
Lyra continued to hug her mate as she buried her face against his chest. He was so warm. Maybe it was due to the start of the winter season, Victor's embrace felt warm like heaven. Well, she always felt like this with her sweet mates. All of her mates, Victor included were her heaven. Only her heaven and no one else's. They were hers after all. 

Victor on the other side couldn't stop his lips from perking up as his mate tightly hugged him. Every negative thought he had before melted into thin air. But his happiness didn't last long because his mate's warmth left him as soon as it came. He wore a bewildered look and glanced forward only to see his mate in another's embrace, "You little....." he cursed through his clenched jaws. 

Meanwhile, the one who received that had a triumphant grin on his face as he encircled his arms around his beloved. 

Lyra blinked her eyes in surprise while calling out, "Demir?"