
Killian observed as his mate absentmindedly grabbed the spoon before scooping the soup from the bowl that was kept in front of her. But the spoon never reached her mouth and hovered in the air. Her ever-lively blue eyes had dimmed and a constant frown was formed between her brows. He could also see that she was trying her hardest to keep a smile on her face to not worry them about how could they not. Not only he but Blake, Victor, and Demir too seemed to have caught on with their mate's false facade. 

Whereas, Blake glanced at Victor with an inquiring gaze to only receive a shake of his head which signaled for him to not ask anything right now. Blake was just about to do that but stopped seeing Victor's adamant eyes. He wanted to talk to his mate about her worry but it did not seem ideal with how Victor was against it. 

Demir too understood them and decided to keep his mouth shut.