Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The barbecue party is now in full swing.

Many visitors from different parts of the country have arrived to join the Alpha of River Severn in his celebration for making it to the Top 10 packs to produce the strongest of warriors all over the Akkad nation.

And as of now, River Severn occupies the tenth seat of the official list.

Meaning, should the Capital need a number of pack warriors for its future campaigns, they would pick werewolves from the Top 10 strongest packs first before seeking new representatives and volunteers from the rest of the packs in Akkad.

River Severn has been consistently doing well for almost a decade.

Their history and pride as a resilient pack gave them the opportunity to be recognized by the Werewolf King himself. They were leading the capture of vicious rogues in the last six months as well—even dethroning the higher seats off this specific job.

Therefore, people can't say that it's just a simple party.

Today, they have to celebrate their pack's achievement, so everyone is thrilled to invite themselves over to the pack house. The party isn't limited to particular families, and is open to all pack members though, so anyone can come.

Unfortunately, border patrols can't be laid off their duties simply because it's a day of recreation for most.

Their family members are welcome to visit the pack house anytime, and they shall be treated accordingly as a token of appreciation for their efforts as sentries.

One of the main reasons why the pack members have been really looking forward to the event this time is that they've heard that a Werewolf King representative will be present, too.

It's not like they get to see every day a person who's working directly under the command of Akkad's supreme being.

Of course, it isn't a party if there are no games prepared beforehand.

These games are particularly tailored for pups below fifteen for them to showcase their skills and great potentials to the scrutinizing gaze of the Werewolf King representative.

It goes without saying that the pack members are so hyped about it. After all, River Severn exists to cultivate all their werewolves into pack warriors—so, even the pups have something to flaunt, especially if they're talking about abilities.

And tonight, the goal of many parents is for their kids to catch the representative's eye by standing out.

The Luna has prepared a different area for the kids since some adults are here to talk business. At times like this, it's normal to gain allies. Of course, there are packs who want to ride River Severn's coattails in order for them to establish stronger connections with others by simply mentioning Alpha Severus' name.

So, knowing that some guests would be here for official pack business, Xyla immediately realized that these important people need their own private space.

The celebration allows the pups' attendance as it's because of them that the party will become livelier.

"Looking for me?" Xyla felt a warm, large hand squeezing her waist. She didn't have to turn around to see who that was. Her mate's scent was enough to overwhelm her senses. Xyla continued to survey the surroundings for a few seconds before she came to face her husband, Alpha Severus. "Aren't you too vain, love?" she teased lightly.

Severus groaned deeply in the back of his throat.

What he wanted from his mate was just one kiss. They had been apart from each other for hours because he had to entertain a lot of guests wherein some of them were Alphas.

Of course, he couldn't turn them away.

They came here to congratulate him on the pack's success after all.

"So, you weren't looking for me?"

Xyla caressed his face—to which he happily leaned on. "Yes, I was indeed looking for someone. I haven't seen even that child's shadow until now."

Severus' fond expression slowly morphed into one of confusion, gone was his needy and playful mood seconds ago. "Child?" he uttered in a low voice.

He began to look around the place as well.

And he knew specifically who he was trying to find in the huge crowd of kids playing right before his eyes, but he failed to recognize her from each one of them. "Amber, I suppose? You didn't forget to remind her, did you?"

His mate shook her head, concern casting over her soft features. "I told her about the party a few more times after you made your announcement. I said it would be fun, and she'd get to mingle with other kids her age from different packs. Amber's face lit up that moment, but technically, she didn't make any comments. I stopped myself from coming into her room earlier as that might be too imposing of me. I don't want the kid to think I'm being very annoying, love."

"Amber isn't like that," Severus quickly consoled. "Did you go upstairs to check on her already?"

Xyla pursed her lips. She was getting worried. It was either Amber was planning to not attend in the first place, or sleeping in. "Brandon's pup mentioned earlier that Amber might take a nap. I was planning to go to her room once I was able to confirm that she wasn't here."

