Chapter 13

Three out of the five Families that ruled the city had members that were all werewolves. They were all pretty organized in their structure. One can start out as an associate before proving to be worthy enough to become a "made" man (one who's untouchable in that underworld). Once an official member you can settle into the role of being a soldier, the one on the ground engaging in the activities that would involve getting your hands dirty.

There was a chain of command where any order from the top would travel down to the very last man. It was quite intricate with the three highest positions making up the administration such that it would be hard to tie any boss of the family to any crimes that occurred on the street. And for those three Families, their structure was mostly interlinked with the structure of the pack with the Omega being merely a foot soldier to the Beta being an underboss or consigliere to the Alpha being the head of the pack or family.

Back in the 1980's there was a time the city of New York in particular experienced a lot more violence that occurred whenever it came to issues over territory or eager individuals who felt they were worthy to carry the title of being either a captain or Boss in the mafia amongst the five families. Although these families thrived when they were nearly destroyed due to so many members being either buried six feet under or going to prison – there had to be a change. As a result the remaining people who survived the turbulent times began to run things in a manner that didn't make their world too conspicuous. And in order to still ensure their own families and communities survived, a mission was bestowed upon all to be respectful of territory and before reaching for one's gun or literally rip each other's throats out, to conduct peaceful meetings to resolve disputes. They even began to prohibit certain drugs from entering certain areas. And their need to keep some level of order was understandable; the drugs that caused more detrimental damage to one's body had a tendency to lead to more violence upon the streets such that when you add a man already carrying a gun in the equation, it was only inevitable innocent lives would be taken.

The control had been working for some time, the crime rate was low and more of them opted to have more legitimate businesses whilst offering security to the community from what Zeus told me. Unfortunately a gang had emerged onto the scene that was infuriating them considering they were moving onto their territory with a new drug simply called X that was harming their kind. But they had to figure out how it was coming in and considering it was hard to detect despite their advanced sense of smell, their job was made a lot harder when it came to tracing or noticing it should one of their own use it. And when he saw the worry etched across my face he reassured me that everything would get under control. Considering the gang was made up of humans, Zeus went further to ease my fears that a war was the last thing anyone wanted.

As such anytime we were together the conversation was light and I would refrain from asking too many questions whenever he shared anything in relation to that aspect of his life. Even upon reflection of those times in the past I believe it was his assurance that kept me from worrying too much even though he once admitted to liking it when I showed concern for his well-being. I often rolled my eyes at the suggestive looks he relayed when a part of me enjoyed the playful banter. In the midst of the time we had spent together so far we hadn't necessarily put a label on what we were and when I questioned Marcie seeking some necessary advice she kind of told me to go with the flow and allow things to go where they will. Armed with that uncertainty I hadn't mentioned him to my parents especially my mother whenever she'd ask if there was anything new going on with me. If I was going to mention him to them in that way it would be when I knew for a fact through verbal confirmation that beyond the glances and subtle touches we meant something more to each other. And I never expected to get more answers in the process a lot sooner if I had been tasked with predicting it.

I distinctly remember it being a Saturday afternoon when I had just returned from the shop; the day had been pretty quiet for the most part. Despite the weather being a lot more pleasant with spring in full swing, Ms. Friedman had mentioned that Marcie had been acting a bit strange as of late. I hadn't noticed much of a change in her behavior but once I returned home and settled onto the couch I made a mental note in my head to find out if everything was fine because she was the type to tell you everything was dandy when it really wasn't. I kicked off my shoes and padded into my kitchen soaking in the feel of the cool floor against my feet, only to halt in my pursuit at the sound of knocking on my door and walked towards it wondering who it could be. Taking a look through the peephole my lips without needing much encouragement pulled the corners up to a wide grin at the sight of Zeus standing outside and without wasting another second I opened the door only to be engulfed in his warm embrace. Stepping back he proceeded to nudge me playfully when he noticed how I was looking at him and in every second of the flutters that burst forth inside us his cheeks developed a pink hue that had me reaching out to pinch his cheeks lightly. He groaned in annoyance at the feeling that indirectly made the experienced wolf momentarily return to being unsure of how to react and knowing that I was the reason for it filled me with pride.

