Chapter 1

Chapter 1

"Isn't she the orphan?"

"That's right. I heard that the Alpha took pity on her."

"And who might her parents be?"

"I don't think it's safe to pick up stray dogs. She's basically a rogue, right?"

"Shh, lower your voice. She might hear you."

"She's supposed to hear us, idiot. That's what we are—werewolves."

Little Amber's mind was filled with unshakable uncertainties. She kept her head low while walking behind the Alpha who introduced himself as her father's good, old friend.

Her parents used to remind her to never blindly trust a stranger, but the man that appeared before her gave her a new sense of security that she unconsciously felt compelled to reach out to him, too.

The Alpha had really been patient with her, especially during the time when she strongly refused to leave her mother's side during her burial.

The sweet child rubbed her nose, sniffling softly. Her puffy cheeks were pink, and eyes swollen from all the crying she did in the past couple of days.

She remembered asking the Alpha if they could wait until her father's return before burying her Mama, but the man didn't say anything back and just silently took her into his arms and carried her to the bed.

Why isn't he answering her?

Little Amber couldn't comprehend his silence, and her heart sank because he didn't give his approval.

Therefore, she couldn't help but think that they were not planning to wait for her Papa at all. So, she only cried herself to sleep that night. The image of her dead mother was still fresh on her mind that she always ended up having a nightmare once she dozed off.

Since she was taken in by another pack for temporary refuge, she had no one to seek at night who would comfort her and say that everything was going to be okay.

And every night, she would wake up with sticky sweats and ragged breathing, agitated by the unfamiliar surroundings.

Little Amber had lost count of how many times it already happened in just a small amount of time.

She was even starting to lose weight as she couldn't eat properly without bile rising up her throat each and every time. Some people would throw her a look of pity, while the others despised the fact that some unknown kid was joining them for lunch and dinner—yet she couldn't be grateful enough to gobble down her food.

It was an embarrassing moment for her that even as a little child, she felt really ashamed.

A week had already passed, and their family driver had never appeared again.

She was actually looking forward to seeing that person once more, so that she could ask why he didn't bring her home that day. She just woke up to her Mama's unfortunate death, and with no one else to look after her.

When Little Amber asked the Alpha what happened to her mother, and what they could possibly do to revive her, he had no answer to offer.

However, the man reassured her that she didn't have to worry because he was going to provide everything for her.

That wasn't what she wanted though.

Her wish was simple.

She wanted her parents back.

The one and only survivor of the Santiago Clan followed the Alpha closely behind. He said that he was going to show her something, and he looked at her features carefully while saying that—as if he was waiting for her jolly reaction, that her big, doe eyes would shine in interest.

Unfortunately, the innocent child had no idea how to react.

Her mind still lingered on the faint memories that she had with her Mama, and anything that the Alpha would say was nothing but a blur to her.

All eyes were trained on them, and Little Amber couldn't help but squirm in discomfort.

The Alpha said he was going to show her something, but many people were openly staring at them which was making her extremely nervous. She felt like she did something wrong, and was going to get scolded for it. Her palms were cold that they needed someone to hold them.

The little girl looked at the man's broad back before her.

He was really tall, a giant man she would say.

Her hand unconsciously reached out to his, and she immediately realized that he exuded incredible warmth.

His steps came to a halt when he felt a tugging at his finger.

He quickly turned around, and saw that it was her who did that.

"What is it?" he asked gruffly.

Her lips quivered slightly. The man's voice was deeper than her father's, and he sounded scary whenever he spoke. She wondered if their pack's Alpha sounded the same? Little Amber had never met Alpha Leviticus even once, so she had insufficient knowledge of him.

The West Crescent Pack only allowed werewolves who had their first shift to enter the pack house.

It was one of the basic rules they must adhere to—that's why Little Amber had literally no idea how their Alpha looked like.