"I'll come with you," Severus replied without blinking an eye.

It was true for him as well—that he had yet to see the adorable girl after going home from school.

Usually, Amber would look for them around the pack house first to give her greetings before going to her room, but she didn't do so this time.

Severus didn't dwell on it too much since his schedules for today were overlapping. He was tied up with many prior commitments he had made that he later forgot about her.

Is she not feeling well?

Did anybody dare pick on her again at school?

Cain's daughter rarely goes to him to discuss how she is doing at school.

Most of the time, he had to interview his Gamma's twins for it—not that Salt had anything to say to begin with. Pepper is a reliable source, though she tends to exaggerate her stories sometimes.

But still, it's better to have someone to obtain information from than none at all.

Who knows if another naïve wolf is stirring up trouble for her again?

Severus was baffled as to why the little girl was hell-bent on keeping such situations to herself. He doesn't know which part of their parenting is lacking. It wasn't like there had been an instance in the past where he and his Luna ignored Amber's words.

If anything, it was the exact opposite of it.

Her well-being became their focus since she was an orphan.

The pup needs a person to turn to, and they want to let her know that their doors are always open for her and her troubles.

The Alpha would be happy if she saw them as her second parents by now.

Because for him, it didn't take long to care for her as if she were his own.

"And what if they start looking for you?" Xyla's gentle tone pulled him out of his trance. "You should stay here."

Severus looked down at her, displeased. "Don't deny your mate in such a cold manner."

His Luna just chuckled softly. "It always slips my mind—how sensitive this Alpha is."

"I'm not sensitive. I don't like it. My wolf doesn't like it. We just want to be with you, so… would you do the honor of taking me far away from here?" Severus asked seriously.

Yet, his tone and facial expression were contradicting.

He sounded sincere with that request, but the playfulness in his eyes was too apparent in the first place.

"Don't tease me for I might take you up on that."

Severus shook his head while chuckling. "I'm serious about wanting to see our little girl though. A ten-minute break shouldn't hurt. What do you think, love?"

"You're full of excuses. Let's just go upstairs. The Alpha can't be gone for too long. That would be rude to our guests."

Severus held his mate's elbow to guide her toward the door in the ocean of people. The garden was divided in half to set the children apart from the tables of adults. A few people greeted them on their way inside the pack house, and thankfully, none seemed to have been requesting an urgent audience with him.

"Have you tried asking the twins? Maybe Amber was with them earlier."

"No, I haven't. Please… I don't want to involve the kids."

"Point taken. How about Lukas? The four of them went home together after all. For sure, he must have noticed if Amber is acting strange."

"I said I didn't want to involve the kids…? Is Lukas an adult in your eyes?" Xyla rolled her eyes.

Soon enough, they reached the end of the staircase.

The couple shared their observations on the event with each other until they stopped in front of Amber's room. The hallway was quiet as expected—for most of the occupants were already at the garden, having fun.

'This place looks gloomy,' Severus told himself.

'Like you,' his wolf suddenly came out to say its piece of mind. 'Check it out now.'

Severus' wolf is a huge nagger, so they hardly communicate with each other—unless it's dire. His wolf likes to initiate a conversation only when the topic is about their mate, and of course, it's a given.

So, hearing its voice inside his head, now of all times, is a bit unusual.

'Check it out? Whatever do you mean?'

'The pup's room.'

All of a sudden, Severus felt more guarded. 'Did you sense anything?'

'No, I don't.'

His brows furrowed at his wolf's curt response. 'So, what's your point?'

'That's the point. I don't sense the pup here. Check her room. Now.'

Xyla jumped in surprise when her husband wordlessly kicked the door down.

She blinked at him in bewilderment.

It seems like he has made it a habit now—kicking doors open. She wonders what the knob is for at this point?

Severus called out the little girl's name as he strode into the room like a rude man.

"What are you doing? You'll scare her off."

"Nobody will be scared off if the room is vacant," Severus uttered sharply.

