Can't get enough of you

When Lyra woke up, it was already time for dinner. She groggily opened her eyes and looked at the handsome man lying beside her. Sharp jawline, a pointed nose, and luscious lips which she kissed to her heart's content just a few moments ago.

Lyra traced his face with her fingers and stopped at his lips rubbing them. She leaned forward and kissed his lips, Ah! why was she so horny!? And in the next second, she removed her hands from him and lightly slapped her face, 'Control, take a deep breath' she repeated these words several times in her head before getting up from the bed.

But before she could leave, a solid grip wrapped around her waist bringing her back to the bed, "Where are you escaping to after harassing me thinking that I was asleep?"

She widened her eyes and turned towards him, "You were awake?"

Blake smirked and got on top of her. His naked body pressed against her full breast, "I woke up as soon as I sensed your touch on my lips"