Females were the same everywhere and were not able to remain in water bubbles for a long time, even his tribe's females also couldn't remain in the water during pregnancy, so their tribe occupied an island where females with their mates could live.

Lyra stirred in her sleep getting the attention of two mermans in the cave, the doctor merman helped her sit down and asked

"Female, How are you feeling? Do you sense any discomfort or dizziness?

Lyra held her temples and looked up and saw an old man with a worried expression, she answered "I'm okay now. What happened to me earlier? Why did I suddenly feel dizzy?"

The doctor smiled and rubbed her head "You are with a child in your stomach, Congratulations"

Hearing that Lyra went blank for a good minute. 'She was having a baby? Blake's baby? How excited will he feel?' Lyra smiled thinking about it and felt sad because Blake was not with her here. She never imagined getting pregnant at such a young age and was slightly scared because Blake's babies will be little snakes and she was very scared of snakes but heck with it! She already loved them, It does not matter even if they bite her, she would gladly let them. Oh, how cute they will be!!!

Seeing so many different expressions on Lyra's face in such a short time Renold chuckled 'She is so cute'

The doctor brought her attention back to him and informed "You must take care of yourself well female, eat a lot of meat, and if you are a herbivore eat fresh fruits and vegetables. You may get dizzy from time to time so try staying inside and if you feel any discomfort immediately ask someone to bring me to you"

Lyra listened to him attentively and nodded her head vigorously "Yes! I will take care of my babies well"

The doctor smiled and asked, "Who is the father of them?" then he noticed the snake mark on the female and said "Since you only have one mating mark, I assume that the ones inside you are snake beastmen"

Lyra nodded her head and asked, "Can you tell me the gestation duration of snakes"?

The doctor started "Snake beastmen have a gestation period of thirty to thirty-five days. Your stomach will expand every day"

'Thirty days? It was extremely convenient, If that was the case in the modern world women would get pregnant every month. That was a horrible idea to think, given overpopulation'

After informing everything the doctor left the cave. Once he left Lyra looked at Renold and said "Can you bring me back to the horse tribe? My mate must be worried by now and he is a little short-tempered with other people" she guessed what Blake would do if he didn't find her in the house. He was calm, caring, and docile only with her, she knew the glares he gave to others.

"No!" Renold rejected her right away.

Lyra frowned "Why!? Didn't you clear your doubts? He is my mate and I'm living with him willingly! I shouldn't even explain this to you," she said and got up to leave.

"This is a cave inside the ocean, once you step out you will die" Renold warned

She turned to him "Then bring me out! I must meet my mate!"

"I will bring you out but first you must come with me to meet my father" Renold answered

"Your father? What does getting me out of here have anything to do with him?" she questioned

Renold sighed "He is the king of our tribe and a female must seek his permission to get out of here"

Lyra thought about it 'well it is just a meeting, I should get this over with' "Okay bring me to him"

Renold's legs turned into a golden color fishtail like that of a merman, he then created a water bubble for Lyra and took her out of the cave

When Lyra went inside the water bubble she was not able to stand or move properly, the bubble was slightly pushed by Renold to move ahead, after coming out of the cave, she saw a clear ocean which reminded her of how she ended up in this world while swimming. Looking around she saw many different colored fishes, sea horses, beautiful corals, and after traveling for some time she was able to see stone structures decorated in corals.

"This is wave city where the biggest mermaid tribe resides" Renold answered seeing her curious looks

Lyra turned to him and asked, "What is your name?"

Renold grinned internally 'Is she interested in me, Is that why she is asking my name?'

He cleared his throat and answered "I'm Renold. what is your name?"

"I'm Lyra" she replied

"Lyra Lyra" he repeated her name liking how it sounded

"Which tribe do you belong to? You are not a mermaid. I didn't smell mermaid's fragrance on you" he questioned

Lyra was alarmed 'What should I answer him? I'm not from any tribe'

Seeing Lyra's pale face Renold explained "Don't worry, females whose parents are from two different species do not have a distinctive fragrance and only their fathers can sense them"

Lyra sighed "Yes my parents are different" well it was the truth.

"And I'm not from mermaid tribe" Lyra added

Renold didn't ask anymore and brought her to the stone castle to meet his father.

After entering the castle, Lyra observed that the castle under the ocean was not that different from land but it was a lot more colorful because of the pearls and corals. After passing through a series of hallways they reached a giant door with two mermen guarding it.

Renold waved his hand and the guards opened the door for them to enter. After entering the room Renold informed "Father I have brought the female we were talking about"

The mermaid king sat on his bed and looked at Renold, then turned towards Lyra and widened his eyes, she resembled someone he knew a long time ago nevertheless she was very beautiful indeed, 'No wonder those princes are interested in her'

"Welcome to wave city child, you are safe now. I heard you were captured"

Lyra frowned 'This again? Why do so many people say I was captured? Well in a sense it is the truth, Blake snatched me away when I was bathing'

Renold answered instead of Lyra "She was with that snake beastman willingly father and is also pregnant with his children"

The King was shocked but nodded his head in understanding.

Lyra was missing Blake and these people were asking the same questions, again and again, she grew irritated and asked "Now that you know that he is my spouse please send me back to the shore, he will be worried"

The King turned to his son, He knew that Renold wanted to become her spouse but noticing his son's silence he didn't talk anything.

At that moment a merman came into the room running and panting "Your majesty! we have been attacked!!!!"