
Killian widened his eyes in shock "Pr-pregnant?"

Lyra nodded her head and calmly explained "I missed my periods this month and also my constant irritation and agitation makes it obvious that I'm with child"

Killian blinked his eyes in a daze "What is, periods?"

She giggled "It is another name for heat"

He frowned "Then how can you get pregnant without going into heat?"

"Ah" Lyra realized that she didn't explain her reproduction cycle to him. So she spoke, "Will you believe me if I say that I'm slightly different from the females of this world?"

He nodded his head "I know that you are from another world"

"Hmm" she hummed and started talking "In our world, females can go into heat every month"

"Uh?" Killian questioned in doubt "Every month? But how is it possible?"

"It is possible there," she remarked "So I can get pregnant, any time of the year if I'm in good health"