Chapter 9

Chapter 9

'Who's the Bad Wolf?'

The title alone sounds really fun.

That's what Amber thought at least.

And perhaps, she was too focused on the stage that she didn't notice the Gamma Chief already standing near the porch pillar—which just happened to be close by.

'So, Sir Gamma finally realizes the patio is a good spot for viewing, too…?'

Amber hid a sheepish smile to herself.

Then, she turned to look back at the stage where Sir Alaric was still talking.'

Since his announcement incurred a loud cheering from the crowd, especially among the children—who were the target participants of the said game, they soon came to announce that they would kick off the games with the one that Sir Alaric suggested.

The Luna humbly stepped aside to give the floor to the Werewolf King representative, and let him explain the mechanics of the game. And for those who began thinking that her ideas got outshined by the man, she could only say one thing—that she didn't mind it at all.

Pride isn't supposed to be the element at play here.

One could see from the children's faces alone that they were filled with enthusiasm—and that's what matters here, not her goddamn pride as a Luna.

Yes, she wouldn't deny the struggles that she went through to concoct a new game with exciting concepts, and it took her several days before she was able to finalize everything.

Of course, she also had to take into consideration the pups' interest and safety.

Supposedly, those new games shall become the very hallmark for the pack members to remember that they're no longer the River Severn Pack of the past. They're now one of the ten most hailed packs in Akkad, and with that, it's only right that they give the pups something to look forward to about this 'new chapter' of their lives as well.

Amber watched in fascination as Alpha Severus joined Sir Alaric on the stage after being called upon.

'So, they're good friends after all…'

It's just that…

It's rare to see the Alpha with a man who shares almost the same powerful aura as him.

Sir Alaric didn't introduce himself as an Alpha earlier, so she was wondering if the man hid it on purpose?


What's even more compelling is that… Sir Alaric is going to introduce a game, originating from the Capital.

Amber's eyes were practically twinkling in amazement.

Even her Papa had never mentioned anything of the sort, too.

So, it's kind of refreshing that someone like Sir Alaric will be bringing over the experience by sharing its details to them.

"What do you think so far?"

Suddenly, the Gamma Chief was by her side, though his eyes remained fixed on the stage.

Amber was sitting on a chair, so when she looked up at him—she realized that the man really stood tall. He's making efforts to be engaged in a conversation with her as well, and she thinks that's so sweet of him.

"I think I'm going to like the game, Sir Gamma."

He turned to look down at her, observing her expression quite intently. "Have you changed your mind? Do you want to join the game now?" he asked, his tone and expression humorless.

So, she also shook her head at him, somewhat panicky. "Huh? No… I'm not playing without my friends, Sir. They're working on an assignment now, and I… I want to stand by my decision for the sake of fairness. I told Pepper that I wanted to go sightseeing." Amber smiled softly. "So, joining the game is out of the question."

And for some reason, the Gamma looked relieved. "He has a way with words, hasn't he?"

"Have you known him for long?"

"No, I've only met the man tonight."

"Is he an Alpha, too?"

Brandon looked at her weirdly. "He's not… but I'm wondering what made you ask that?"

Actually, if not a single soul here knows about Alaric's true identity, they still won't be mistaking him for an Alpha. His role as the Werewolf King representative is what's prompting the pack members to watch out for how they act toward him. They're being mindful of their actions, and that's what makes them look so conscious.

Not for the idea that they think Alaric is as strong as any Alphas out there.

That's why, Brandon couldn't help but wonder what exactly were the child's thoughts about 'that' man.

Amber's eyes widened in awe. "He's not? Then, I guess he's good friends with the Alpha?"



What made her think that way?

"Is that how it looks like to you?"

"Sir Alaric is brave enough to meet eyes with the Alpha…" she trailed off, slightly confused. "Werewolves can't do that casually, right?"

'She noticed that?'

All of a sudden, the Gamma pulled a chair, and decided to sit next to her.

He looked more interested now.

"You're quite good with your observation skills, Amber."

Amber felt her cheeks heat up from the unexpected compliment. "Why, thank you…"

It was the least of her expectations tonight—that she'd get a chance to have a one-on-one talk with someone as mighty as him. Of course, it goes without saying that she's happy because of the attention she's receiving from the Commander himself.

Chances of this happening every day aren't that high after all.

So, for a brief moment, Amber forgot all about the 'Bad Wolf' game.

"Can you tell me more of what you've noticed?"