Xyla didn't like the message he was trying to say, so she invited herself into the room as well. "Was it you who turned the lights on?" she asked while trying to search for Amber under the bed.


"Amber doesn't leave them on whenever she goes out."

Severus turned to look at her upon that realization. "That's right. So, she must be still here. Are you sure you didn't miss her when you went to the site where the kids were?"

Xyla stared up at him, worried. "Even if I didn't see Amber, I should still have caught even the faintest of her scent if she mingled with others."

He puffed out a frustrated breath into the crisp air, and rubbed a hand over his face. "I swear, that pup likes giving her Alpha headaches…"

"Should we mobilize a search party?" The Luna was actually reluctant to bring up that suggestion because it would throw people into disorder. Besides, they're being watched by too many eyes right now. This mess would surely reflect poorly on River Severn's reputation—not to mention, a person of importance was coming, too.

Xyla knows that her mate thinks the same.

He's the Alpha, and when it comes to this, the order of priority should be followed. The pack comes first, and that's a no-brainer. However, it isn't right to ask him to ignore this problem either.

Severus won't concede to that idea.

He really adores his friend's daughter, and he holds her very dearly.

"Anything, but that…"

"Then, can I go? I have… time."

"You?" Severus shook his head furiously before his mate could even appeal. "It's risky. I need you by my side. I'll inform Brandon now."

At the end of the day, the Gamma Chief is the one who's in charge of the pack's security details. Brandon knows his men better, so it's unlikely for them to fail. Severus could tell for certain that Amber didn't leave her room when she got home.

Otherwise, he would have found out about it.

That child always secures his permission before going into the woods anyway.

She never attempts to go farther than the riverbanks either—and he knows about that because he tried to tail the pup two years ago due to his unyielding curiosity. He felt bad afterward, so he vowed to never do it again.

Five years had passed since the last time he thought of assigning Amber a custodian, but that never came true as well.

Severus is starting to forget that idea, but here they are…

Going crazy over the pup being missing again.

He was about to connect with Brandon through mindlink, but for some reason, the latter beat him to it.

'Alpha, where are you?'

Should he reveal the specifics right away?

Severus decided to wait. Going by his Gamma's tone, whatever he got with him sounded urgent.

'Upstairs,' he replied curtly. 'Am I needed there?'

'I… I am not at the venue, Alpha,' Brandon stammered. 'Do you have time? You need to come to the clinic.'


That certainly sounds like they're facing another problem here.

'Who's injured? Whose kid?' were the questions that came out of his mouth automatically.

The pups must have been roughhousing again.

It can't be helped because they're… kids.

They're expected to be energetic at their age.

'Uh, about that… it's Amber, Alpha.'

Severus wasn't able to stop himself from yelling. 'What!?'

Xyla noticed the change in his expression, so she quickly went over toward him to caress his back. She figured he was mindlinking a pack member, and the person from the other side brought him bad news.

Otherwise, he wouldn't get so riled up in just a matter of seconds.

'The pack healer said that it was Amber who took the initiative to come to his office.'

'How is she right now?' Severus asked, agitated. 'Never mind. I'm on my way there. Tell me she's stable at least.'

All of a sudden, he took his mate's hand, and exited Amber's room. Xyla looked back and forth between Severus and the room. The situation seemed urgent, and she noticed his jaw keep clenching and unclenching.

His conversation with the other person seemed to be not yet over because he still hadn't said anything.

'Actually… the doctor said there was nothing wrong with her.'

'But?' Severus would have already bolted to the clinic if it weren't for the fact that he was taking his mate with him. He was trying not to be rough or anything, though his grip on her hand was a bit… tight. 'I know there's a but, Brandon.'

'Amber was insisting that there should be. She wouldn't listen to the doctor.'

'Then, fire that doctor!? If Amber insists it, then it must be true!'

The Gamma fell quiet for a moment. 'Please try to be open-minded, Alpha. Besides, I believe you're well-informed that you're the only one in the pack who can fire people at will, right?'

