Revealing everything

"Iria!" Theodore exclaimed as she disappeared with Gregory, "No..."

He felt anger rising in his mind, but that was directed at himself for being so worthless. His mate decided to leave him because she wanted to keep him and Lyra safe.

"I will find them and bring your mate back," Killian said seeing Theodore's crestfallen face.

But he just smiled sadly, Theodore was grateful for everything Killian had done until now and didn't want to implicate him any further. Also, he didn't want to restrain his mate anymore with his selfishness like in the past. Iria's eyes clearly said him to stay put for some time and he would do that and wait for her to return.

He turned around and went inside the castle leaving Killian confused. But Killian didn't want to think so much about others while his mate was in pain and returned to Lyra's side.

Demir was currently testing the antidote given by Gregory. After examining it thoroughly, he handed the veil to Blake, "It's safe"