She beamed at him. "Yes!" she replied excitedly. "Where do I begin?"

"Up to you." Then, Brandon's smile faltered a bit. "I'd love to hear everything."

"Everything? I… I don't think I've noticed that many though?"

For the Gamma to say 'everything', Amber feels pressured as if she's expected to share 'collective' and 'informative' information. Besides, she didn't get to interact much with Sir Alaric, and there were quite a few reasons attributed to that.

For example, the atmosphere between them earlier was awkward.

After all, the man came to approach her out of nowhere.

It was as if…

"He acted like he knew me…" she mumbled absentmindedly.

That's not what Amber wished to say for her opening remarks.

Nonetheless, even if she just mentioned that sentence in passing, her voice slurred, the person she was talking to was a grown man. Amber didn't have to repeat her words for him to understand it.

And going by the surprised look on Brandon's face, it seemed like he heard her very well.

"You think so?" the Gamma asked seriously.

Amber got flustered. She wasn't really supposed to say that. "I… I was just making my own interpretation out of it, Sir. I know it's wrong because it sounds malicious even when I'm just thinking that to myself."

"Feel free to open up, Amber. I won't judge you nor your words will affect my opinion of you."

"But…" she protested in a small voice, "can we just forget that I said that, Sir? That one doesn't count, okay?" she muttered, hopeful.

"If that's what it takes for you to proceed, then… sure." His brows moved up and down, encouraging. "No problem."


There's no way he can brush that one off as if it's nothing.

'The Alpha will have to hear of this.'

Brandon could still remember how Alpha Severus shouted the words…

'If Amber insists it, then it must be true!'

It just happened earlier, so how could he forget?

The Alpha believes whatever comes out of this child's mouth. Perhaps, he has a good reason for that. And maybe if Brandon continues chatting with her, that will help shed some light on him.

Furthermore, a very important internal factor is involved here.


Never underestimate a wolf's instinct.

Amber wouldn't be thinking of it if she weren't bothered by the thought in the slightest.

"Then, I shall begin with Sir Alaric's facial features—"

He cut her off abruptly. "You don't have to mention his name, Amber."

"Wouldn't that be disrespectful, Sir?"


'It's rude enough we're talking about him behind his back, but let's not argue over the semantics…'

"I'm sure he won't mind," the Gamma said with a poker face.

Amber stared at him warily.

He's a respected pack member—there should be no reason for her to doubt him, right?

"Okay…" She sat up straight, and looked up at the sky while arranging her thoughts. "He has green eyes… which means that he's not a native. And if he's not originally from our region, I'm thinking of Midlands, somewhere near the Capital, or maybe the Capital itself? After all, he did suggest a game, originating from there."

'Just by knowing the eye color, she's able to deduce that all?'


Eye colors are a distinctive trait for specific regions, and Brandon is certain that Amber isn't the only one who has realized that about Alaric.

However, not just anyone could notice what she did.

Moreover, she mentioned 'Midlands', too. It was the region where the Capital was.

This girl…

'I bet she's not falling behind in her geo class.'

"Uh-huh." He nodded thoughtfully. "You surprise me. I must admit… I didn't expect you could go 'detailed', Amber."

Amber stared at him expectantly. "And that's a good thing, right…?"

"Of course."

Actually, it's too good that that it feels like he's actually hearing it directly from an experienced sentry.

Border patrols, also known as pack sentries, are pack warriors who specialize in monitoring and maintaining the pack land's safety. In other words, they're the first line of defense in case that there's an imminent threat of invasion.

Their role relies greatly on their observation skills, that's why the task isn't given to just anyone.

A keen attention to detail is required—and River Severn conducts a monthly practical exam to assess how 'qualified' the person is to the role.

Because being a border patrol isn't just reporting what you've seen and noticed, you will have to interpret them as well.

At the end of the day, the conclusion will be yours to draw.

And right now, Brandon couldn't deny his admiration for Amber's unique perception.

She was able to provide him her own interpretation by seeing Alaric's eye color alone.

"So…" He raised an inquisitive brow at the child. "Is there anything else?"

"Does cracking a finger count?"

He just tilted his head. "Excuse me?"

"He likes cracking his fingers behind his back, Sir Gamma."

"And when did you see this?"

"When we said hello to each other, and also once before I left?" Amber stopped, and tried to recall what happened back there. "I think it's habitual. Does he think it's weird to show people every time he makes a cracking sound with his finger?" She looked at him, questioning. "I don't think it's not. To me, it looks more unnatural if you do it behind your back."