Severus didn't pay much attention to what he said. 'I'll be there in a minute.'

Xyla followed along, and didn't dare ask him what it was about as he looked like he had constipation.

They were walking down a familiar hallway, and later, she discovered that her intuition was correct. The Luna thought she caught a whiff of a certain someone's scent, and when they entered the clinic—there, they saw her.

Amber, looking… petulant while having a staredown with the pack doctor.

"Alpha… Luna…" Brandon greeted cautiously with a small bow.

"What happened here?" Severus asked no one in particular.

The pack doctor was forced to look away from the sulking pup to greet and apologize to the Alpha. However, the latter paid him no mind as the man hurriedly marched to reach Amber's side.

The pack doctor averted his shocked gaze when he witnessed how the Alpha squatted down to look the child in the eye. It has been five years since the Alpha and his family brought and introduced this little girl to everyone. It has also been five years since he met Amber in the flesh—the time when she wittingly ripped her claws off to escape that pitfall.

As a doctor, he should have gotten used to this scene already, but it always felt different when the Alpha was involved.

For some reason, Alpha Severus was serious about doting on a pup that wasn't his to begin with.

And looking at the Luna, she looked genuinely concerned as well. She was the one who accompanied the little girl to the clinic before.

And now, both the Alpha and Luna personally came to Amber's rescue.

This pup…

Just what is she to them?

They aren't simply treating her like their own daughter.

He's positive that it's something… more.

"Are you okay?" Severus felt her forehead.

Amber offered him a small frown.

To be honest, she feels awkward to open up to the Alpha, especially now that all eyes are fixed on them. Not to mention, she's frustrated that the pack doctor won't believe anything that she says.

Amber knows her body more than him, but he keeps telling her that nothing's wrong with her.

Alpha Severus was hosting a significant event today, so she took it upon herself to seek the pack doctor's help alone. Now that she failed to come to the barbecue party on time, she didn't wish to burden the Alpha and Luna either.

They seem so busy, and the fact that the pack doctor mindlinked the Gamma Chief first, instead of directing the situation to the Alpha—says everything.

Thank the stars, the Alpha sensed the child's hesitation.

'She's afraid to be scolded…' Severus thought inwardly, 'but by who? That, I don't know…'

"Everyone… leave." He threw his mate a side glance. "You may stay, Xyla."

The pack doctor, together with Brandon, scurried for the door without a complaint.

The Luna observed the little girl carefully. 'She looks very reserved. I can't stay here.'

Xyla showed Severus a smile of understanding, and shook her head calmly. "I should take my leave as well."

She knows that Amber is the noncommunicative type.

She's a kid who doesn't complain about the slightest bit of convenience happening around her. That's why, if she has to leave just to get her talking, Xyla will be more than happy to do it.

Between her and Severus, Amber tends to lean more toward her mate for support.

Maybe because the pup acknowledged what the Alpha did for her sake until now.

Severus has been with her every step of the way of her adjustment here in River Severn—to the point that some people think he's been neglecting Lukas, his own son.

As the Luna, she has eyes and ears within the pack.

She hears a lot of things, including unfounded gossips circulating among pack members. If she hadn't accidentally stumbled upon she-wolves who seemed to be so engrossed in Amber's business, she wouldn't have found out about how they were dragging Lukas' name into the picture as well.

It was indeed impossible to put out the flame of hatred and jealousy totally, but Xyla did what she could that time.

She told the pack members to stop the spread of absurd rumors because it could affect lives more than they thought. She also asked them to take their words back from the previous people they talked to, and inform them that what they were saying was baseless, and intended to satiate their spite, and small, bitter minds.

Xyla was aware that she might have been a little too harsh with them, but she was afraid that if she showed them a flimsy attempt to correct their ways, they would grow bolder next time.

And she wanted to avoid that as much as possible.

She'd rather hear their complaints of her than allow the pups to experience such misery.

Amber and Lukas… they're beautiful, young, and innocent.