"They don't like me…" she squeaked out, peeking at the other pack members around them from under her thick eyelashes. She uttered those words in a whisper, but some of them made violent reactions as if they heard her. Her grip on his finger tightened momentarily.

How long do they have to walk?

He specifically told her to never go astray, but walking behind him felt like following a never-ending trail.

In addition to that, people were so focused on her, making her stumble a few times earlier due to anxiety.

The Alpha crouched down, so he could met her eye level. "And who are 'they'?" he inquired in a low voice, his other hand stroking her hair in a comforting manner.

Little Amber pointed her finger at everyone, making them gasp in shock.

After that, she tried to hide her face against his shoulder.

Why's everyone shooting daggers at her?

She only stated the truth—she even heard some of them badmouthing her even if she hadn't wronged them in any way. She couldn't recall offending anyone during her stay here, and it was making her feel bad that they seemed to be so against her.

Is it because for the fact that she isn't originally from their pack?

Someone even referred to him a stray dog.

Someone even described that she was no different from a rogue.

What's a rogue though?

Is being a rogue that bad?

They seemed to hate its existence, and being called one—what kind conclusion would she arrive at?

A low, rumbling growl reverberated in the Alpha's chest that made her stand still, her heart beating like crazy.

Is he mad that she pointed at his pack members?

The poor child whimpered softly as she tried to push him away. He was going to hurt her. After all, he was a stranger. Her eyes watered when she realized that he wasn't letting go. He was holding her in place using the strength of just one hand, and that's when frustration started getting the best of her.

"Please leave me alone…" she cried out hoarsely.

He wiped the small child's tears with the back of his hand. "Who says they don't like you?"

Little Amber shook her head through heartbreaking hiccups. "I don't belong here, Alpha."

"Who says you don't?"

That's when she looked at the man's expression.

He was talking to her patiently just like how her Papa did before.

She tried to stop herself from making small hiccups, but her system wouldn't cooperate. She was finally overcome by huge emotions she had been keeping to herself lately that it was no longer possible for a six-year old kid to manage them well.

The man somehow resembled her Papa the longer she stared at his face.

Hot tears pooled from the corner of her eyes, and blurred her vision slowly. "I want Papa…" she muttered unconsciously.

Is her father aware of her mother's death?

If so…

Why won't he go home just yet?

Little Amber had been feeling lonely, and even the Mister—their family driver, abandoned her with no hesitation. Everything was coming back to her like a flashback; the excitement she felt that day to go home, the anticipation of seeing her Mama's gentle expression, the spaghetti and meatballs she was supposed to have for dinner, and then waking up to the cold body of her sweet mother.

Tears streamed down her face helplessly, and all the man could do was stare at her blankly.

He didn't know what to do as his son wasn't a crybaby.

"We'll try to get a hold of him, okay?"

She blinked at him, twice. "When is he coming back…"

"I can't tell for certain, but he'll return in no time for sure."

She held out her pinky finger. "Promise?"

The Alpha stared at it for a moment, and sighed before entwining their pinky fingers. "That's a promise, kid."

"I hope it happens soon."

"It will." He nodded gingerly. "All you have to do is behave like the good girl you are."

Little Amber pursed her lips. "I don't make fight."

"Is that so?"

She hummed softly, nodding. Shockingly, the child used his clothes to wipe her tears and snot away.

She couldn't wait for her first transformation. If only she already had her first shift, she didn't have to sit back and wait for her Papa's return. In her wolf's form, she could travel miles every day until she reached her destination.

That's what she learned from her History class last year, and that's also what her father told her—that she could do many things that she couldn't in her human form.

That aside from exceptional senses, she would also obtain unfathomable strength.

Little Amber knew her father wouldn't lie to her in the slightest.

He was outspoken, and had never hesitated to correct her mistakes, even if he had to hurt her feelings—especially during their trainings.

She clutched the front of the Alpha's shirt.