"You're making me think twice about being sweet to you," he said lifting up a wrapped package in his hand that I hadn't noticed at all. Feeling excited I reached out for it like a child only to have him swat my hands away, "Patience… I'll give you until you greet me right," he mumbled tapping his cheek; I rolled my eyes obliging the request by leaning forward to place a small peck on his cheek. We hadn't shared a kiss since my birthday nor had we talked about it which had only resulted in adding more smoke across my vision to know where we were going. He placed the package in my awaiting hands, "I know your special day passed but I couldn't exactly live with myself if I didn't get you a gift."

I took time to unwrap the package trying not to rip it but when I opened it I felt the air get lodged in my throat at the sight of the original copy of "Tales of the Beedle the Bard" staring back at me, "H-How…?"

"I won't lie, when I came to see you at the library I kind of overheard you mention it and though I-I didn't mean to eavesdrop I won't lie, having advanced hearing has it's perks," he replied rubbing the back of his neck and under normal circumstances I would have admonished him but the sweet gesture had destroyed any ounce of strength left inside me except to wrap my arms around him. He could have simply chosen to get me anything like diamonds or pearls but he gave me something that meant so much more and when I pulled back to look up at him, I couldn't contain my joy even if I wanted to. "This… is crazy. Do you know how expensive this is?" I asked in disbelief. He chuckled finding humor in the look I was giving him, "It hasn't put a dent in my wallet if that's what you need to hear and before you tell me you can't accept it, just know I really want you to have it," he replied moving past me to take a seat on the couch. Looking back down at it, I ran my hand along the leather over the precious gems encrusted on it. "I really don't know what to say…"

"Just say thank you by giving me your manuscript," I looked up at him to see him grinning from ear to ear. "I knew there was a catch," I chuckled moving towards my book shelf, for some time I had been dodging any questions in relation to the manuscript and the man had done a sneaky but heart-warming gesture that had me not putting up a fight. And when I reached the books lining the shelves I contemplated where I had put it when he spoke again, "There's no catch. I admit I'm not the best with telling people how I feel…" He just left the statement hanging past the quaking inside my soul at the words coming out of his mouth and despite feeling reluctant to do anything else I stood up on the tips of my toes once I remembered I had put it on the top shelf. The second I landed back on my feet I froze when I felt him close to me. I hadn't heard him move at all and my poor heart nearly palpitated out of my chest, I did my best to keep my breathing under control as I clasped my shaky hands around the stack of papers when his warm breath fanned the back of my neck.

"U-Uh… there are about… thirty poems h-here," I stuttered finding it difficult to speak with his hands travelling from my bare arms to settle onto my hips. I turned still within the scope of his hold to find him staring down at me, the need bubbling inside knowing it would only subside if I took in my fill of the affection in his touch. Leaning forward he took it as a sign of my compliance in the attention he wanted to give as he planted his lips firmly against mine whilst the papers landed on the floor making a whoosh sound. That time I granted his tongue access without him seeking permission. The feel of it new yet foreign as it touched mine compelling me to release a moan and as if a switch went off he turned me around completely pushing me against the wall. I held no protests when he went further to pick me up. With his body situated between my legs he peppered open mouthed kisses all over my neck and collarbone making the ability to receive air all the more harder anytime he squeezed my sides.