Their twisted environment would play a pivotal role on their own mental toughness.

Xyla saw it in Amber's eyes earlier.

How she felt so distressed because of the pack doctor.

So, Xyla was glad that Severus made the right decision by kicking them out of the room.

"You don't have to leave," Severus insisted to her, the creases on his forehead growing deeper.

"You stay with Amber, and I'll go see the doctor and Brandon. Let me see if I could get something out of them. Is that good enough?"

Severus studied her features intently before conceding. "We'll talk later. I won't be long."

The party is still ongoing, and the Werewolf King representative has yet to arrive.

Therefore, he needs to make this quick, so he can return to where he's needed. "Are you experiencing pain… or anything? You can be honest with me, Amber. I trust every word that you say. Remember that."

Her eyes streaked with tears as she looked the Alpha in the eye.

Still, Amber did her best to contain them.

She wasn't supposed to cry over something… like this.

In addition, the Alpha and Luna's interference means that her goal to not trouble them has failed. "I-I heard Papa's name. Is he downstairs, Alpha? Will I be able to finally see him tonight?"


The question caught him off-guard.

What did she mean when she said she heard Cain's name?

And… where?

"I heard voices, uttering Papa's name…" Amber confessed while staring down at her own feet. "I don't hear them now." The voices stopped pestering her when she decided to run for the clinic. The intense ringing in her ears subsided during that time as well.

And she doesn't know what that means. "I'm confused, Alpha…"

Amber couldn't distinguish the man's expression, that's why, she chose to avoid meeting his gaze.

'Is he… mad?'

'The Alpha is supposed to be super busy during these hours…'

"Whose voice did you hear? Are you able to tell me that at least?"

Amber looked up with a frown before shaking her head. "I don't know them, but they're here…" Then, she pointed at her head.

His eyes widened in horror. "Are you sure?"

'This sounds like a case of someone who might have their first shift soon…'

'But at eleven years old? It's understandable, but I think it's way too early for her.'

"And the pack doctor didn't figure this out?" Alpha Severus spoke in disbelief.

It was as if he was talking to himself…?

That's what Amber thought.

Besides, he looked uneasy, too.

Perhaps, she shouldn't have turned this into a big deal.

If she hadn't spoken for herself, would she be able to endure that suffering?

"I… I am so sorry for this may upset you, but your father hasn't come home yet, Amber." In all those five years, this was the only time that the kid mentioned her Papa again. Severus thought she had begun moving forward, but it looked like she was just suppressing herself from talking about him after all. "We're still waiting though. I know that we'd see him again one day."

Amber shook her head lightly. "Papa always made sure to come home at least once a year, Alpha. Did he f-forget about me already?" Her voice cracked.

Panic crossed his features when he saw how crestfallen she looked. He immediately brought his hand over to pat her back in a comforting gesture. "No… no… the Cain that I know isn't capable of such things. He loves you dearly—you and your mother. We just have to wait, okay?"

"We've been waiting for years, Alpha…" she whimpered softly. "And each year, I-I was let down…"

Severus felt torn as well.

Honestly, if it were just him—he would have long given up on Cain, coming back. He had heard of the news from Yalova, and those were all negative. He was suspecting that his old friend was killed in the line of duty there. After all, the problem with that specific territory remains unsettled to date.

Yalova is a very long travel from their region, so headlines about the country is limited.

"Do you miss him that much?"

Amber scratched the corner of her eye, and nodded sadly. "I do…"

"If waiting for your father to show up doesn't work, then how about we try going to him? How does that sound?" Severus knew that he was treading a dangerous path here by suggesting a terrible idea, but that was all he could think of right now.

He doesn't appreciate the sad look on her face when she talks about Cain, but that can't be helped. That rascal is her father, and Amber refuses to let go. She's too young to understand these matters, so in the meantime—providing her something she can hold onto should do.

Even if it feels wrong, and seems like he's just leading her on…

"Really?" Amber's eyes twinkled in joy. "We can do that?"

