
In the forbidden cave of Wayland where no beastmen steeped foot fearing the immortal beastman residing inside, Gregory entered the cave casually and spoke "I'm here Prescott"

Hearing the voice calling his name, the immortal beastman who was lying on the floor opened his green pupils, lifting his huge tiger body, Prescott shifted into his beastman form "Did you get any information?"

Gregory nodded his head "Theodore is not in his cave anymore"

Prescott clenched his fists "Does he already know about Iria?"

"Maybe" Gregory answered vaguely "But he can't reach us so easily, don't worry"

"When will the blood eclipse arrive?" Prescott questioned changing the topic.

"Soon" Gregory replied as he sat on the stone boulder.

Prescott narrowed "It has been almost eighteen years, and you still don't know the exact time?"