Upcoming battle

(Mature content)

Blake was sitting on the stone chair inside his room and was listening to Peter as he reported some suspicious movements around the snake tribe, "At the beginning, the patrolling guards tried to ignore those movements thinking that it was not a big deal" his eyes narrowed as he continued, "But after realizing that they were beastmen from black wolf tribe, they decided to inform me"

A smirk formed on Blake's lips and he left out an amused chuckle, "So that idiot king is trying to seek revenge from me?"

"I think so too your majesty" Peter answered laughing together with him. More than getting surprised, they were amused by the little attempt performed by the Black wolf tribe's king against their tribe.

Blake tapped on the table, "They will try to target our weakest point in the battle, so move the females and snakelings to somewhere safe"

Peter raised his brows, "Are we really going to battle them, your majesty? Aren't battles prohibited inside the beast city?"