Starting a Guild


I have the top five players other than you if you want to meet. They are ready now.






I mean we can do it in Maruine or in the white castle, your choice.


Maruine works fine'

I need to finish quickly. Who would've thought the first quest as a national hero would be fighting a sea serpent.

'New message to Psye:

Can you get to maruine soon, the candidates are there, but I'm a little tied up.



Alright, now I can focus.

I ran down to the lake and jumped onto the snake's head, I stabbed my knife in between the scales running across the snake's back, then plowing over the reptile a wall of blood spurted out of the green mass. With the wound open I jumped into the air, my hands flicking out instinctively.

'Unique skill 'copy' activates - 'Thunderclap' subskill paste x 50'

The clouds above me raged, white lights flashing and flaring above me as the sky cracked and boomed. Then a rage of blue light hammered down into the serpent's back, smashing into the wound, the pillars of lightning slicing through the beast and burning the monster instantly.

'You defeated the sea serpent.

You leveled up'

I ran back to the capital as quickly as I could. My feet slamming into the ground and kicking up dirt as I travelled. After a few minutes I reached the city and walked through the gate and into the bustling town, the streets were alive with players all buying supplies and weapons. As I walked through I pulled the hood over my head and walked up to the palace.

"Where the hell is Assassin?"

"You called?"

In front of me were five people and Psye who looked rather nervous.

Yukimaru stood up and looked at me.

"Now we're all here. I would like Assassin to form a guild and have you five as members."

"Hell no! I'll be the boss. How do I even know if he's good enough?"

"Kami? Correct?"

"Yeah that's right."

"You saw the videos, right?"

"Yeah, but I need to fight this guy."

I said nothing and just stared at him, he had ginger curly hair and was shorter than me, he had two swords strapped to his back and light leather armor that covered his shins, chest, and forearms.

I dashed forward with my knife whipping out and in a flash the silver blade swung out glinting in the sun as I grabbed him and held it to his throat.

"I don't want to waste my time fighting you."

Kami started to sweat a grin forming in the side of his mouth,

"So you can only win by catching people off guard?"

"Dude, just shut up, some of us actually want to hear what he has to say."

"Fine fine I'll let him off this time."

I let the kid go and walked back to the front.

"Hi I'm Assassin I'm sure you all want to know my US so let's get that done with during the introductions, but I don't particularly want this getting out, so I'd appreciate your discretion. My US is the ability to copy any skill I see with a maximum I'm able to store of course, on top of that I can also duplicate any skill up to fifty times at once. On top of that I can also erase any skill and reuse it against you."

"Wow um I'm Qom, I am the ranked two, and I can place a bullseye on an enemy and when I hit it my overall damage in that fight is multiplied"

"I'm Topknot the number three player I suppose, sometimes in a fight I'll hear a tune, and then I can deal extra damage if I hit along to that tune but if I'm off beat or tempo it shatters my arms."

"I'm Kami got it? I guess I'll reveal my skill to you mortals since the others are, I can choose one stat and increase it for thirty seconds."

"I'm Celty, number five. I can imbue my base attacks with any element I want,"

"Saving the best for last I am ranked six Snessy, I'm a pro Tetris pla…"

Qom moved to her side and slapped her across the face.

I grabbed my knife rushing over to break up the conflict but on the ground she was smiling and hugging herself whilst staring at Qom. After a few seconds she regained her composure and stood up. "I can make any weapon I want. Also, I am in a serious relationship with my darling Qom."

"Yeah, like I'd like a flat girl like you."

"Oh yes qommy please insult me more,"

I looked at the people before me, they were um what's the right word? Vibrant. Snessy had an eye patch covering her left eye and a cute face. She seemed headstrong with anyone other than Qom, she was a part of Qom's party. Qom was a tall guy with blond hair and a handsome face, He acted foolish and dumb asking out every girl in sight NPC or player but in reality he was always right, it was impossible to disagree with him and also, the way he looks at snessy is filled with compassion and love. Next there is topknot, she is beautiful with orange eyes and black hair that flows down to her waist. She is cold and standoffish. She doesn't talk much but when Kami fights with me, she always raises her voice, lastly there's Celty, she looked older, maybe in her twenties with short white hair and black eyes. Her face was mature, and she acted that way too, always acting calm. From what I could tell on the message boards, she's pretty popular with people having her own fan club.

"Hey Assassin, I have a question."

"What?" Qom was standing in front of me, leaving the others to talk and antagonize Kami.

"We're not only here to serve as new abilities, right? You're not just going to copy our abilities and then well, you know?"

"It's a valid concern, but that's not my aim here, you all have some decent skills but if I wanted to do that I would hold open auditions. Playing a game like that is scummy and there's no fun in it, even if my skill is overpowered I'm still a gamer and that's what I want to do."

Hmm, was that too preachy? I want to be seen as a leader, but how do I do that? I've always been solo.

"I have a quest to slay a dragon, you guys do it, and I'll gauge your skill."

"Who the hell do you think you are? Sittin' back and watching us like you're some kinda pro?"