And with him nipping and sucking on my neck I wasn't sure I had the strength to stop him especially when the doorbell rang, "Ignore it," he growled reaching down to place his large hands onto my backside whist he returned to my neck making me dizzy. But when the doorbell rang again I knew that despite myself I would have to answer it and he knew it to when he stopped his attacks only to release a muffled groan akin to the sound of an animal furious at being caged. Tapping his shoulder gently he placed me back on my feet, there were no words exchanged as I brushed past him already yearning to be back in his arms when I went to take a peep to see who it was. And the second I caught sight of who was on the other end I felt all blood get drained out of my face. I opened the door with shaky hands and tried to keep my surprise at bay when his eyes landed on me, "H-Hey dad…"


I had been surprised to say the least to find my father on my doorstep; he had told me at the time that he was coming to see me on a much later date so I had been truly out of sorts on what to do when he walked in and found Zeus there. He had met Donovan before, such that when he saw the other male in the room he immediately turned and gave me a look that was his way of saying I had some explaining to do. And when Zeus noticed my father's questioning gaze once I introduced them opted to leave until my father immediately insisted he stay.

Needless to say I thought that period of his visit would be awkward considering how apprehensive my father was around the supernatural beings but it wasn't long before conversation began. He settled in rather easily causing me to relax a little seeing the way they managed to get along. Which was a surprise considering how protective my father was when it came to me being around men (regardless of whether they were human or not). It had been hard to date whilst living under the same roof with a man like Bernard Thompson and it was quite hard to fathom how he didn't gruel Zeus at all as the day progressed.

After preparing an impromptu dinner for everyone, despite my father claiming he didn't mind helping me in the kitchen I was adamant to keep him far away from it considering he nearly burnt the house down on more than one occasion. I wasn't about to gamble with my apartment. "It's sometimes hard to believe that she's all grown up," my father said in a manner that had me withholding the need to whine for him to stop as he showed the pictures he had on his phone of me in pigtails to the man who made my heart rush. Whenever I saw him, he always mentioned how much time had passed and how it was still hard for him to see me as anything other than his little girl. But if he knew what his little girl had been getting up to before he showed up he wouldn't really see me as little, that's for sure and I'm sure he would have tried to kill Zeus instead of laughing with him. "Please don't start crying on me," I replied placing the empty dishes into the sink quickly turning to find him leaning against the counter smiling at me. The warmth in his gaze was the same one that kept my fears at bay from the boogie man and consoled me from nightmares. It was the same one that made me feel better when I fell off my bicycle, no words would ever come close to describing the love I had for my father. Such that I was very disappointed when he claimed it was time for him to go.

Escorting him downstairs after he bid farewell to Zeus we had hardly reached the bottom of the steps before I said, "You sure you don't want to stay?" he chuckled reaching out to ruffle my curls making me giggle at the gesture, he had always done that to me even when I was a child. "Nah, I'm good with staying at the hotel. Besides I think your friend wants you all to himself now," he replied crossing his arms. Looking away in embarrassment as if being confronted on some crush I tucked a loose curl behind my ear unsure of what to say, "I-I don't know what you're talk –"

"Sweet pea, I am not an idiot. And I won't allow you to stand there and lie to me when you and I both know there's something going on. I'm not blind; I saw the way he was acting towards you. Though I'm still rather weary around his kind, he doesn't seem like the type to inflict harm upon those he cares deeply for – I could be wrong though but I doubt it," he replied confidently. "Is that why you didn't throw a fit after you saw him? Considering how you acted towards Dono –"

"Hey," he frowned, "you can't blame me for my actions that time. You had just moved here and I wasn't used to the idea of you no longer being my little girl," he justified standing his ground, he had yet to ever apologize and knowing the stubborn man, he was I knew he never would admit to his faults. "So you're done acting crazy?"

He scoffed looking at my door as if in search of something only to look back at me, "As long as he doesn't play around with you and has good intentions… I'll act sane," he concluded and that was the end of that. After we said good-bye I watched him looking forward to the next time I'll see him and my mother at my graduation. Going back upstairs I entered my place to find my so called friend waiting for me. Considering my father had spent a few hours with me, the day had already come to an end but it would have been silly to think it was far from over with the way Zeus was already looking at me...