"I agree with you."


"You noticed that habit of him because you found it strange in the first place…" Brandon cautiously stated. "Am I correct?"

Her face lit up. "You got it, Sir." Amber turned her head to look at the stage. "He's doing it again. His hands are placed behind his back."

As much as possible, Brandon didn't want to be caught staring because it might give the man the wrong impression, but this time, he decided to give it a try.

Besides, a small peek shouldn't hurt.

The person in question also happened to be occupied by his business with the crowd at the moment, so having a quick look should be easy.

'Amber is right. He, indeed, has his hands behind his back.'

No matter where Alaric looked, or who he talked to…

His hands always stay where they are.

Brandon quickly averted his gaze after confirming what Amber was talking about.

Mannerisms exist for a reason, and can help define a person's background. It's normal to form a habit out of stress, worry, uncertainty, or contentment.

And making a cracking sound with fingers is done by many people.

Brandon wouldn't say that, just because it was Alaric who was doing it, it meant something bad.

That's too biased.


It's hard to ignore the fact that he hides his hands while doing it.

He's got to commend Amber Santiago for being able to pick that up.

'Looking cozy at the back, huh?'

Brandon was in deep thought when he suddenly heard the Alpha's voice in his head, he was spooked that he almost fell off the chair.

Amber just watched him in confusion, and she was giving him a look—one that said she was waiting for an explanation.

The child noticed his agitation—which sprang up out of the blue.

"Mindlink," he said curtly. "Excuse me."

Brandon no longer waited for her response. He went back to the spot where he was standing—and observing about a few minutes ago. He's still on the patio, but near the pillar this time.

He doesn't like it when other people can see his expression while he's in the middle of a conversation through the mindlink.

Certain people are like that, too.

They don't like feeling exposed.

'Alpha…' Brandon nodded at him from a distance.

'No chance of bringing her inside?'

He sighed out loud. 'The pup intends to learn Alaric's game, Alpha.'

'She said that?'


'She's probably learning not for herself again…'

'Amber wants to play the game with our kids, Alpha.'

'I'd suggest you learn it in her stead, but… if that had worked before, we wouldn't be here, yes?'

Brandon bit back a smile. 'I can see why, Alpha.'

'So, what sort of topic did you bring up to get her distracted? Is that your plan? Lure her in with an interesting topic, so you could convince her to join the kids upstairs?'

'Not quite, Alpha…' Brandon zipped his mouth into a thin, tight line.

How is he supposed to admit that he has already given up on that idea, and just decided to stick close to her instead?

'Don't tell me…'

Damn it.

No choice.

Brandon wasn't planning to tell the Alpha the discussion he had with Amber yet, but it would only get worse from here on out if he'd give Alpha Severus the idea that he was being unproductive. 'Alpha, I know that this could have been brought up on a formal meeting, but… Alaric has made quite an impression to the girl. Do you wish to hear her observations of him now?'

'My order is to bring her to safety, and not to make her work, Brandon!' Alpha Severus sneered.


'It wasn't like that, Alpha. Amber—"

'Do you see that? He's staring again.'


'Alaric is boring holes through the back of my head again.'

'What? When?' Brandon swiftly scanned the stage with his eyes, and realized that the Alpha wasn't mistaken. 'He actually is staring…' he said, dumbfounded.

'For fuck's sake, what's wrong with mindlinking a pack member!?'

'Nothing, Alpha…' he trailed off, 'unless he thinks you're acting suspicious for thinking that… he's acting suspicious.'

'How ridiculous.'

'Then, now… how shall we break this chain of doubt, Alpha?'

'That's simple. We won't communicate. We go solo.'

Amber had a small grin on her face after the Gamma left. She felt honored that someone like him took time to listen to her minimal observations. Her words won't be taken as 'fact' just yet as those details are to be confirmed in the future.

What she told the Gamma was purely based on what she noticed from that man, Sir Alaric.

Amber figured that the Gamma might take long before he returned, so she decided to pay attention to the speaker in the meantime. By the looks of it, something urgent came up. The Gamma's eyes glazed over, and he wouldn't be looking so utterly defenseless if he wasn't that focused.

She believed he was mindlinking someone from the pack.

Amber's forehead knotted.

Sir Alaric was now discussing the ropes for the game, 'Who's the Bad Wolf?'