Ever since that day, she still hadn't returned to their home. What if her Papa's already there? He must be waiting for her to come home.

These people kept saying that they would try contacting him again and again, but wasn't it better to visit their house personally just to make sure?

Besides, there were a lot of gifts from her father that were left there, and she'd like to retrieve them as much as possible.

Those were treasured possessions.

"Will you promise not to cry anymore?" the Alpha asked cautiously.

Little Amber nodded her head quietly.

She was too tired to speak.

"Let me carry you."

"Okay," was her quiet response.

The Alpha lifted her into his massive arms carefully, and she laid her head on his shoulder shortly afterward. She watched the people they passed by with sleepy eyes, and some of them began looking away upon meeting her soulful gaze.

The others had lowered their faces as if to avoid looking at her—at them.

The Alpha began barking orders left and right, and she could no longer quite make out what he was saying as she was already out of it.

He said he was going to show her something, right?

Would it be fine to sleep for a bit?

Alpha Severus leads the River Severn Pack, a neighboring pack not too far from the West Crescent. His pack is one of the recognized packs in Akkad, therefore it's easy for them to travel in and out of their territory.

Cain Santiago is one of the most revered pack warriors in West Crescent, and he's known him for almost a decade now. That's why when he heard from the border sentries that there were people who deliberately trespassed into their land to ask for help, he quickly mobilized his own pack warriors to lend a hand to the West Crescent Pack.

As an Alpha, he received word that West Crescent had been working on legitimizing their pack and other rights, hence most of their high-ranking leaders would be on the run to accomplish some duties. He also heard that Cain, the pack warriors' Commander, had been tasked to finish a mission in Yalova—and Severus couldn't be any prouder of the man's personal achievements as a true member of that pack.

Therefore, his instincts were telling him that there could be a conspiracy behind this attack.

The timing was impeccable.

And the unidentified group launched an attack exactly when the West Crescent Pack was at its most vulnerable state. Considering their organized movements, Severus wouldn't say they were just 'mad' rogues.

The possibility that it was planned, wherein the specific details of the attack were ironed out perfectly, was high. Alpha Severus left his Gamma in charge of River Severn as he eagerly joined his men into battling those bastards.

They already took in some of Leviticus' pack members as most of them couldn't think straight because of shock.

The nagging feeling in his chest wouldn't go away for some reason.

The fact that those people already fled the scene, and deserted their land in fear, means that the fight was so intense they knew they wouldn't stand a chance no matter how they struggled.

Werewolves are tenacious creatures—it is rare for them to display their necks in submission, especially if they have something to protect. The only path for them is to fight to the death, and the pride of those who have specific ranks won't let them back down so easily either.

They'd put up a fight as long as they could, and until they breathe their last.

"How's the situation?" Alpha Severus mindlinked his pack warriors as he neared the West Crescent borders.

His pitch-black wolf was on edge as they pushed their legs forward mercilessly to get to Leviticus' territory as soon as possible. The strong, metallic scent of blood lingered in the air, and stirred something in him.

He lifted his head, and howled loudly—with his eyes glowing vicious red.

Whoever orchestrated this all, he swore he wouldn't show any mercy.

Launching an attack in broad daylight was already unbelievable as it was.

Are they that desperate?

They sure aren't afraid getting caught in the act.

"Three-fifths of the city burned down, Alpha."

His eyes turned sharp as he continued running.

He should be there in ten minutes.


"Do not retreat as that will only help those hounds accomplish their goals. Make sure to bring the children and elderly to safety right away. They're your top priority."

"Roger that."

So, their plan is to burn the West Crescent Pack down to the ground?

"Any casualties on our end?"

"Three of us have suffered minor injuries, Alpha."

"Pull them out."


"You heard me the first time."

"B-but we don't have enough—"

He snarled ferociously. "Do you want to get your comrades killed?"

