
Lyra walked with Lucas and sat on the ground waiting for food. She felt good to have a man who could cook for her. Blake cooked steamed vegetables and meat soup. He remembered her eating vegetables and fruits in the wolf tribe and also knew she would fall ill without them. So he diligently prepared either fruits or vegetables every day for her. She felt sweet inside seeing his efforts, then went towards him and kissed his cheeks. Lucas was stunned by that sudden kiss and turned stiffly towards her.

Lyra took the bowl and ate as though she didn't know anything. Before Lucas could say something, Blake entered the room and lifted Lyra, making her sit on his lap hugging her.

Lyra swallowed the food and questioned, "Say, why did the witch master come to our house?"

Both of them went stiff and darted their eyes to come up with a plausible lie. It was not yet time to reveal the truth to her, she was slowly getting used to this world but was still constantly missing her parents from another world. If she learns that the ones who took care of her for so many years were not her real parents then she would be shocked and even more if she learns about her real mother's death. So they decided to solve the problems first and then reveal them to her.

Lucas's eyes litted up, he excitedly said "The witch master had no place to stay, so he came to request us to let him in our house for a night"

"Then why did he leave?" Lyra questioned back still in doubt

Lucas furrowed his eyebrows "It's because we rejected his request"

She tilted her head, still not believing his words, but didn't pry too much and left the topic. It was obvious that they were trying to hide something from her and she didn't want to force them to answer.

Lyra finished eating and went to sleep. Maybe because she was pregnant, she used to feel more sleepy and tired but other than that there were no other problems.

The next morning, two males were tanning some animal skin for Lyra to use during pregnancy. Her stomach also had a baby bump which was obvious at a glance, She was surprised because it had only been a few days in her pregnancy, but Blake explained that it was normal for a snake beastmen.

Soon half a month passed and Lyra's stomach was very big that she could not even see her legs and either Blake or Lucas helped her in sitting and standing. Lyra was very touched seeing them taking care of her, they never complained to bring her to the sandpit many times a day and always monitored her food. Both alternatively went hunting to find good prey for her. She was a little scared when she learned of her pregnancy but both males always made her feel safe and loved.

Lyra supported herself and went out of the door and saw Blake planting vegetables on her instructions. She went to him and bent a little to kiss his cheeks "I'm going to take a walk near the stream"

Blake went to get up but she held his shoulders "You stay here and complete the work, It is only ten steps from here, I'll be fine alone"

He held her hand and frowned "I can do this later, You can't walk properly, at least take Lucas with you"

She shook her head "He is making clothes for me, I'll be fine. Bella is also taking a walk there"

Blake sighed and pinched her nose "Stubborn girl"

She just giggled and walked near the stream, then heard Blake's voice from behind "Be careful Lilly!"

She turned and smiled at him and walked forward. After reaching the place she spotted Bella walking with one of her mates and went to her. Bella smiled sweetly and went to Lyra "You are finally out of the house? I wanted to come and meet you but my pregnancy is very difficult this time"

Lyra replied "It's fine, I also have difficulty in moving, my mates always help me to stand or sit"

Bella nodded her head "When is your due date"?

Lyra thought about it and answered "I heard that snake eggs are born in thirty to thirty-five days. It has already been fifteen days for me"

"It is the same for us mermaids, I'm due in three to four days from now," Bella said

Lyra was shocked "Then shouldn't you rest inside your house?"

"I'm getting bored by always staying inside, So I came to wal.....Ah!" before speaking more, she held her stomach and cried out.

Bella's mate came running towards them and picked Bella up and turned towards Lyra "I think she has gone into labor, I will take her back. You should also return"

Lyra nodded her head and urged him "Go fast! She is in so much pain"

The male ran away holding crying Bella in his arms towards their house. Lyra also started leaving but she spotted someone sitting on the boulder near the shores, after looking carefully she saw that it was Noah. She pondered if she should go there or not, he was also searching for her when she went missing and she didn't even thank him. At last, she walked towards the boulders and cleared her throat 'cough cough'

Noah turned towards the sound and flinched in surprise, he was not expecting to see her. For the past few days, he waited near her house to catch a glimpse of her, but she didn't come out, and to suddenly see her coming in front of him, he smiled "What are you doing here baby dove?"

Lyra held her hand out asking for his support. He didn't understand at first but soon reached out his hand and helped her to sit down and was surprised by how soft and small her hands felt in his, they fit his hand perfectly and he did not want to let it go. Lyra looked at their intertwined hands and pulled her hand a little, Noah understood her and reluctantly let it go.

They both sat silently for some time looking at the water before Lyra spoke "I heard that you were also searching for me?"

Noah glanced at her pretty face and felt his heart beating furiously as though it would come out of his chest "Hmmm, I learned about you going missing and searched for you"

She glanced at him and met his clear brown eyes and smiled faintly "I thank you for your efforts, we were not even acquainted with each other but you still searched for me"

Noah felt his heart-tugging hearing her, not even acquainted? He almost went crazy when he learned about her and searched day and night in the forest. Even after finding her, he couldn't talk to her and only followed her in distance. He wanted to approach her but because Lucas became her mate, he couldn't do it. Lucas considered him as an enemy, as much as they were friends in past after his brother's death he hated him and would never permit to woo Lyra.

Then his inner voice spoke to him. He was not at fault for his brother's death, why should he give up on his beloved dove for the mistake he didn't even commit? No!, this was his chance, she came to meet him by herself. Let him be selfish for once.

He turned towards Lyra and said in a serious voice "I love you baby dove. I have liked you ever since we met on that day at the banquet. I want to get to know you better, spend time with you, wake up with you every morning, and protect you"

Lyra was flustered hearing his serious confession out of nowhere, She just wanted to thank him but the last thing she expected from him was a love confession. She should have known better, males in the beast world were very straightforward, If they liked a female, then they would just charge ahead like a bull. Having two mates was already worrisome, Blake would occasionally get insecure and ask for her to say that she loved him, Lucas on another hand was jealous whenever she spent time with Blake. If she goes on taking mates because she felt bad for them then she would die of stress, it was better to not give him any hope.

She sighed "Noah, I know that you are a formidable male, and I appreciate your efforts in finding me, but I don't have any feelings towards you and can't accept you as my mate"

Noah felt his throat burning to hear those words, he held his tears back and said "I don't care even if you don't accept me as your mate but let me just stay by your side, I will not ask for your affection and never force you to accept me, but let me protect you by your side"

Lyra was dumbfounded listening to his words, Why was he so stubborn? "Why would you want to waste your life like that? You can stay with the female who loves you"

"But I love you" came his quick answer

She grunted "I have explained everything as much as possible but I can't change someone's mind. Your life is your wish," she said and left

Noah stood there and held his chest and buried his nails in it, crimson blood trickled down on his tanned body. He felt the tears he held, on his face and slumped on the ground.

Lyra hastily walked towards her house holding her stomach still thinking about what happened there, then halted hearing someone's voice "You are quite harsh aren't you? You could have at least tried to get to know more about him"