
After finishing talking with Noah, Lucas entered the bedroom and looked at Lyra's sleeping figure. Her golden hair was spread on the bed and he couldn't stop himself from weaving her soft hair, then he observed her perfectly arched eyebrows, fluttering long lashes, sharp nose, rosy lips, and gulped. She was perfect! how did he even end up with someone like her? Not only her looks but her heart was also beautiful. As she said, after talking to Noah, he felt very lighthearted, his years of burden were lifted from his heart.No matter what, Noah was his good friend and he was angry because it was he in particular who failed to save his brother. However, after discovering that it was a scheme, his hate was shifted to the fox king.

He always hated the fox king because his father kept his distance from him. His father was a calm and composed beastman, he always made decisions rationally, but for such a person to hate the fox king, Lucas was more than sure that the fox king was someone horrible. But he never expected that he schemed to kill his brother, and now he was somewhat able to grasp his goal, it was to disentangle the silver wolf tribe and lion tribe.

The fox king urged his mother to make Elena from the black wolf tribe his brother's mate first and after his death, it was shifted to him. Even if Elena's father was a wolf, her mother was from the Fox tribe, and tying him with her will ensure that the silver wolf tribe will follow the fox king because males in the beast world never went against mates, and to prove that point the eagle king was a perfect example, the eagle king was someone righteous but had no other choice but to follow the fox king's wicked steps because of his mate. Lucas clenched his fists thinking about everything that happened. Then glanced at the sleeping figure of his beloved mate and caressed her face, he must protect her from that crazy fellow.

To calm his raging emotions, he embraced her from the side. Lyra sensed someone moving beside her and slowly opened her blue eyes. Lucas stared back at her eyes and moved forward to kiss her. He nibbled at her lips and started sucking her lips gently, the slow kiss soon became fiercer. Lyra was surprised at the beginning but soon cupped his face and kissed him back, his tongue entered her mouth making her moan. After some time he released her to catch her breath and hugged her. She hugged him back "Did you talk to Noah?"

He nuzzled on her neck "Hmm, he explained to me everything and I feel guilty for hating him for the mistake he didn't commit"

Lyra stroked his back "You have to apologize to him, I'm sure that he will forgive you"

"I will. But that doesn't mean that I will allow him as your mate" he said seriously

She chuckled and pecked his lips "I don't feel that way towards him, you don't have to worry"

Lucas beamed "Alright! Now let us make the wolf babies"

Lyra widened her eyes "What are you talking about? I just gave birth"

He whined "Let us do it, Ly, I missed touching you"

She sighed "Can you wait for some more days? I still have to recover"

Lucas's heart ached to see her so weak, he caressed her face "I'm sorry Ly, You need to regain your health first, our babies can wait"

Both smiled at each other and fell asleep side by side.






On the stone chair, Jacob was seated with an anxious look on his face. His eyes were constantly looking at the door and he was tapping his fingers on the stone table. Michael glanced at Jacob "Relax father in law, they will be here soon"

Jacob shook his head "You don't understand my anxiety, after the rejection of the snake clan, I'm always worried about making new allies"

Michael replied, "You have many allies, why are you so adamant about bringing the snake clan on your side?"

"I may have many underlings, but no one is stronger than snake clan, but it is already over with them, I will not lower myself to ask them again. But the ones I'm going to meet today are equally powerful and I don't want to lose them" he replied.

Michael chuckled "Don't worry, they cannot afford to refuse our offer, you know how desperate their king is to find a mate for his only son"

Jacob nodded his head "I know, he likes his son a lot and will not stop fulfilling his needs. But I still wonder why he didn't make his son a king, even though the prince is an immortal beastman"

Michael pursed his lips "It is because the prince rejected to be a king, I heard that he said that nothing interests him in life anymore"

Jacob's mouth twitched "How old is he to lose interest in life? He is merely twenty-five years old"

Michael snorted "That is what I was thinking about, I thought that snake king who gave up his seat because of boredom is the crazy one but there are many more crazy ones around us" he tsked "The stray beast king is an excellent example"

Jacob laughed in a booming voice and replied "And as a coincidence, all three are an immortal beastmen, powerful idiots without any ambitions"

"I know right? we have ambitions without adequate strength and those have strength without even motivation to live" Michael replied

Jacob squinted his eyes "Not all of them, The snake king changed because of his mate, he even claimed his position back" he turned and continued "Do you have any news from the spy?"

Michael glanced at him "Nothing much, I heard that he had become a father and is currently in the snake valley incubating his eggs"

Jacob raised his eyebrow "So soon? I think it has only been about two months since her abduction and normally females don't go into heat in this season"

Michael shrugged his shoulders "That is what I heard" he then changed the topic "I know that you offered to send females to their tribe in exchange for their support, but I don't think the king will be satisfied with just that, his main reason for coming here is to get something to interest his son"

Jacob fell in deep thought after listening to him and asked "What is the reason for the prince's lack of interest in becoming the king?"

Michael frowned and replied "It may be because of isolation? he never came out of his tribe after achieving his goal of becoming an immortal beastman. I heard that he started training when he was still a child"

"For such a young person to behave like that, it is because he has not been in others' presence, should I offer him to spend some time in our tribe?" Jacob suggested. Then something flashed in his mind "How about I introduce my daughter to him? She is the most beautiful female in our tribe and it will be advantageous for us to have him as her mate"

Michael slammed on the table and got up. His eyes were bloodshot with veins popping on his forehead "Do you want to use my beloved for your reasons!? She is also your daughter! How can you even think about sending her to that cold-blooded bastard?"

"Who are you calling a cold-blooded bastard?" a cold voice spoke making Michael freeze in his spot