
The next morning, Lyra groggily opened her eyes and was greeted with Blake's handsome sleeping face. She reached her hand to his face and caressed it. Blake furrowed his eyebrows and slowly opened his eyes.

He got up and helped Lyra to sit comfortably "Are you okay now Lilly? Do you feel any discomfort?"

Lyra shook her head "I'm fine now, quickly bring me the babies, I want to see them"

Blake chuckled and left her side, then brought eight pristine white eggs in a grass basket. Lyra fell into daze for a moment after seeing the eggs, she couldn't believe they came out of her body. For some reason, she felt emotional and touched them. Her eyes were filled with tears.

Blake hugged her "You did good Lilly, My Lilly is the best"

She laughed with still tears in her eyes, making her look pitiful "When will they come out of the egg?"

He stiffened hearing her and lowered his head "I must incubate them for forty days from today"

She looked at him "Is it? Then hurry and incubate them. What if they get hurt if they are exposed for too long?"

Blake wore a gloomy face and shook his head "I can't incubate them here. I must travel to snake valley for that, only that place is ideal for the snake eggs"

Lyra thought about it but soon nodded her head "Alright, Let's get going. Is it too far away?"

"Lilly, Don't tell me that you are planning to come with me?"

She arched her brows "Of course, I will be coming with you"

Blake sighed "You can't come with me there Lilly, you still need to recover after giving birth"

Lyra shook her head "Didn't I say that I'm fine? I'm coming with you, where is Lucas? I should ask him to pack our belongings"

He cupped her face and made her face him "The climate in snake valley can kill any other beastmen and females other than snake beastmen"

Then he said in a serious voice "Why don't I try to incubate our eggs here? I don't want to leave you too"

Lyra widened her eyes and pushed his hands away "What do you mean by try? Do you wish to experiment using our babies?"

Blake nodded his head "No other snake beastmen have tried incubating in normal conditions, why don't we give it a try?"

She glared at him "Do you want to kill my babies? Get lost! You must leave for snake valley today. where is that Lucas by the way?"

As soon as she finished speaking a wounded silver wolf staggered and entered the room. It reached Lyra and started rubbing its head against her face.

Lyra rubbed his head "What happened to you? why are you injured?"

The wolf turned towards Blake and snarled at him, Lyra followed his gaze and questioned Blake "Did you do this to him?"

Blake nodded coolly "Yeah, he was acting out of line with me, and I just taught him a lesson"

She sighed "Why would you do that? Look, his face is covered with bruises"

Blake cast a cold glance at the whimpering wolf "He is a male, he can recover in half a day, he is just acting coy to get your attention"

The next moment Lucas looked at her with a puppy face making Lyra melt instantly, she hugged his wolf head "Don't talk nonsense, look how pitiful he is"

Lucas smirked inwardly looking at him. Blake clenched his teeth "Lilly, I will be living without you for more than a month, don't you feel sad for me?"

Lyra left Lucas and reached Blake's side and pecked his lips "I'm sorry, I will also miss you. Oh how I wish that I could accompany you"

Blake hugged her and smirked at Lucas. Lucas's eyes went red with anger causing him to turn into his human form. He gently pulled Lyra towards him and said with his jaws clenched "You should leave soon. What if wasting time affects the eggs?"

Lyra pushed Blake's shoulder slightly "He is right, Go soon and return faster"

Blake glared at Lucas, he didn't want to get separated from Lilly, he could almost imagine his despair in next coming days. He sighed and took Lyra away from Lucas's arms and kissed her lips, she also didn't protest because both of them would miss each other from the second they are separated. Blake didn't care about Lucas's angry face and deepened the kiss by plunging his tongue inside her mouth gently biting her lower lips. After that passionate kiss, he hugged Lyra and calmed his racing heart.

Then he left her side and picked up the eggs and turned into his half-beast form "Lilly, I asked someone to guard you while I'm away. I did that for your safety, please don't get me wrong"

Lyra tilted her head "Who is it? And why would I get the wrong idea?"

Lucas answered instead of Blake "It is Noah"

Lyra furrowed her brows "Why would you ask him, Blake? Don't you know that he likes me?"

"Don't worry, he will not pester you to like him back, he promised me to only guard you" Blake said nonchalantly

She looked at him in disbelief "Are you asking me to use him? I can't do that. Lucas is enough to take care of me"

Lucas held her shoulders "It is good to have him here. It will be difficult for me to guard you while taking care of you"

He continued "And I heard that there are frequent stray beasts attacks in the island. I can defeat them alone but with you by my side, they can hold you against me" he mixed some truth with lies and said it to her with a stern face. After thinking all night, he also realized that it was best for Noah to be with them. If it is for his Ly, then tolerating that lion was nothing, he would go crazy if something happened to her, it was worth swallowing his anger for his beloved. She was the one who made him forget about his sad life, he didn't wish to go back to that empty life ever again.

Blake cast a surprised glance at Lucas and turned to Lyra "It is the truth Lilly, without me, even Lucas can be in danger"

Lucas held his irritation back with a smiling face. 'Was this snake telling him that he was weak and needed protection?'

Lyra held her forehead and went deep in thought. She really didn't want to Keep Noah around her, it was unfair to him after she rejected him. But if her tolerating him can keep Lucas away from danger then she did not mind it. She took a deep breath and nodded her head "Okay, I don't mind him staying in our house" then she turned to Lucas "But you have to promise me that you won't fight with him. I know there are some problems between you and him, and I will not ask about them until you reveal them to me. I wish you could clear them, I don't want to see you getting hurt"

Lucas hugged her "I promise. I will not do anything irrational"

Thereupon clearing their minds, Lyra bid Blake farewell in her bed because she was not able to walk and felt a slight pain in her lower body. Blake kissed her face and slithered out carrying the eggs with him.

After he left, Noah entered the stone house and halted his steps looking at Lucas's annoying face. Both ignored each other and Lucas went to cook for Lyra, whereas Noah sat near the door guarding the house.