Babies are back

Killian and Demir fell silent after hearing Darcio's words.

All of this was too confusing for them so Demir frowned and looked at Darcio, "Isn't the prophecy already complete?"

Darcio shook his head, "That is what even I thought but a vision that I had just a few days ago proved that false"

"What was your vision about?" Killian asked still trying to process the new information.

"For this past few weeks, I felt restless and annoyed for nothing, my inner power was screaming at me that I had done something incorrectly and my intuition is always right and that made me more agitated. After you left two days ago to look for your missing female, I rummaged through all of the old scriptures regarding the 'sapphire of wish' but found nothing" he sighed and continued, "But when I closed my eyes to get some sleep, I saw the impression of someone tampering with my vision"
