Truth and Lies

After sorting out his thoughts, Gregory went to meet Iria. He reached the stone cave where she was residing with Theodore and halted his steps when he saw Theodore inside the cave. He thought it was not optimal for him to talk to her in front of Theodore and left the place.

Then he walked towards the shore and turned into a merman entering the sea. Swimming inside the blue ocean, he soon reached the wave city. Entering inside the castle he went towards Olivia's chamber and knocked on the door, "Come in" came her reply to which he slightly opened the door entering inside.

"I need your help," he said as soon he caught a glimpse of her.

Olivia chuckled "That was fast, what help do you want from me?"

Gregory sat on the stone chair "Can you please bring Iria here? I want to talk to her"

Olivia blinked her eyes and ignored it "Theodore will kill me if he finds out"

"Please Olivia" he pleaded making Olivia frown.