Complicated emotions

After the ceremony, three of them were walking towards their house with Lyra still lying in Blake's arms. When they came near their house they spotted a middle-aged female with blue hair and silver eyes standing near their door.

Sensing their arrival the woman beamed and went near them "I have been waiting for you, my child. I'm Olivia the queen of the mermaid tribe"

Lyra got down from Blake's arms and greeted her "Hello my queen, I'm Lyra"

Olivia waved her hand "No need for formalities, You can just call my name"

Lyra smiled and nodded, then Olivia touched Lyra's face and smiled bitterly "You look so much like my old friend"

Lyra remembered Bella mentioning this and remained silent, Seeing the sad smile of Olivia, She knew something must have happened to her friend.

"Lyra I want to talk to you alone, Let's do some women's talk. Can I?" Olivia asked with a pleading tone

Lyra nodded her head and turned towards her mates "You go inside and wait for me, I'll just go for a walk with Olivia"

Both of them narrowed their eyes, It was clear in their gaze that they didn't like being away from her but since Lyra didn't have many female friends to talk to, they held back their objection and went inside the house.

Once they left, Olivia held Lyra's hand and started walking towards the stream. The stream was a beautiful place with lush green surrounding, the water reflected the beautiful moon. Both stayed looking at the scenery until Olivia broke the silence "This is one of the most favorite places my friend used to like. She met her first mate here and always returned with him once a year to spend their time together"

Lyra glance at her "You must have liked your friend a lot, You keep mentioning her"

Olivia smiled "How could I not like her? She was one of a kind. Always cheerful, optimistic sometimes too kind that brought her many misfortunes"

Lyra chuckled "She seems like a kind person"

"She was very different from females from this world" Olivia paused and added "Maybe it was because she was not from this world just like you"

Lyra froze in her spot, her breathing irregular with cold sweat on her back. 'Another world? Like me? Was I not the first one to come to this world?' Many thoughts were running inside her mind and she couldn't voice any of them. Should she feel glad that it was not only her that was different? or Should she get scared because that other person faced hardships in this world? What is more, listening to Olivia she knew that another person was dead. She lowered her head and fidgeted her fingers and didn't dare to talk anything.

Olivia sensed her fear and explained "No need to be afraid of me child, I mean no harm to you. I informed you of this to make you feel at ease, Don't think that you are alone in this world. Be rest assured your secret is safe with me"

Lyra looked at her with tears in her eyes looking like a pitiful puppy. Olivia sighed and hugged her "Don't be scared child, You were destined to come to this world. Cherish the people you meet here and always remember to put yourself first before others"

"No matter what, keep yourself safe. Because if something happens to you then your mates will destroy the entire beast world. When my friend perished, her mates went crazy annihilating everything on their way. We stopped that with so much difficulty, and I don't want the history to repeat" that's it, she couldn't reveal all of the truth to her but this much warning was necessary

Lyra didn't fully understand how that was related to her but didn't voice it out. She knew Blake and Lucas loved her, but going crazy for her? She was not sure. 'But she failed to guess how devoted males were in the beast world for love'





Back on the island Blake and Lucas were anxiously waiting for Lyra. Lucas was cooking food and constantly looked at the door, While Blake sat near the door. After some time there was a door knock and Lucas ran out calling Lyra "Ly! welcome back" and stopped right in his track when he noticed someone else at the door.

Blake narrowed his eyes after seeing the witch master on their door. Gregory casually entered the house and started asessing the house. Blake would kill if someone else entered his territory without his permission, but because this man saved his Lilly from falling, he held his irritation and said in a monotone voice "What are you doing here witch master?"

Lucas was also displeased as this man came instead of his Ly and grumbled "Did you mistake someone else's place as yours?"

Gregory smirked at them "Aren't you guys too impatient? I just thought of visiting your female"

'Sssss' Blake flicked his tongue in a threatening way "Just state your business and get lost, How dare you say that you came here for my female?"

Gregory grinned wildly "I like how protective you are of her, I'm very satisfied"

The next moment Blake turned into his half-beast form and coiled his tail around Gregory and squeezed him "Talk nonsense and you will end up in my stomach"

Although Gregory was a five-star beastman he was overwhelmed with Blake's power and started struggling to break free. Lucas butted in and spoke "Just say your reason for visiting, he has a nasty temper"

Then turned towards Blake "Let him go snake! Do you wish to bring Lyra out of this tribe during her pregnancy?"

Blake relaxed his hold hearing that, It would indeed be a problem if that happened. Gregory coughed and glared at Blake "Let me at least complete talking you damn snake"

Then he got up on his feet and started talking, these fellows were very violent and could kill if he didn't speak now, "I came to talk about your mate's safety. I know that she is not from this world"

Lucas and Blake immediately went into guard and stared at him warily ready to kill him. Gregory sighed and said "Don't put your guard against me! I mean no harm to your mate"

"By the way, my mate was also from a different world" he added

Both Blake and Lucas were shocked to hear that. They loved her so much and didn't care about her origin but now both were afraid to know it was not the first time that someone from another world came here and couldn't stop but think if it happened again, then what if Lyra decide to leave them?

Lucas was the first one to speak up "What happened to your mate? I can sense that you are a stray beast. Di-did she abandon you and return to her world?" he stuttered feeling anxious

Gregory looked at them and understood their worries. It was something that also worried him in the past and explained "She didn't abandon me but died saving her daughter"

Blake sighed the air which he held. He almost went crazy thinking his Lilly would leave him but Gregory killed their hope and said "But it is possible to open the door to another world"

Blake went to attack him again but was held by Lucas. Lucas glared at Gregory "Speak everything at once! or I will make a fish soup of you"

Gregory raised his hand "I'll explain! Just let me speak you nasty beasts"

"Lyra is my mate's daughter, Her father is an eagle beastman, She was sent to that world to keep her safe, My mate exchanged her life to bring back Lyra using 'Sapphire of wish' because she was a stillborn baby and sent her to that world"

"Her father was devasted to lose both his mate and daughter and went on a killing freak, sadly I also joined him because I wanted to forget the pain of losing my mate. But the wolf king, lion king, and the mermaid king stopped us informing that Lyra was in another world and not dead. Then her father left and isolated himself waiting for her and I became the witch doctor to predict her arrival"

Blake and Lucas went blank for a minute. They were not able to process their mind after hearing everything.

Blake came out of his daze and questioned "You said Lyra has a threat and her mother sent her to keep her safe. Who is a threat to her?"

Gregory's soft eyes turned sharp hearing that "There are some bastards who want to snatch 'sapphire of wish' even now. They will target Lyra for obtaining it"

Lucas was confused "How does snatching 'Sapphire of wish' even relate to Ly?"

Gregory held a complicated expression on his face and replied "Only my mate and Lyra can wish something from 'Sapphire of wish' "