Scorpion king

"Who are you calling a cold-blooded bastard"?

Michael turned towards the eerily cold voice and widened his eyes "M-my king! Forgive my insolence!"

The man in front of him smiled broadly showing his white teeth "You imbecile dare badmouth my son?" he then turned to the fox king "Is this what you were going to talk to me about?"

Michael and Jacob flinched hearing his threatening voice. Jacob darted his eyes to come up with a plausible excuse and opened his mouth "My king, please don't misunderstand his words, he was merely worried about my daughter"

The man raised his eyebrow "Worried? what do you think my son is? A monster?"

Yes, he is, thought Jacob inwardly but didn't dare to speak out and went to the man "How can we even think like that? He is the greatest scorpion beastman in the world. I was merely greedy to get a son in law like him"

The scorpion king felt like demolishing the whole fox tribe when he heard some idiot badmouthing his son. It was not his son's fault for being cruel, it was because he never experienced warmth and love from his mother that made him cruel and indifferent. His mate was someone he snatched from a tribe after falling in love with her, but she never understood his love and devotion. Then she shifted her hate on her son neglecting and shunning him, his poor son didn't even realize his own mother's hate for him and always tried his best to become strong hoping to gain his mother's affection, but that heartless woman said something that broke his faith forever 'I wish you were never born! Because of you and your father, my life is a living hell'

After that day his son, Demir stopped expressing any kind of emotions and isolated himself. Being his father, he couldn't even help him because he was scared to get abandoned by his mate. No matter what she did, he could never separate from her. She also avoided talking to him and shut herself in her room. He closed his eyes to calm his nerves and turned towards Michael "This is your last chance. If I ever hear you talking about my son, then I will tear your head apart"

Michael nodded his head "I will keep that in my mind, my king"

Jacob glanced at both of them and opened his mouth "My king, take your seat, we have many things to discuss"

The scorpion king sighed and sat on the stone chair and replied "Speak your purpose for inviting me. I don't have all day to waste"

Jacob furrowed his brows "My king, what I offer will not be a waste of your time"

The scorpion king chuckled "Is it? then let's hear it"

"I want your tribe to be my ally, in exchange, I will let my tribe's females become mates with your tribe's males" Jacob replied



"I want to learn the reason for you to seek my tribe's help, surely you are not doing this without any motive?" the scorpion king said tapping his fingers on the table

Jacob frowned "I can't say the reason. Isn't it advantageous for your tribe to get an opportunity to have mates? I heard even the king himself had to snatch a female"

The scorpion king raised his brows "Are you taunting me now?"

Jacob grinned "I'm merely stating the obvious, Am I saying lies?"

The scorpion king narrowed his eyes "Don't you dare play with my patience, Remember that I have an immortal beastman on my side, do you want to challenge my son?"

Jacob's face fell listening to him "I apologize for talking unnecessary things. But no matter what, I can't reveal my goal. You can ask something else instead of that?"

The scorpion king thought about it, negotiating will result in having the chance to build his tribe moreover he didn't care about the fox king's motives, as long as it was advantageous to him, then he didn't mind supporting him, but he wanted something more, his tribesmen including him suffered because of the dislike females had for scorpion beastman and decided "I want my tribe to enter the city of beasts"

Jacob widened his eyes "That is impossible! how can I let savage beastmen inside the city?"

"We are not savage! You people have made up your mind thinking like that about us" he replied

Jacob snickered "Are you confident in making your tribesmen follow our city's rules? Scorpion beastmen kill their female's other males, which is not acceptable here"

The scorpion king sighed "I can make them adapt and abide by the rules here, you just have to get other kings in the city to let us live here. I promise my complete loyalty to you after that"

Jacob grunted feeling annoyed, the possessiveness of both scorpion beastmen and snake beastmen were well known by everyone, they loved their mates too much making them kill the other males of their females and keeping them captivated for their entire life. That is the reason for females' wariness towards their kind, and now this venomous idiot was asking to let them into the city. He could already guess the displeased face the kings in the city of beasts would make once he brings this topic.

He glanced at him with a sour face and asked for confirmation "You will promise to not let your men run wild captivating females?"

The scorpion king nodded his head "I promise with the honor of my tribe"

Jacob sighed in relief "Then it is settled. I will speak to other kings very soon and inform you"

Michael who was listening to both sides stood up abruptly "Father-in-law! you can't do that! Do you think lion king, wolf king, and other clan's kings will accept this? They will isolate you and our tribe, in a worst-case scenario they will tell us to leave the city"

Jacob tilted his head "Then let us make them acknowledge it"

"How?" came the quick question from Michael

Jacob smirked "Secretly add poison into the food that females eat when they go to offer their prayer to the moon goddess on the night of the full moon. The other kings will surely accept our suggestion to get an antidote from the scorpion tribe" he then glanced at the scorpion king "I heard that the scorpion king can make antidotes for any kind of poison?"

The scorpion king nodded his head "Yes I can, but poisoning the females?"

Jacob waved his hand "We must do everything we can to reach our goal. Close your eyes for this matter, and your tribe will enjoy the privilege of entering the city for the first time"

"And I also wish to make your son as my son-in-law. My daughter is beautiful, he will fall for her. It is a win-win situation for both of us. Just accept it" he added

Michael clenched his teeth but didn't speak anything. The scorpion king narrowed his eyes "That is up to my son, I will not force him on any matter"

Jacob just smiled, his daughter may look meek, but she knew what was in her favor. Her respect for him gained him a perfect puppet in the form of Michael, she tricked him into committing a mistake and canceled the spousal relationship. Then seduced the eagle king and became his mate, the idiot Michael thought that she still loved him just because she sometimes talked with him, Jacob used that opportunity for his advantage and promised Micahel that he would turn him into a normal beast after attaining the sapphire of wish. He sometimes pitied others who were being played by him, but he didn't regret anything, his ultimate goal was to fulfill his father's wish and kill the one who caused his father's death, Theodore! he must kill that bastard.