
Michael gathered ten-strong eagle beastmen and gave them scorpion poison collected from the scorpion king himself, this much poison was not enough to kill his lord, but it was enough to buy them time to launch an attack on him, in his injured state they would try thier best to kill him.

He started explaining everything to his partners "As you guys know, we are going to kill an immortal beastman today. Even if we get caught by him, make sure to never reveal my name or fox king's name" he paused and observed everyone "If you decide to betray us, then your mates will bear the consequences. Understood?"

The eagle beastmen nodded their heads in acknowledgment. Micahel didn't know why, but he felt somewhat uneasy about all this, he respected his lord. 'No! he should not become weak now, it was his chance to become the king and reunite with his mate'

His eyes turned sharp as he went to meet his lord inside the cave. The stray beast king noticed Micahel's presence and got up "I can go on my own, no need to follow me"

Michael shook his head "No my lord, your safety is my responsibility. Please allow me to come with you"

The King chuckled "Do you think anyone can hurt me?"

Michael stayed resolute "It is always good to be careful my lord"

His lord waved his hand "Whatever" he dismissed and walked out of the cave.

The King glanced at Micahel after reaching the entrance "How are you going to follow me? I'm thinking about flying"

Michael gestured a stray vulture beast and got on it "He will carry me, my lord"

His lord tsked "How troublesome" and turned into his beast form and flew up into the sky

Michael followed his lord in the sky, two vultures with one carrying a fox beastman made their way to the mermaid island.

After flying for almost an hour they reached the island and observed a vast ocean surrounding a beautiful land, with lush green trees and many waterfalls. At that time they heard an eagle screech behind them turned around to witness more than ten eagle beastmen coming towards them. The stary beast king observed them in confusion but soon his confusion was answered when all of them started attacking them. First, an eagle beastman attacked Michael making him fall to the ground, the vulture beastman who was carrying him dived down to catch him.

The stray beast king narrowed his vulture eyes and attacked the eagle beastmen, he killed four beastmen easily and attempted to kill the remaining ones when they understood his plan and surrounded him all at once. A fierce battle took place in the sky, there was a strong wind blowing every time they moved their wings. An eagle beastman tore open an animal skin bottle and drank the scorpion poison in it and kept it inside his beak. He caught the right time and attacked the stary beast king from behind and bit his left-wing.

'Screech....' an ear-piercing voice entered one's ear. The stray beast king lost his balance but maintained it with some difficulty using his right-wing and turned around to kill the one who attacked him from behind. As he continued his fight suddenly his vision got blurred and he started having weird hallucinations. He shook his head trying to clear his mind, but the more he fought the more he was affected, then he realized what was happening, 'Scorpion poison'. It was not enough to kill him but if he was injured severely in this stage then it was a possibility. He made his decision and dived below surprising the eagle beastmen. They also communicated themselves and followed him.





Today Lyra was accompanying Bella into the forest to gather some mushrooms and vegetables. Lucas and Noah were training and she didn't want to disturb them, so she followed Bella without informing them. She knew that Lucas would flip when he returns to the house to find it empty but she was bored out of her mind by always staying inside.

Bella picked up a mushroom and turned towards Lyra "Look Lyra, I found the mushroom"

Lyra smiled and observed that it was a button mushroom and picked up some putting it inside her basket. After walking for some distance, she unconsciously drifted apart from Bella while picking up some edible vegetables. She raised her head when she noticed that there was silence around her, and turned around and realized that she was alone. Then suddenly a thunder went on the sky following small droplets of water. Lyra cursed her bad luck and turned around to walk away, as she was starting to walk, a loud voice with something falling reached her ears. She jumped hearing it and slowly turned around and observed a naked man with ash grey hair on the ground when she darted her eyes on his hands, she noticed that his shoulder was injured.

Lyra darted her eyes at her surroundings to find some help but no one came into her view, at last, she moved towards the man ignoring his naked lower body, and turned him around. Then she put his right hand on her shoulders and struggled to pick up his heavyweight, at last, she managed to raise him using her whole body as support and started moving, more like dragging the man to find some shelter.

As the rain got heavier she was also losing her energy and just wished to find someone for help. After walking a considerable distance she spotted a cave covered with vines, at first glance, it was not noticeable but after walking near it, she indeed discovered a cave and pushed the vines aside walking inside with the man. She put him down and started breathing heavily for air after working so hard. After she settled him on the ground, Lyra took out her scarf and put it on his waist covering his naked body.

Then she also settled on the ground and glanced at the unconscious man in front of her eyes and was stunned because of his handsome features. He had long ash grey hair, a sculpted face with a chiseled tanned body, his shoulders were wide enough to stop him from entering the normal room door. As she looked at him, his injury came into her view and she moved to close their distance to take a look at his injury.

His left hand was covered in blood which was flowing due to rainwater when they were outside, Lyra held the hem of her long skirt and tore it with some difficulty. After that, she clumsily bandaged his injury to stop the bleeding. Then she observed his face which was covered in sweat and touched his forehead, she widened her eyes realizing how hot he felt. So Lyra once again sacrificed her skirt and tore it, then went out of the cave and wet the cloth and returned to put the cold folded cloth on the man's forehead.

Then she put some distance between them and sat on the ground. A cold air breezed inside the cave making Lyra shiver, she rubbed her shoulder and decided to start a fire, but gave up after miserably failing to get the flint. After some time due to the cold, her eyes started closing themselves and soon she fell asleep.

Victor opened his eyes groggily and frowned because of a splitting headache. He held his head and felt a cold cloth on his forehead, then looked down and found a fluffy white cloth covering his waist. He darted his eyes sensing another presence near him and gasped.

Although it was slightly dark inside the cave, his sharp eyes caught the small figure in front of him. He noticed that it was a female, no it was a very beautiful female, to be honest. He never saw someone so eye-pleasing in his life, her golden hair which was slightly damp from the rain was shining with little light that entered the cave, her eyebrows were perfectly arched, he noticed that her closed eyes had long lashes which fluttered due to cold wind, her nose sharp following a red-colored lips which stood out on her ivory skin. Then his eyes made their way down her body and noticed her breasts which were sticking to her white tube top because of rain, his eyes trailed to her narrow waist joining her perfect hips.

He suddenly felt parched inside his throat and hastily turned to his side to avoid looking at her, then noticed a white cloth around his injured arm. 'Did she tie this?' he looked up to her and smiled faintly, this was the first time that someone took care of him. He closed the distance between them and observed that she was shivering from cold and felt his chest clenching, he hastily turned around and found some branches inside the cave, after gathering them he started the fire with great difficulty because the sticks were wet.

After that, he also saw her wearing wet clothes and stretched his hand to remove them when a striking ocean blue eyes stared back at his silver eyes.