His words weren't making any sense anymore. She remembered hearing 'caught' and 'condemn', but she wasn't exactly sure what they were for. Then, the next thing she knew, the man was done explaining.

The crowd cheered once more, and they began to select the players who wanted to go on the first round.

Amber sighed softly.

Now, she had no choice but to understand the gist of the game by watching them play.

For starters, the game looked complicated. She noticed that it required a lot of players before they could even start. Her eyes squinted a little as she tried to count the number of participants with one full scan.


'That's too many…' she thought, perplexed. 'I wonder what they're going to do?'

Amber thought this would be more enjoyable to watch if she was with her friends. For sure, they were going to hear a lot of side comments from Pepper. Her friend always does that whenever she sees someone who's playing poorly in the game.

And as Salt would put it, Pepper liked to nag, but couldn't see that she wasn't that good either.

Of course, what happened next was already a given.

They bickered until their throats hurt—particularly, Pepper.

She was the one who kept screaming her retorts back to her twin.

Amber blinked her eyes when people suddenly gathered 'round, and discussed among themselves before they began to vacate the garden, one by one.

She stood up, and looked for any pack warrior present in the area, and she sprinted toward the person as soon as she found one. "Where are they going?" she asked, intrigued—breathless.

The guy's eyes widened, recognition filling his face. "Amber, right?"

She nodded profusely, still agitated. She needed to know where all the guests were going, so that she wouldn't miss out on anything. "Yes, Sir."

"The game will be held at the playground near the Smith's residence. You're friends with their daughter, Pauline, yes? So, will you be needing me to escort you there?" Then, the pack warrior started to look around. "Where are your friends? Who's coming with you?"

Amber thought it wasn't necessary to say that her friends were doing an assignment while she was out here, having fun, so a headshake was all that he received as a reply. "Yes, Sir, I know Pauline's household, as well as my way there. Currently, I'm not with anyone, but I think Sir Gamma will find me later?"


The last part was more of a guess—perhaps, an expectation?

After all, they were still in the middle of the discussion when they got interrupted, and had to pause. It was the Gamma who said that he'd like to hear more of her observations on Sir Alaric. She already told him that she didn't have much to say, but he was willing to hear her out as if what she got was reliable information.

"Are you sure that the Gamma is coming with you?" The pack warrior looked skeptical for a moment.

Amber shrugged her shoulders. "I think he's busy right now though." He was still probably on a mindlink with—


'He's no longer there…'

When she turned to look in the direction where the porch pillar was, it was already vacant.

The Gamma had already disappeared.

"I can accompany you on the way to the playground."

Amber pointed to the people outside the pack house. "Or I can just follow the crowd."

The road was filled with many people.

Even if she got lost on her way, which was impossible, she could literally ask for anyone's help.

Besides, the pack warriors spread throughout the community were there to keep them to safety. Allowing the pack warrior to escort her to the playground where she spent most of her childhood would only seem a bit of a stretch.

Surely, he had other work to get to, too.

"Let's go. I can't leave you after all."

Amber was surprised.

All of a sudden?

"Don't you have other work, Sir? I can assure you that I can walk there by myself just fine," she argued.

But even with her tone…

The girl still looked concerned.

Not about the situation, but him.

'What a reliable kid,' the pack warrior thought.


He can't leave this child to herself—not when it's already this dark. He knows that Alpha Severus values this kid so much.

Actually, every pack warrior here in River Severn knows.

She's like an untouchable existence, that's why everyone is now careful around her unlike in the past.

This kid has already proven her worth many times over, and that's all in five years.

If anything, she still has two lifetimes to continue surprising the people around her.

"I can return to work once I've sent you to the playground. We're going to have to contact the Gamma as well before I leave you."

Amber gasped in embarrassment. "I don't wish to trouble you any further, Sir. I can look for him?"

He just chuckled. "No can do."

"You're a strict pack warrior, but you still help people outside of your work." Her eyes shone brightly. "Thank you…" she squeaked out, shy.

"Of course, that's a given. I'm not simply helping 'people'. It's more out of concern for pack members…" The pack warrior glanced at her, "like you."

It was Amber's turn to look amazed.

No one had ever said that to her before.

Except for the Alpha and Luna, of course…

But that wasn't the point here.

Amber conceded to the pack warrior's insistence in the end. She felt like it would be rude if she kept rejecting the person's good will.

She also thinks that his worries are valid.