"Yes, but first, we need to comply with the heavy-duty requirements. Would you like to hear them?"

She nodded happily. "Yes, Alpha…"

"Your father is the best warrior of West Crescent. He leads your pack warriors. So, in order for us to go to the place where strong werewolves gather, you'll need to get stronger—but to be named the strongest is always better. And when you're of the acceptable age, that's when you can start to appeal to the Werewolf King about your wish to travel around Akkad without getting apprehended."

Amber is giving him a strange look, so Severus has no idea whether or not she's buying it.

"I just have to be the strongest?"

She sounded very… serious.

Severus was taken aback by her zeal.

Plus, the way she uttered that question as if it was an assignment that she'd ace anyway…

He was so impressed, he felt goosebumps.

Smiling, she held out her pinky finger first. "Deal."

Severus raised his brow at it. "You sure you're going to take this on? No backing out?"

"Santiagos don't back out," Amber stated firmly, but innocently.

That moment… he thought he saw Leviticus' smirking face cross his mind.

The similarity…

It's just staggering.

The Alpha shook his head, and eventually shook pinky fingers with her. 'Strongest, huh?'

Her hand was small, and her finger so dainty…

He'd love to see how this pup would blossom into the warrior she was destined to be.

Severus suddenly turned serious, and put his hand over her head. "Do you feel any pain when you hear the voices?"

Amber shook her head no. "No, Alpha. My ears are just… ringing."

"And the intensity changes over time?"

She stared at him in surprise as if, finally, there was somebody who could follow what she was referring to. "That's right, Alpha…"

"I think you'll have your first shift anytime soon, Amber." The Alpha watched her reaction closely. "Are you afraid?"

"Is it… painful?" she asked in a small voice. "I look forward to meeting my wolf, but not the pain associated with the transformation…" Amber visibly grimaced at the thought.

"Don't worry. Your Luna and I will be there for you. For now, don't overthink it. It's only scary when you don't have anyone by your side…" he explained calmly.

"Okay." She beamed at him. "But… why do the voices keep calling out Papa's name?" she asked curiously.

She really thought it was a sign that she'd see him tonight or one of these days…

And the voices…

They were full of ramblings.

It was confusing.

Amber can't help but wonder what the voices are trying to say?

"Because he's family," the Alpha responded smoothly. "And your system requires his presence on one of the important events in your life. It knows he's somewhere out there," he added.

Severus could never turn his back on this knowledge.

Shifting is very crucial for werewolves.

And it's even more agonizing for orphans and rogues who are usually… alone.

That's why, even if they come to the point where his vigilance becomes annoying for Amber to take, he still won't stop. He wants her to know that they see her as part of the family, too.

Not just a baggage that they're forced to look after.

Severus hopes that she won't start getting those ideas by herself.

Amber lowered her head shyly. "Mr Doctor is correct about me being fine…" She was throwing mild tantrums when the person she trusted wouldn't take her word for it, and disregarded her case because, apparently, there was nothing to worry about.

And it turns out that the pack doctor is right.

"He made you upset, didn't he?"

Alpha Severus threw him a look. "Don't deny it. I'll have a word with him. I believe you were upset because he acted too cold."

Amber's symptoms…

Of course, pack doctors don't recognize it.

Usually, wolves from Alpha bloodlines are the ones who get to experience it. Lukas didn't hear these 'voices' and experience 'ear ringing' because he and Xyla were alive—and his son's system recognized that very well.

That's why, Severus is confused.

At the very least, Cain isn't an Alpha.

Therefore, Amber isn't supposed to get these symptoms…

Amber looked sheepish.

She was probably reflecting on the actions she had shown the pack doctor earlier.

Severus gave her a head pat.

She's a good child, alright.

He was sure that Cain would have felt proud of the kid if he were just here. It was such a shame that he didn't witness her growing up.

Although, it isn't too late for that.

He could still make it if only he'd return before she reached the age of legality.

