Stray beast king

After an hour Lyra woke up from her sleep, She looked down and saw red marks all over her body and blushed. She wore a full top that covered up to her waist, and a long skirt to hide the glaring handprints on her thighs.

As she entered the living room, she caught sight of Lucas cooking and strode towards him "What are you cooking?"

Lucas glanced up at her smiling "I'm roasting meat with some herbs"

She nodded her head and turned towards Noah and smiled awkwardly "Did you just return?"

Noah stared at her face and deadpanned "No, I returned when you both were still doing the deed"

Lyra choked on her saliva, 'Was it necessary to say that aloud?'. Lucas glared at Noah "You could have left the house"

"I did leave. I'm not interested in listening to your stupid pleasure-filled voice" Noah retorted

Lyra turned her head to the side and glared at Lucas, this was the reason why she didn't agree to do this for this many days.

Lucas smirked "Why? were you jealous listening to it?"

Lyra closed his mouth with her hand "Stop it! just do your work"

In return, Lucas smiled against her hand and kissed her palm making Lyra freeze. She glanced at Noah and hit Lucas's head with her other hand and said in a low voice "If you don't stop talking, then forget about sleeping with me for a whole month"

Lucas paled hearing that and shook his head and said in a loud voice" I will not talk Ly, please don't do that to me, how can I stay sane without making love to you?"

Lyra's face was flushed with both embarrassment and anger, she glared at him and shouted "Lucas!"






Michael was pacing back and forth in the meeting room and held his forehead and groaned. Jacob entered the room and observed him for a while and chuckled "What happened to you?"

Michael halted his steps and rushed towards the fox king "We are in big trouble father-in-law"

Jacob raised his brows "At least tell me what happened?

Michael strode towards the stone chair and sat down "Yesterday stray beast king summoned me into his cave"

Jacob also took his seat "Did he? Is that why you are acting like this?"

Michael sighed "You will also act like this after hearing why I was summoned"

Jacob frowned "Well, let's hear it then"







Michael was surprised when he heard his king calling him inside his cave. His king always remained inside his cave without bothering about the outside world, many beastmen braved to end his life and entered his cave to be only killed and never return, he was ruthless when dealing with his enemies, Micahel also knew that he killed his father the previous stary beast king to attain this position. Even though he was this strong, he never once used it to gain something for himself, he was also a normal beastman but acted as though his life had no meaning. This was also the reason why he didn't get complete loyalty from stray beasts, as he was not a stray beast himself. But they didn't exhibit their hostility openly because everyone treasured their life.

As he reached the inside of the long cave, he caught a glimpse of a huge ash grey colored vulture sleeping. Micahel cleared his throat

"My lord? I heard that you summoned me"

The gray vulture slowly opened its eyes revealing sharp silver-colored eyes. Then turned into his human form with tanned skin, broad shoulders, long ash grey colored hair with a cold disposition, the man smiled eerily and tilted his head "Welcome my loyal subject, I heard that you were doing many admirable works with your fox father-in-law"

Michael flinched hearing his threatening voice and smiled awkwardly "What did you hear my lord?"

The man sat on a stone boulder with his one leg folded "Something like helping scorpion beastmen to enter the city of beasts, attacking small tribes without any reason" he paused "And I heard that you were using my authority as a king to command the stary beasts"

Michael widened his eyes and stood still, not daring to move. He could already see his death in the hands of the man in front of him, if he was a normal beastman, then he could think about explaining but the one hearing him was a crazy fellow and if he decided to kill someone then it means they die regardless. But he still tried his luck "My lord, it is true that I helped the scorpion king but it was because he promised to not attack our vicinity" he lied, this was the only thing he could come up with at this moment.

The man chuckled "Now, now Michael, from when were stray beasts sacred about the invasion?"

Michael bit his lips "It was just for safety reasons my lord"

"Why do you stray beasts even want to continue living? Aren't you abandoned by your females?" he paused and grinned "Should I just kill every stray beast and end your miseries?"

Michael clenched his teeth "We can at least see our mates being alive my lord, you wouldn't understand because you are not one of us"

The man raised his brows "So brave, is that the reason why you are allowing yourself to get dragged around by that fox?"

"Yes my lord, I don't care as long as I can see my mate, I want to always keep her safe" he replied

"Keeping your mate safe by hurting other females?" the man questioned in return

Michael frowned "My lord...

"Don't worry I don't care about what you do, but I'm sincerely advising you to stay away from that fox bastard, he is using you dimwit" the man replied nonchalantly

"I understand my lord" Michael replied, he knew that he was being used by the fox king, but he turned a blind eye because nothing else mattered to him other than his mate.

The man lifted his chin "I called you to inform you that I will be leaving to fly near the ocean. It has been fifteen years since I went out"

Michael was surprised "Will you be going out my lord?"

The man chuckled "Is it that hard to believe? I want to see the outside world and want to meet my old acquaintances"

"By old acquaintances you mean...?" Michael asked doubtfully

The man glanced at him and cleared his doubt "Yes, it is Blake, Demir, and Killian"

Michael darted his eyes and kept quiet, his lord narrowed his eyes and growled "Spit it out! what do you want to say?"

Michael hesitated a little but eventually answered "My lord many things have changed in the last fifteen years, your friends...."

"They are not my friends" he cut his words in the middle and gestured him to continue talking.

Michael gritted his teeth and continued "Right my lord, your acquaintances have changed a lot"

The man grinned "Really, can you explain to me how?"

Michael cleared his throat and answered "Lord Killian forfeited his king seat and went onto the north mountains, Lord Demir as you know entered the city of beasts and at last his majesty Blake is currently incubating his eggs in the snake valley"

The man widened his eyes and for the first time his cold expression cracked "Incubating eggs?" he asked still in doubt

Michael stifled his laugh, everyone who knew about snake king reacted like this, he was also not able to believe it when he heard it for the first time, that lunatic was patiently incubating his eggs, he heard that everyone change with time, but he didn't know that it was to this extent.

He cleared his lord's doubt "Yes my lord, his majesty got himself a mate and became a father"

Michael observed as his lord's mouth twitched and for the first time in his life he heard roaring laughter that filled the entire cave "Mate? Becoming a father?" he said and continued to laugh

After some time his laughter died and he calmed himself and opened his mouth "This news was indeed surprising, to think that aloof male got himself a female, I bet he snatched her away"

Michael smiled "He indeed snatched the female but surprisingly didn't kill her other male and allowed him to stay by her side"

His lord whisked his head up "He is sharing his female? Wow he is doing all sorts of things"

"When will he return from the snake valley?" he added

Michael thought about it and replied "There are still fifteen days remaining for his majesty to return my lord"

The man raised his eyebrow "Fifteen days?" he then smirked "Should I go and visit his female before he returns?"





The fox king slammed his table and shouted "That's it! it is a perfect opportunity to make our move"

Michael furrowed his brows in confusion "What do you mean father in law?"

"Think about it, Michael! weren't we trying to bring him out of his cave? This is a perfect opportunity to end his life" Jacob said excitedly

Michael widened his eyes "You mean..."

Jacob grinned "Yes, gather the eagle beastmen and attack him on his road to the island. Tell my men to carry the scorpion poison with them. Remember to injure his wings and you stay in the shadows and observe just in case, I don't want you to get caught"

Michael frowned and reluctantly nodded his head.