The most important thing right now was to hold down their resources until he arrived. Once one of his pack warriors died, this battle would no longer be simply aiding a neighboring pack, but a battle of revenge.

They must not lose sight of their focus during these critical times.

His ears perked up when he heard a rustling of leaves within his fifty-meter radius. Severus clenched his teeth in anticipation. It looked like he was being followed, and he would've noticed it a bit earlier if only he wasn't preoccupied with the mindlinks.

The rogue's scent was faint.

Was it oakmoss?

The Alpha picked up his pace steadily, still on high alert. The other wolf was still following him, and the wolf inside his head was pacing back and forth—pissed. The fact that there was a lowly animal going after them dauntlessly, Severus had been controlling his wolf's urges to let loose as that would hinder him from arriving in a timely manner.

He could already smell the scent of burning wood and rubber from the distance, and the humungous smoke engulfing the skies of West Crescent land.

His eyes narrowed intently while sneaking a look at his both sides.

Then, a wolfish grin formed over his mouth.

To the right.

Just when he was about to cross the border, Alpha Severus turned to his right abruptly—and with the help of a little calculation from his wolf and its instincts, he charged straight ahead, and in full speed.

A strong gust of wind ruffled his thick, mighty fur, and before he knew it, an average-sized wolf entered his line of sight.

'So, that's the pup who's been coming after me?'

He let out a warning growl which almost made the rogue lose his balance.

It seemed that the other wolf had no plans of falling back even upon seeing him, an Alpha, so that further aggravated Severus' wolf.




He jumped into the air vigorously with his one leg extending perpendicularly outward, and he was drooling like a madman. The rogue snarled back angrily as if he found it unacceptable that another wolf was challenging him.

Alpha Severus' orbs darkened maliciously.

He would've let him live the rest of his sorry life in peace if he hadn't been so adamant on dying.

The rogue hurriedly leaped into the air, yet he still landed on the ground first.

Severus grinned widely while feeling the excitement up above.

The rogue couldn't even react as it all happened so fast.

The poor wolf lowered his head in attempt to evade his attack from above. However, it was a bad move as he had to avert his gaze, and he'd be full of openings. The Alpha nearly got him, but the rogue was unyielding—he was able to avoid the full brunt of his attack, but his teeth managed to catch its tail.

Then, Severus shook his head ruthlessly until its tail was completely torn apart. The rogue screamed in pain before letting out a howl of despair, but he was not having it.

Alpha Severus' large wolf pinned him to the ground, its drool trickling all over the whimpering rogue's face.

"Stalling me is futile. You'll just get wrecked."

His teeth clamped down hard into his skin before he unjustly snapped its bloody neck in one move.

And it was no longer breathing.

He stared at it coldly, then shook the blood off his fur before disappearing from the forest.

'Satisfied?' he asked his wolf.

'Tear his flesh apart.'

'We don't have the luxury to do that right now.'

Severus saw two familiar faces awaiting him from the border, both still in their human forms. He didn't bother to shift as soon as he reached them. Moving in his current form was faster and more efficient after all.

He approached his men slowly, and immediately sensed the anxiety brimming inside them.

It was probably their Commander who made them sit out to wait for him here.

The report that he received earlier wasn't exaggerated at all.

His lungs undoubtedly inhaled the stench of blood, flesh, rubber, and other chemicals—with the scent of sorrow hanging heavily in the air.

"Were you two here all this time?"

"We came around fifteen minutes ago, Alpha."

"Was it your Commander who told you to meet me here?"

"Yes, Alpha."

He smirked sarcastically. "Mindlinks exist for a reason. The two of you could've saved many lives out there. So, what's your status report?"

"The pack house was set on fire, and we're suspecting an arson here. We found out that their belongings were still inside the building, and nothing was missing. According to one she-wolf we bumped into earlier, the pack house was the first among the many establishments that were burned to the ground. Luckily, the children were in schools when it all happened. There's been no movement in the beginning, so they thought the fire was due to an accident. However, a group of wolves suddenly turned up from the pack's northern border, and decided to pounce on whoever was on sight aimlessly."