The Alpha raked an adoring look over her outfit. "Shall we go downstairs? Your friends are waiting."

"I want to see Pepper."

"I know she feels the same way, too." Severus stood up, easily towering over her form with his humungous shadow. "But before we leave, I wish to know your opinion about something."

Amber looked uncertain. "O-okay."

"How do you feel about having your own bodyguard?"

In other words, a watchman…

But he wanted to make it sound better, so he used the word 'bodyguard' instead.

Severus had been considering it for quite some time. He just can't afford to leave this little girl to herself, especially now that there are telltales of her first shift coming on.

It would be extremely dangerous for her if she were to transform without anyone knowing.

Amber likes to explore the woods alone after all.

He needs to appoint a pack warrior who can act like a shadow, and report any important developments that involves her.

This time though—he wishes to be transparent to the child.

Trust goes both ways, and he doesn't want a repeat of the past where he had to follow her into the woods to find out what she was doing in that secluded area.

"Bodyguard?" she asked, confused. "Salt and Pepper don't have a bodyguard… and their father is the Gamma."

What did she even do to deserve one?


"I don't think I need one, Alpha…?"

"Is that your reason, or you just don't want to have one?"


"But Lukas doesn't have one, too…"

"He's a boy, Amber."

She frowned. "Does this have anything to do with sex?" For some reason, she felt like the Alpha was being unfair.

She doesn't want a bodyguard.

She will just be a burden to that pack warrior.

And the pack warriors from River Severn Pack have a strong sense of pride due to the pack's name itself.

Surely, they have dreams they want to pursue, too…

"That's not what I mean. I'm sorry. It's just that… your Alpha is concerned about your well-being. If there's a way that I can get you to a safer space, we'll proceed to it."

"Alpha…" she muttered softly. The man was being thoughtful, and she felt honored. "You've been doing great in keeping me safe in your pack in the last five years. I couldn't be more grateful…"

Severus' heart fluttered in his chest, a pleasant warmth spreading from deep within that made him want to throw her high up in the air.

But then again, Amber was heavier now, and he doubted she would enjoy that.

Anyway, he was glad that she wasn't seriously hurt.

At least, he could relax a bit now.

"I won't offer this again next time. Is that your final answer?"

"I'll be stronger by then though…" Amber trailed off. "How could I change my mind?"


And her speech never disappoints…

"If you say so." He looked down at her, and smiled tenderly. "Let's go to the party together."

Amber grinned excitedly. "Okay."

The two of them left the clinic shortly afterward.

And no one was standing outside.

Severus figured that Xyla brought the doctor and his Gamma with her to someplace far from the clinic, so they wouldn't overhear their discussion. With their fully mature wolf, it goes without saying that they would have caught onto their talk word per word.

'Where are you? I'm done here,' Severus mindlinked his mate.

'How did it go? We're in the kitchen. I made Brandon go back to the party just in case. Should I send the pack doctor over there now?'

'I'll tell you about it in bed later. And actually, we're on our way to the garden.'

He heard Xyla inhale sharply. 'You aren't going to hear the doctor out?'

'There's no need. We're bound to reach an impasse.'

'Is it that bad?'

'No… I just know better.'

'Alright, I'll talk to him then. See you around?'

'Oh, please. We live in the same house, and share the same bed, Xyla.'

"We're here," the Alpha announced before proceeding with the explanation about the division of area, intended for the adult werewolves and children. "Eat to your heart's content, hmm?"

Amber was no longer listening.

She was too immersed by the sight of kids playing together.

Going by their scents, some of them weren't part of River Severn Pack, too.

Still, that didn't stop them from setting aside their differences and own beliefs. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves, and she couldn't wait to join them.

Alpha Severus chuckled.

Thankfully, she's got herself some distraction now.

He's worried over her suddenly going into the shifting process, but he's confident that it won't happen tonight. If he were to match the symptoms she experienced against his, she should still have a little over a week or two in preparation for the presumed body changes.

Her brain is just helping her cope in advance.