"Shut up Kami!" Kami was pressing his face close to mine, an accusing finger stabbing into my chest. Topknot followed, placing her hand onto his shoulder and pulling him back.

"Doesn't the fact that the game admins came to him prove that he's good enough to at least ask to see our skills? I, for one, was in the crowd during that match and whilst some of you weren't I felt the power that hero was giving off and if Assassin can not only stand that power in a long fight like that but even surpass it then he's earnt my respect." Qom was standing next to topknot looking down at Kami,

"Aah fine, it'll give him a chance to see just how powerful I am."

"Any other objections?"

The group was silent, so we started to walk out of the square, me at the front as we marched out of the city.

"So Yuki? What do you think? It's a fun group right?"

"Was this what you wanted all along Kyn?"

"Hahaha maybe, or maybe I wanted to see how the others would react when I fucked with their system and plans?"

"You're one sick kid."

"Hahaha yeah I mean you aren't exactly sane either Yuki"

"And you think they'll be enough?"

"You don't trust me?"

"As far as I can throw you."

"Haha haha yeah they'll be enough, the kid's got a following couple that with the others and add some crazy difficult demons, and we'll be in business."

We arrived at the gouge quickly, it was a huge valley carved through red stone. Water flowed through the bottom slicing a huge cut through the terrain. The sun was hot and made it difficult to walk.

"Alright, the dragon is there, if it looks like you will die then I'll help but for now I'll leave you on your own."

I walked backwards sitting on the ledge of the valley and throwing a rock down into the abyss. The water below was rushing, why does everything bring me back to her? Why does every face look like hers? Am I crazy? Delusional?

Then a roar erupted from the chasm below bouncing through the walls of rock. The side of the mountain exploded and a huge lizard burst through its wings smashing through rock like it was nothing.

'Unique skill 'Copy' activated - 'wind bullet' subskill paste x 5'

Five bullets spun behind the players bursting into their backs and knocking them into the battle.

The monster they are fighting is a level fifty rock dragons, the lowest level in the group is Snessy at level 48 and Qom reached level sixty, they should be able to beat a monster like that.

As soon as they were in the air Qom drifted to Snessy slapping her back, a golden dot appeared on her back as she shot towards the ground. Then in her hand a gun assembled parts spinning and forming to create a pistol. She charged forward firing the gun at the monster, the bullets glowing red with magic. She ran across the wall spraying flames and magic at the dragon, her small body running around the field in a frenzy. Celty was next to land her fist smashing into the monster's head a rush of water crashing through the blow. Topknot lodged into the side of the cliff pulling a huge bow from her back and firing a volley of arrows.

Qom followed Snessy kicking her in the back over and over. Their attacks were successful and powerful, but they aren't damaging the monster very much. Each person doing a few dozen points of damage.

Soon Kami dropped to the ground unsheathing his swords and rushing forward his body glowing red, he joint his hands together cracking into the dragon's head with the hilts of his swords, the dragon's head cracking as rock fell from its head, screaming the dragon started to flap its wings swinging them around. The right wing flailed caving in the right side of the gourge and knocked Top from her perch. The left chased after Snessy the wing veering for her stomach. It would have sliced her in half but Qom caught it with one hand.

"Get the hell away from my Snessy!!!!" He grabbed the wing, cracking the rock and throwing it into the air. Then jumping after it, he lowered his fist for an uppercut.

'Unique skill 'Copy' activated - 'Lightning hammer'

A surge of electricity cut through the monster's back as it fell back to the ground.


I caught Top before she slammed into the ground.

Gently dropping to the floor. Then setting her to the floor I turned back to the dragon.

"Hey what the hell man, we had that!"

"Letting a teammate die is having it?"

"What she…"

"As far as I could see the only two actually thinking were Celty and Qom the rest just attacked without considering what they were facing. Qom you can't only protect Snessy, if you want to take the position of a tank by having that much strength you need to protect the whole group."

They all stared at the ground with disappointment, it's clear they're powerful but like me they're solo by nature, they need to work together… but I suppose I can't talk. How can I become a leader without fighting with them?

I walked forward to the dragon.

"What are you idiots giving up for, the dragon's still alive… let's go!"

I charged forward the rest following. It's a stone monster which is the worst for me, I can't cut it with my knife and lightning attacks aren't very good. A volley of explorations pounded into the dragon, Snessy and Top were working together to make explosive arrows. To my right Qom sliced through the dragon, his spear smashing into its nose. Then I jumped into the air.

'Unique skill 'Copy' activated - 'Explosion' subskill paste x 50'

From behind me a wall of explorations rained down on the dragon hammering into its hardened skin and destroying the rock armor on its back. My mana is drained but now it's exposed. The world was encased in darkness, the black rushing behind me and consuming my view. In the world swallowed by blackness I found it. The one light, the one spot its beating heart shone so bright as it pumped in and out. And I stabbed.

'You defeated Stone dragon

Snessy_nya leveled up ten times

Celtex123 Leveled up

Topknot800 leveled up'