Witch Master

The witch master narrowed his eyes to get a better look at what he was seeing. After looking more clearly, he froze in his steps, he couldn't believe his eyes, and tears formed in his eyes blurring his vision.

Lyra was dumbfounded seeing this, She for sure knew that the old man cried after looking at her, and she somehow felt a tug in her heart seeing that. That surprised her even more, she never saw that man but somewhere in the corner of her heart, felt a familiarity with him.

Renold stopped in his track after the witch master stood rooted to his spot not moving. He was confused and called him "Master, Why did you stop walking?"

The man came out of his daze and cleared his throat "Nothing! Let us begin the ritual"

After reaching the plaza, pregnant females went and took blessings from the witch master.

Lyra was also waiting for her turn in the line feeling a little uncomfortable. It was because the old man's gaze never left her and followed her every movement.

When it was her turn, she went climbing the stairs but someone's legs tripped her causing her to fall, Blake shouted from behind but was late in reaching her. She closed her eyes and waited to feel the impact but landed on someone's arms. Not feeling any pain Lyra opened her eyes and saw the same old man holding her preventing her from the fall. The man's eyes were filled with anxiousness and warmth which she didn't miss noticing.

Gregory kept on following her actions from the plaza. The more he looked at her the more resembling she was, She had the same blonde hair and her features were also the same. The way she walked, laughed, and talked, everything was the same. His cold heart filled with warmth and he was sure of her identity. Then suddenly she tripped on someone's leg and fell forward, he couldn't grasp but the next moment his body moved to save her.

He broke the silence and talked "Be careful of your surroundings child. You are pregnant and should take care of yourself more"

He then turned towards Erica and narrowed his eyes "Don't think that I would let you off just because you are a female, If this repeats, get ready to leave the tribe"

Erica was flustered, she thought no one saw what she executed, so she silently left the stairs and went to her mates.

"Are you okay child?" the master asked Lyra

Before she could answer someone, pulled her away and hugged her "Are you okay Lilly? How did you even trip" Blake nervously asked

Lyra looked at him and smiled "I'm fine, I think I stepped on something, Thankfully the witch master saved me from falling"

Blake glanced at the old man and nodded his head thanking him and picked up Lyra and went down the stairs. Lucas also rushed towards them and hugged Lyra.

Lyra giggled and patted his back "I'm okay you worrywart"

Gregory looked at their interaction and smiled, 'She is well loved' he thought inwardly and went to Renold and informed "Take me to your father, I have something important to discuss with him"

Renold was surprised because of this sudden request. The witch master isolated himself and only came out once a year, he knew his father was a friend of him but never saw their interaction. He obliged and escorted the witch master to his father.





Inside the palace in the ocean mermaid king and queen were chatting with each other when their son announced his presence. Both were shocked to see the witch master with him, the king stepped forward and questioned "I was not expecting you here Gregory, Come and have a seat"

The witch master sat on the stone chair and replied "I came to inform something important to you and the queen"

Renold took note and left the chamber. After he left the king asked "How have you been? You should come out sometimes and meet us, No matter what, past cannot be changed, we should move on with our lives"

Gregory smiled bitterly "You will not understand my misery, my king, I lost my mate right in front of my eyes. I was not able to do anything to keep her safe. I failed"

"Don't blame yourself, Gregory, It was never yours or anyone's fault, Iria made her own choice" the king said

Hearing her friend's name the mermaid queen burst into tears and said "Iria was forced to do that because of that evil beastman. She wanted a happy life but those bastards snatched it away from her"

Gregory closed his eyes calming his raging anger and said "I have good news. I saw Iria's daughter in our tribe"

Both the king and queen were beyond shocked to hear that, the queen got up from her seat and asked with pleading eyes "Iria's daughter? Is that child alive?"

Gregory nodded his head "I also couldn't believe it at first, but after touching her my divine power confirmed it. She looks so much like Iria, same blonde hair, and even has that damn bird's blue eyes"

Something flashed inside the king's mind "Blonde hair and blue eyes? The one who has a snake beastman as her mate?" he asked for confirmation

After getting a nod from Gregory the king sighed "I should have known better, She really resembled him, Same blue eyes" he mused

Then continued "We should find and inform him, he will be very happy to learn about his daughter"

Gregory tsked "Do you think that I didn't try finding him? That bird is hell-bent on avoiding us. By now I think he has turned into a fossil buried somewhere"

The King chuckled "You know his personality Gregory, he has a nasty temper but is soft in his heart. The second he learns that his daughter is alive, he will come running here"

Gregory nodded his head "That is true. But don't you go around publishing this everywhere, we should keep it a secret for now"

"Then how do you expect me to find him?" the king asked in disbelief

"She is safe for now. Her mates are strong, and one of them is an immortal beastmen, the enemies can't touch her so easily" Gregory replied

The King agreed, indeed that snake beastman was powerful. He could single-handily destroy his entire tribe. He was thankful, at least now the tragedy would be not repeated.

The mermaid queen sprang from her seat gleaming and chirped "I'm going to see that child now! I want to take care of her, I must keep my promise to Iria"

Both men saw the queen jumping and going out, then Gregory sighed and said "She has not changed a bit"

The King smiled "Let her be. She missed Iria every day, After a long time she is smiling so brightly"

Then the king turned to his friend and inquired "What are your plans now? Will you return to your cave?"

Gregory shook his head and smiled faintly "I will stay here and take care of my daughter. she is pregnant and I will be a grandfather soon"

The King chuckled "Good for you"

Then something flashed in his mind "If she is Iria's daughter then her conception rate must be high, My friend, help my son to become her mate. I promise that the whole mermaid tribe will protect her in the future"

Gregory growled at him "You blabbermouth! Don't go around saying that aloud and No!, I will not let your son become her mate. She is too good for him"

The king rolled his eyes but suppressed his irritation and spoke "My friend, You also know the situation about our tribe, it will be only few years and our tribe will perish. Please do me this favor"

Gregory looked at him in disbelief "You want to use my daughter because of that?"

The king sighed "It is not like that, Two princes of the most powerful land tribes are in love with her. If she mates with my son, then the three tribe will get united and can stop the enemies from reaching sapphire of wish. Think about it"

Gregory went into deep thought and replied "I will talk to her mates about this. I can't explain this to her for now but I can warn her mates beforehand"

After that both of them continued talking about their past and felt nostalgic.