"I'm going back to greet our guests. If you need me, look for a pack warrior, and ask them to notify me. Are we clear?"

"Hmkay," was Amber's halfhearted response.

When Severus turned to leave the place, he came face to face with a brooding man who shared the same height and built as him. He would have recognized him if he was one of the listed guests from the neighboring packs, but he didn't remember having met the man before.

And behind him, stood his Beta.

'The Werewolf King representative… that's him, Alpha.'


That explains the man's intimidating aura, despite not being an Alpha or Beta for that matter.

Alpha Severus offered him a stiff nod of acknowledgment.

By the looks of it, showing his carefree side wouldn't be a good idea.

His wolf was growling inside his head. It wanted the man before them to bow down, and respect their blood. "Welcome to River Severn. It's our honor to have you here." He held his hand out for a handshake.

It took more than ten seconds before the man responded, and shook his hand, so Severus thought he was going to get ignored. He was beginning to think that maybe the representative was throwing a conceited act because he represented the Werewolf King, but thankfully, his revolting thoughts ended there.

"Oh, no. The pleasure is mine. Please call me Alaric."


Where did he hear that name again?

"Severus," he replied curtly.

"I'm here to speak on behalf of our King. Your pack is doing… well. He's got nothing, but praises for you."

"Thanks for the appreciation."

"So…" Alaric glanced at the little girl behind him, "who is she?"


Severus looked over his shoulder, and found that Amber was still glued on her spot.

He, then, turned back to him with a reluctant smile. "A daughter of a friend."

"Heard you took her in…" the man trailed off, his gaze on Amber unrelenting. "Is that true?"

Why are they suddenly talking about this?

The topic is too personal.

'Impudent,' his wolf barked.

"Yes, that's true," Severus answered lowly. "Do we have a problem with that?"

Alaric looked at him disbelievingly. "Ah… no. The little girl just looks… distinctive." Then, he laughed.

And what's that supposed to mean?

Severus gave him no response.

He just stared at the man—openly.

It was to let him know that he wasn't a pushover who would just laugh it out with the Werewolf King representative when, clearly, the man was being sketchy.

However, Alaric ignored the obvious warning in his eyes. "I'd love to have a chat with her. What's her name again?"

Severus smirked at him. "I assume you already know that as well. Let's not beat around the bush, shall we?"

"Sure," Alaric chirped, shrugging his shoulders. "I'll just introduce myself…" He tilted his head to the side. "May I?"

'What does he need from her?' his Beta asked all of a sudden.

'I can't tell for certain,' was Severus' gruff response. 'We'll see…'

Alaric gave him a grateful nod before he slowly, but carefully, approached the little girl.

Amber squinted her eyes while trying to look for Pepper in the crowd when she suddenly felt her side being poked.

She thought the Alpha went on his way already?

But when she turned to look at him—her eyes widened.

It was a different person.

And Alpha Severus was standing right behind him.

"Hi," she squeaked out awkwardly. "Can I help you?"

For some reason, her nose felt… itchy.

"You're a cute girl. My name is Alaric, what's yours?" The man was wearing a kind smile.

She looked at Alpha Severus before returning the smile to the man. "Amber," she said meekly.

"Do you like it here so far?" His eyes were gleaming with interest.

"Yes…" She rubbed her palms together as they grew cold. "Alpha Severus is nice. The Luna is lovely."

"Is that so?"

Amber hummed quietly.

"Alright, you looking for your friends?"

"Yes, Sir…"

Alaric motioned her toward the garden. "Go ahead."

Once again, she glanced at Alpha Severus.

He wasn't saying anything—he was just watching her interaction with the man named Alaric.

Amber bowed her head to them, and quickly murmured her goodbye. After that, she dashed into the garden, looking pale.

Her palms were sweaty…

And she felt suffocated in Alaric's presence.

More importantly, her nose was tingling with irritation.

It's because the man's scent is familiar…

Like that fishy smell coming off the river in the woods.