Damn it.

That certainly sounded like an elaborate plan.


"Pounce aimlessly?"

"They described it as if the werewolves had gone mad. They tried talking it out with them, but the scoundrels wouldn't listen. It was as if they were possessed."

Wind chills blew between them.

"Possessed, you say?"

"That's correct, Alpha. Isn't it the same case that we've heard from Yalova?"

Brave rogues coming to invade and attack packs was hardly a new thing nowadays

Those beings were most likely stuck on either two of radical premises. Their way of life had ruined their future for them. They should've known that for every choice that they made—there would be an equivalent outcome.

Rogues are being punished harshly in accordance with every existing pack law or a part thereof.

This was due to their harmful nature and tendencies since they had been living out in the wild.

As much as possible, rogues try to steer clear of territorial lands. Those who so much attempt to trespass are sometimes the ones that are starving, who also think that stealing is the best way to satiate their beastly hunger. The number of rogues over the years have grown remarkably, so it only goes without saying that their usual preys have also fallen victims to the hands of others. And in their battle for survival, these werewolves have eventually succumbed to their animalistic side, and become feral.

Feral wolves are difficult to deal with because engaging them in a conversation is useless.

They won't listen to anything, but their instincts. The harsh environment they grew up in is what molded them into the beasts that they are. Rogues who are desperate enough to trespass into any pack to steal goods usually receive lesser beatings and lenient punishments. Still, the final decision is up to the Alpha. Even if their intention isn't to harm other people, some packs would lock them up for the rest of their lives to make an example out of them.

On the other hand, there are rogues whose intentions are as dark as their souls.

To attack…

To kill…

To invade…

To conquer…

Most of them used to be pack wolves who'd been banished for the sins they committed, but were having a hard time adjusting to their new environment. Since they weren't used to living outside the pack, the frustration in wanting to return to their once comfortable lives usually became their motivation to do better, train harder, and hunt more.

Until they think that they're strong enough to form a pack and tame their followers, there's no stopping them.

In this case, it seemed to Alpha Severus that the type of mastermind who would set this up was the latter.

A former pack wolf.

He shook his head, bothered. "Yalova is a country too far away. Don't create your own interpretations. Eliminate all the enemies, and once you've come across a competent foe, you must not finish them off. They probably know something, so we're bringing them with us to River Severn." He ran his tongue over his fangs. "Understood?"

"Roger that."

"Now, join your fellow pack warriors, and don't forget the order of your priority, boys."

"Yes, Alpha."

His two men shifted into their wolves right away, and ran into the town without looking back. Those boys are scared shitless, yet in the name of the reputation they hold as a pack warrior, they followed his order, and didn't complain.

Severus trotted slowly through the damp soil as both he and his wolf surveyed the border cautiously.

This was the west, and this was the direction where the foolish wolf earlier came from.

Did they know that he was coming, so they set up a preemptive strike just in case?


It doesn't make sense.

Sending that pitiful rogue his way is like forcing him to commit suicide.

But that sounds a bit too much.

So, if that isn't the case, then what is?

Surely, they didn't think he'd actually get defeated by a puny wolf?

If he were to judge that quick battle, he might even think that the rogue was inexperienced in fighting. When he was high up in the air, the rogue didn't move until the very last second. It looked like he was stunned for a moment, and unable to move his limbs.

And for some reason, the rogue just stared at him in awe until he landed back on his back, and as if that snapped him out of his little reverie, that's when the wolf moved away—but that was a little too late for Alpha Severus had already caught his tail using his mouth.

That's it…

They sent out an inexperienced fighter to take care of him?

How insulting.

If that was how those bastards viewed his physical prowess, then it was only right that he'd rather feel insulted. His wolf was urging him to move and join the battlefield as it was already getting impatient. It doesn't take any offense very lightly, and it won't take shit from anyone beside their mate.

