Giving birth

Amidst all this scheming going around her, Lyra was spending her time happily with her mates. Soon another half a month passed and in the middle of the night, Lyra started whimpering "Ugh!"

Lucas who was beside her sensed her moving and got up "What's wrong Ly?"

"My stomach hu-hurts, Ah!" she screamed causing Blake to wake up who was sleeping in another corner of the room.

'Sssss' Blake opened his emerald green eyes and reached to Lyra "Lilly? What happened?" he threw a glance at Lucas "Go and start the fire"

Lucas got up and hurried out of the room and brought flint and started the fire. He asked worriedly "Is Ly going into labor?"

Blake nodded his head and removed Lyra's skirt and covered her with an animal skin blanket.

After they finished talking Lyra screamed making both of them anxious "Ah! it hurts so much"

"Lilly..." Blake hugged her

Lucas got up on his legs "I'll go and bring the doctor"

Lyra held his hand stopping him "The doctor can't help with anything. Can you call Bella instead?" she was more scared than in pain because it was her first time giving birth, she needed someone who could understand her.

Lucas nodded his head and ran out of the house and brought Bella inside the room with her mate standing outside.

Bella rushed towards Lyra and held her hand "Is it very severe"

Lyra nodded her head with tears in her eyes. Blake's heart ached for her "I'm sorry Lilly, this is my fault"

Lyra held his hand assuring him and calming her breathing pushed causing an agonizing scream escaping from her "I never knew that giving birth would be this painful Ah! Ah!"

Her lower body felt like it was being pierced by some sharp object. Bella looked at Lucas "Boil some water, we need it after the labor"

Lucas dashed out of the room and started boiling water, casting a worried look at the bedroom.

After some more time, She steeled her heart and exerted more force, and felt something sliding out of her body. She didn't even get to relax and felt more jolting pain in her stomach


Bella lifted the blanket and exclaimed "You are doing good Lyra, one egg is already out"

Blake took a look at the egg and placed it on his nest.

After giving birth to one egg, the next ones were relatively easy and she gave birth to eight eggs and passed out in Blake's arms.

Blake kissed her face and wiped her sweat "You did good Lilly, thank you so much"

Bella smiled at them and informed Lucas "Wipe her body with warm water and don't allow her to touch or drink cold water for a few days. It may be painful for her to walk, so she should stay in bed to regain her strength. Make sure to give her something that she could easily digest. I'll go now, take care of her"

Both males listened to her attentively making note of everything. After Bella left, Lucas diligently cleaned Lyra's body and covered her with the blanket. Blake on another hand wiped the eggs and placed them on his nest and wore a gloomy face.

Lucas noticed it and couldn't help but ask "Aren't you happy that your offspring are born?"

Blake sighed in frustration "It is not about that. I need to incubate them for forty days from now in the snake valley, I'm not comfortable leaving Lilly behind"

Lucas smirked inwardly, he could get all of Ly's attention on him now. Maintaining a cold face he replied "What is there to worry about? I will be here to take care of her"

Blake glared at him, he knew exactly what that wolf was thinking "It will not be easy to both take care and guard her, that is the only reason why I allowed you to become Lilly's mate"

Lucas gritted his teeth "Well, we can't do anything now"

Blake glance at him "We can, I have already allowed the Lion beastman who was with you to guard Lilly"

Lucas snarled at him "How dare you! Why did you allow him near Ly? he has feelings for her snake!"

"I know, but he is the best candidate that I can think about. Now that we know Lyra's truth how can we expose her to more dangers? that lion likes her and wouldn't think about harming her" Blake defended himself

Lucas snickered "Best in guarding? Do you even know how he abandoned my elder brother in danger?"

Blake narrowed his eyes "I don't care about you or your brother even a bit. The only thing I care about is my Lilly, and that lion promised me that he would not do anything to woo Lilly and only guard her. It works to my advantage and I'm not seeking your permission but informing you about his presence from now on"

Lucas frowned "I'm her mate too! and I will not allow him anywhere near my house or Ly"

Blake turned into his beast form and curled his tail around Lucas dragging him out of the house. Lucas struggled to break free and finally turned into a silver wolf and jumped out of his grip and attacked him. Both started fighting each other viciously and soon the ground was filled with Lucas's blood.

Lucas coughed a mouthful of blood after being swept away by Blake's tail. He staggered and stood up snarling at Blake. Blake cast him a cold glance and said "Stop fighting now! you are just a three-star beastman. I do not wish to make Lilly sad by killing you"

He turned back from his beast form and continued "Whatever I'm doing, it is for Lilly's sake. That lion beastman is not just any other beastman but a prince, he can command his men in his father's absence, and this will help us in defeating the fox king. Lilly has no feelings for him, we are just allowing him as a guard. Put your past reasons aside and think rationally" he finished and went inside the house

Lucas stayed in his beast form to heal faster and howled loudly looking at the moon.