
"Only my mate and Lyra can make a wish from 'sapphire of wish' "

Both of them widened their eyes hearing that and were not able to speak anything. Seeing their silence Gregory cleared his throat bringing their attention back.

"Sapphire of wish is a treasure passed down in eagle tribe, Lyra's father Theodore, being the king then had it with him but no one knew how to use it" he paused and added "That is until Iria came to this world. The witch master of the eagle tribe noticed 'sapphire of wish' reacting in the presence of Iria and concluded that only she could make a wish from it and announced it to the whole world like a dim wit"

He continued "Even though Theo and I were mad, We didn't pry too much because we were confident in protecting her, that is the biggest mistake we ever did"

Lucas suddenly asked with an anxious tone "What mistake? Isn't it good that Ly and her mother are special?"

Gregory chuckled sadly "Don't you still understand what I'm talking about? The one who makes a wish has to exchange their life for that" he gritted his teeth "That is how my mate died! Trying to save Lyra"

Lucas's face fell hearing everything, his voice quivered "Does that mean...Even Ly? No! That can't be! Where is that 'sapphire of wish'? I will destroy it!" he bellowed at the end

Blake who was silent all this time spoke in a deep sinister voice "When did you find about exchanging life for a wish? Was it after her death?"

Gregory shook his head and answered "The same witch master who announced Iria's ability dreamt about it. He saw about the exchange to be made for wish and informed Theo, but I learned that after her death"

"Theo was very paranoid and didn't reveal the truth to others and tightened the security around her. I was suspicious at the beginning but didn't voice it out, moreover, She was then pregnant with Lyra and I think he didn't want to worry her or me, then took the sapphire with him and hid it somewhere"

Blake narrowed his eyes "Then how did your mate find it to save Lyra?"

Gregory sat on the ground and sighed "When Iria was due to give birth, we were attacked and had to flee the scene. Iria injured herself while running and was in great pain, the witch master said that 'sapphire of wish' can reduce her pain if it is near her, So Theo had no choice but to hand it to Iria" He closed his eyes "But because the child was stillborn, Iria made a wish to bring her back to life even though the witch master warned her about the condition to make a wish, after that she pleaded the witch master to send the child somewhere safe. The witch master who was loyal to us used his divine power together with 'sapphire of wish' and opened the portal to another world. He died after informing this to the doctor beastman who was present with them"

Blake closed his eyes calming his raging nerves and asked "Where is that damn thing?"

Gregory looked at him confused "It must be with Lyra, I was informed that Iria put that on that child's neck"

Blake furrowed his eyebrow but was startled by Lucas's loud voice "I know where is it! Ly had that when she first came to this world, I have kept that in my house in the wolf tribe"

Blake was surprised "You have that? Then it is settled, I will crush it with my very own hands"

Gregory squinted his eyes "Do you think Theo wouldn't have tried it? It cannot be destroyed but we can certainly hide it, We must hide it from those bastards".

Lucas looked at him "Bastards?"

Gregor said in an angry tone "The ones who want to take it. The ones who attacked us in the past to get hold of both sapphire and Iria to make their sick intentions come true"

Blake's eyes turned into slits 'Ssss' "Who are they?"

"The Fox king and his allies. I don't know everyone that is working with him but there are many powerful beastmen supporting him behind the scenes" he replied

Lucas raised his eyebrow "No wonder my father kept his distance from that Fox"

Gregory turned to Lucas "Your father is a very good friend of mine. He also stopped us when we went on killing streak"

Lucas snickered "Why did my father even stop you guys? It would be better to kill them off"

Gregory smirked "Theo indeed killed the fox king's father who was a king then. But his son is hell-bent on following his father's steps"

Blake casually added "Then I will kill his son"

"Stay calm, we don't know all of our enemies. Even if we eliminate the fox king, his underlings and partners can cause trouble. We should corner all of them and kill them at once. Theo and I would have died a long back when our mate died, but we held the agony to save our child who we knew would return to us" Gregory said with tears in his eyes

Blake turned to him and questioned "Even though you were pushed to edge due to them, the main cause of your mate's death is my Lilly" he suddenly smiled eerily and continued "If I find out you or Lilly's father having an ulterior motive, then I will remove each of your limbs and rip your head off"

Gregory smiled faintly at him "I like your protectiveness towards Lyra, always maintain that attitude"

And added "Do you think we would hurt the child who our mate saved with her own life? The moment we get to know that child is safe, we will end our own lives" tears trickled down his face "You can't understand how empty and hollow it is to lose one's mate and I sincerely hope you never go through that. She is waiting for us in the afterlife, we must complete our responsibility and go to her"

Blake relaxed a little after hearing that. His head was already muddled with all the information he heard today and wanted to just finish off the ones who were a threat to his Lilly, but finding all the hidden enemies was also necessary, So he calmed himself down. He was also thankful for Lilly's mother, that woman who sacrificed herself for his Lilly. He couldn't even imagine a life without her now.

On another side, Lucas was also having the same thoughts. He swore to use his tribe's power if necessary to end all the threats to his Ly. She was the future queen of the silver wolf tribe, he would make sure to squash anyone on her way. He made a note to quickly improve his level and become stronger.

While all men in the house were thinking of Lyra. She entered the house with Olivia beside her and noticed the strange atmosphere, then spoke breaking the silence "I'm back"

All men came out of their daze and turned to her. Lucas grinned and went to hug her but was beaten by Blake in a step.

Blake moved faster than Lucas and hugged her inhaling her scent "I missed you, Lilly, why were you so late in coming back?"

Lyra rubbed her face on his chest "I'm sorry, I should have come back faster"

Lucas felt jealous seeing their interaction and sat on the ground. Gregory on another hand was dumbfounded seeing Blake's docile behavior 'Is he the same one who threatened him a while ago?'

Olivia smiled seeing them and turned to Gregory "Are you going to stay here with these young lovebirds and disturb them?" she said sarcastically

Lyra broke the hug hearing Olivia's voice and noticed Gregory in the house and glanced at Blake inquiring him.

Gregory glared at Olivia and said "No, I will not stay here and also not go to the ocean"

Olivia raised her eyebrows "Then where are you going to stay?"

Gregory smirked "There is a Lion beastman who is staying in the nearest cave" he turned towards Lyra and smiled "He keeps on following Lyra everywhere without her knowledge. I will stay with him"

Lyra widened her eyes "Following me? Who is that?"

"What a heartless female you are!" he sighed dramatically "To not even know one of your admirers"

She was confused 'My admirer?'. Seeing her confused face Lucas answered "It is Noah, he was searching for you with me"

She was surprised "Noah is here? Why didn't you say anything about it to me?"

"Why should I? He is my love rival, I purposely didn't say it to you" he said raising his chin

Lyra rolled her eyes "Shouldn't I thank him for searching for me?"

"No need" he quickly said

Lyra chuckled helplessly, then turned towards Gregory "What is witch master doing in our house?"

Gregory waved his hand and got up to leave "Nothing! I just came here to make sure you were fine after that accident near the plaza, I will take my leave now"

Olivia and Gregory left after bidding farewell. Lyra furrowed her eyebrows, she felt that was not the reason for his visit but her thoughts halted when Lucas pulled her to have dinner.