Thankfully, Alpha Severus was in full control of his wolf, despite shifting into its form.

After all, inner wolves have their own minds, and distinct characteristics, too.

Should he check the perimeters first?

'What are you waiting for?' his wolf snapped.

'I don't think I can leave the border,' was his terse reply.

That was true.

As for the reason why he couldn't…

He doesn't know.

'You're no different from being a spectator, Severus. Aren't you ashamed?'

'Shut up.'

'I won't lend you my strength if you give me that attitude.'

'Don't be stubborn. I'm confident with my skills.'

'As someone who's watching you, I wouldn't say that.'

'This is Cain's pack. Do you remember him?'

'The one who saved mate…'

Alpha Severus nodded firmly. 'We owe him.'

'So, what are you standing here for? Let me take control, Severus. Your hesitation makes me think you're not qualified for this job.'

'Have you forgotten Cain's piece of advice?'

'Which one exactly are you talking about…' his wolf replied, annoyed.

'Never leave the borders unguarded—no matter what.'

His ears perked up when he heard the familiar roaring of a certain engine. He didn't hesitate to take cover in the bushes when the speeding car was drawing near. His scrutinizing eyes widened in recognition when he saw the jeep raptor.

It was Cain Santiago's.

That man should've already left by now, so the one who was driving it was probably not him. Alpha Severus pursued the vehicle warily, his wolf now cooperating upon the sight of an old friend's belonging.

And it wasn't long before they realized that it was leaving the pack land.

'Should we follow it?'

'They're heading to the west. Don't you think they're actually headed to our pack?'

'That's possible, but first of all…'

They need to make sure that the ones riding the vehicle are not enemies.

Otherwise, the safety of their pack will be comprised.

He can help, but not at the expense of his own people.

'They're driving too fast.'

'That's what I'm about to say.'

Are they fleeing or…?

'Follow them.'

An idea suddenly came to mind in order to end this chasing game at once.

Surely, once they noticed that they were being followed, they might do everything in their power to escape his clutches successfully. And to prevent that from ever happening, Severus broke into a sprint, completely overtaking the vehicle's speed within two minutes.

The driver of the vehicle must be out of his mind…?

That only confirmed his suspicion that Cain wasn't in there. The man once said that he rarely used his jeep raptor, and his only main reason to drive it was his precious daughter.

There's no way Cain will drive like he's on the highway to hell if he's got his daughter with him.

The driver, on the other hand, wasn't letting up at all. Even though Severus was already running ahead of them, the real challenge now was how he'd be able to make them stop. Because with the speed they were going, appearing on the sidewalk to catch their attention didn't seem like the best option.

The vehicle would just get past him, and they would be gone in an instant.

So, first and foremost, he needs to establish a satisfactory distance between them, so he can march toward the middle of the road without being run over, considering that jeep raptor's violent speed.

'Or you can howl to let them know of your presence.'

Alpha Severus scoffed. 'And give away our location to the enemies? I've always known you aren't the brightest among all, but your commentaries aren't really helping whenever we're in situations like this.'

His wolf grinned proudly. 'You think I care about that? Expose our location, and I'll tear open their vessels of flesh and bones…'

How… detailed.

The Alpha knows that he's already covered an extensive distance, and the longer he does this—the more he'll move away from the West Crescent Pack. After dealing with this entire ordeal, he'll have to go back, and that will probably take time, too, depending on whether or not he'll encounter rogues on his way there again.

So, while they were still out of sight, he quickly shifted into his human form, and headed toward the middle of the road. Running him over was impossible because even before they could slam the car against him, he'd make sure to send the jeep raptor flying by his fist.

Tires screeching…

They're here.

Alpha Severus stood brazenly before the speeding vehicle without a single care in the world.

His nakedness was the least of his concerns right now.

When werewolves shifted back into their human forms, of course, they were totally naked.

After all, their clothes had been ripped apart the moment they transformed into being an animal.

His dark gaze warned the jeep raptor to stop, and even from afar, he had already memorized the facial features of the man behind the steering wheel.

But that's not all…

There's a kid, sleeping on the backseat.

Her mouth wasn't taped, and hands were freed from any form of restraint. This didn't look like a case of kidnapping, but the driver was driving at an unthinkable speed—it looked suspicious to him.

The driver seemed to get the hint, and the jeep raptor slowed down until it came to a full stop two meters away from him.

The man unlocked the door, and went down to face him.

No, that wasn't it.

He got out of the car with his eyes trained on the concrete road.

Alpha Severus lifted an eyebrow at the man's reaction.

What's going on?

Did he, by any chance, recognize him?

"Who owns the car that you're driving?"

'Let me see if he's lying.'

The man hesitated for a moment. "Cain Santiago…"

"And why are you taking it on this very road? For sure, you're aware that you and the kid in that car are on an unclaimed territory right now," he said gruffly. "Explain."

The man balled his first, aggrieved. "I-I went to pick up Ms Kamila's daughter. I was planning to bring her to the River Severn Pack first as I was notified by a fellow pack member that they were welcomed there with open arms. I-I was hoping for the same with Ms Amber," he explained in one breath. "Please let us through. I still need to go back to our pack to help out." His body was now shaking. "My mate is still there. She's a pack healer," he choked on a sob at the heavy pressure inside him.

The Alpha gaped at him. "Kamila… as in Kamila Santiago?" His intense gaze went back to the small child inside the jeep raptor. "You're telling me she's Cain's daughter?"


"What's your mate's name?"

The driver bared his fangs at him in warning, his chest growling. He was being needlessly possessive, but the Alpha of the River Severn Pack couldn't possibly take that against him.

For he knows what having a mate feels like, and learning that there's another man seeking her, his wolf would probably go ballistic, too.

That's how protective and possessive wolves are over their females.

However, the driver was barking up the wrong tree.

He's an Alpha after all.

The man should've sensed it by now for he couldn't even bring himself to meet his gaze.

Alpha Severus tried to tone down his snarl, but he forgot that his wolf was too stubborn when it came to this.

Hence, the sound that he created was enough to have the birds fleeing the trees in groups.

"Severus—that's my name. Do you know me?"

"A… Alpha Severus?"

"You have my permission to enter my pack, and I'm only going to ask one thing of you in return." He motioned his face toward Cain's daughter. "You must ensure that child's safety even if it's going to cost your life. You have to stay true on your word because… I'll find out either way." He didn't mean for his tone to be menacing, but due to the sense of responsibility that rushed into his veins after finding out that the child was Cain's, he needed to take this situation very seriously.

"You'll have to tell me your mate's name, so I could look for her in your place. Her wolf color—or any of her unique features that would help me identify her. I'm truly impressed how you've convinced yourself to prioritize someone else's daughter first before your mate. That should explain your agitation and manner of driving, but the thing is… I'll have to ask you now to calm down, and drive safely for the sake of that kid and your mate as well. Have I made myself clear?" Alpha Severus narrowed his eyes intently.

With that kind of driving, they were most likely to get into a car accident than get ambushed by rogues.

"Yes, thank you so much," the man croaked. "I'll keep that in mind, but please…"

He cut him off with a stiff nod. "I'll look for her."

"Her name is Sana, and her coat color is a mix of gray and brown. She's got an apple haircut."

The Alpha started going back to the sidewalk while giving him a few reminders. The driver repeatedly bowed his head to him before going back inside the jeep raptor. Alpha Severus stood beside the tree awkwardly as he watched the man revved the engine, and thankfully, this time, he went for an average speed.

After that, he wasted no moment in shifting back into his mighty black wolf, his paws slamming into the ground heavily as he raced through the harsh winds of the forest.

He couldn't afford to waste any more time.

It was unfair that he had to meet Cain's child under such circumstances, so he had to make sure that his daughter would reach their pack, safe and sound. Cain's wife, Kamila, was a former pack warrior, and a strong one at that. He knew that she wouldn't go down without putting up a fight, so he shouldn't worry too much.

However, the West Crescent was in a helpless state right now due to the absence of some key members of the pack. The Beta and the Commander weren't there, and for sure, they brought a good number of pack warriors with them to Yalova.

'Anyone who has seen Leviticus, report back to me. Quick.'

That man…

How could he let this happen to the pack he treasured the most!?

A loud, grief-stricken howl nearly that shook the ground, caused his heart to palpitate wildly. He pushed himself even further, and crossed the border in no time, not stopping even for a moment to catch his breath.

It was strange.

No one was responding to him via mindlink.

Alpha Severus was beginning to see red as he made his way deep into the town. There were burning houses everywhere, and even the grasses had already turned into gray ashes.

That's when he heard a scream coming from his left, so he quickly dashed to that direction.

His anger only fueled the beast inside him.


It was a girl's voice.


He should arrive in time.


Severus leaped into the air for an aerial attack with his claws and fangs out.

From there, he saw four wolves that had surrounded a female who appeared to be trying to protect somebody behind her.

He sniffed the air, and that's when it hit him hard.

The Alpha landed on one of those four wolves, his paw swiping across the rogue's chest in the process. It let out a yelp, but before it could do anything else—he sank his teeth into its stomach, and shook its body left and right until its intestines burst out.

His wolf was slowly taking over.

The remaining wolves attacked him from different directions at the same time, and one of them managed to bite his hind leg.

He quickly changed his stance, and attack the wolf on his left, his canines clamping down hard on its neck as it pointlessly struggled for its life before he tossed him aside, knocking the other wolf, which was raring to come at him, down.

Alpha Severus took that opportunity to kill both of them in one go when he suddenly felt a bite sinking deeply into his right hip.

His lip curled back, a snarl threatening to escape his throat.

Damn it.

'I'll allow it this time.'

He paid no mind to the other wolf attacking him from behind, and tore the bodies of the wolves under him like there was no tomorrow. When he felt content with the poor state their bodies were in, he shook the other wolf above him away.

His large frame made the wolf whine as he stalked toward her cautiously.

Yes, it was a she-wolf.


That's not important.

He lunged forward, and grabbed her by the throat to slam its head to the ground with full force.

And she died… just like that.

The she-wolf should be thankful that he granted her a quick death.

Severus morphed back into his human form, hissing when his arm made an accidental contact with his injured hip. The lady looked at him, wide-eyed, as she scrambled away from him in fear, tears rolling down her cheeks.

He made his way over toward her while wiping the blood off his face with the back of his hand.

"I mean no harm," he stated coldly. "You're a healer. What's your name?"


"And the person lying behind you?"

The scent was familiar, but still, he wanted to confirm it.

"Don't come closer…"

"Who's the person behind you, and what are you waiting for!? Heal him."

Sana shook her head, and made no sound as she cried her heart out.

"P-please… No… Don't come any closer."

"Heal him."

Again, she shook her head furiously. "I-I can't… It won't matter…"

"How can you say that without trying!?" he snapped, his wolf threatening to resurface.

"I tried! I tried earlier…! But his injuries were too serious… The rogues…! I-I think they used silver weapons! Otherwise, he wouldn't have died… Alpha wouldn't die!"

"Leviticus?" he muttered in disbelief.

Damn it.

He was late.

Way too late.

The pile of bodies in this area…

Apart from those that he killed, the number should be around twenty… or more.

"Damn you, rascal. You could've waited for me," he whispered into the thin air as he looked at his unmoving body on the ground.

Severus ran a hand over his face in frustration.