After all, she's the only kid here who isn't walking side by side with their parents or friends.

Even in her eyes, it sure would look weird as well.

Soon, they reached the location, and Amber murmured her thanks to the pack warrior once again. While waving goodbye at his retreating back, that's when she suddenly remembered that they were supposed to contact the Gamma to inform him of her whereabouts.

The pack warrior seemed to have forgotten all about it, too, but she couldn't really blame the person.

Besides, she could do it herself like she said earlier.

The road that they took was a bit dim, but the playground's ambiance was entirely different. Since the obstacle course would also run through here, the whole area was brightened up by fairy lights. Several stalls could also be found nearby, offering light refreshments for the guests and game participants.

Amber's smile didn't reach her eyes.

How sad that Salt, Pepper, and Lukas couldn't be here tonight…

Her eyes roamed over the ocean of people pervading the vastness of the land. Noise started to fill her ears as well, making it harder for her to concentrate as she looked for either the Alpha or Gamma.

Her face contorted into one confusion after inhaling the air deeply.

It felt as though the two of them weren't around.

The Luna and Beta were the ones overseeing the game.

And Amber was standing at a spot too far from them.

Amber doesn't have the heart to come in front when she knows too well that she isn't participating. It feels wrong to approach them only to ask where the Alpha or Gamma is.

Perhaps, to wait is the appropriate action here.

Who says she can't watch the party carry on alone?

"Well, well, well, look what we have here."


Amber looked up, and found Sir Alaric standing next to her.

He was wearing a goofy smile on his face.

"Good evening…" came past her lips like an automatic greeting.

Like what she noticed earlier… he was quite buff.

"Don't be so formal, child. We've already talked."

Amber lowered her gaze, a shy smile making its way to her face.

How does she keep up with this façade?

The man stinks—and it's affecting her senses. It's only a matter of time before her smile turns into a grimace. Her nose can only take so much. Amber tried not to inhale as much air as soon as she recognized his face, but the scent he was emitting was just too strong.

And she can only stand it for long.

"Are you by yourself?"

Amber nodded stiffly. "Yes…"


"Uhm, we have an assignment…"

"And you?"

"I… I promised to do it later, Sir."

"A promise, eh?" He sounded amused. "And Amber promised who?"

What does he mean…?

Amber couldn't help but stare up in confusion.

Does she have to tell him that, too?

She didn't know the exact reason, but she just found herself making up a lie…


That's what she said, her voice low and guarded.

"Oh!" Sir Alaric exclaimed. "Is that so?"

"Yes, Sir."

Amber could feel him staring, and her skin crawled at the vibe he was giving him.

In addition to that, she also didn't know how to face the man without offending him. The insides of her nose felt irritated, and she felt like sneezing any moment from now.

"You don't look so good, Amber," said Sir Alaric.

He noticed.

Of course, he would notice.

Her eyes were now watery, and any person would think she wasn't feeling okay.

Amber couldn't help but wonder how the Luna managed to speak to Sir Alaric without expressing her distaste. They sure had shared quite a lengthy conversation on the stage, but there was never a moment where the Luna scrunched her face in aversion—the same thing for the Alpha and Beta, too.

'I wonder if they're used to the smell already?'

Amber couldn't explain the smell, but in her understanding, it could be the smell of amalgamation of rotten materials. It was certainly something that she wasn't very familiar with.

She used to drink on the river after her training, and she never experienced a tummy ache for that matter.

She just stopped doing that when she first noticed the unsteady current of the waters.

Amber thought it was only a one-time circumstance, but the problem persisted for a couple of days more before the river started reeking of that incomprehensible foul smell.

That's when she figured that something, indeed, was wrong about the river.

Strangely enough, she was now talking to a person whose scent was similar to that of the river's.

Amber shook her head, and forced a kind smile. "I'm fine, Sir Alaric."

The man smirked down at her. "You know, Amber…" he trailed off. "You don't have to 'Sir' me."


Why not?

She couldn't even call the adults in their pack by their first names because she didn't want them to think she was acting all familiarly—and that was the same case for the Alpha and Luna. She preferred addressing them with their titles as a sign of respect.

Getting friendlier was nice, but Amber often reminded herself that boundaries existed for a reason.

"Did you mean it was fine to call you by… Alaric?" she queried, flustered.

The way his name rolled off her tongue like a venomous substance…

Amber quickly muttered her apologies. "It just slipped. I'm really sorry, Sir Alaric."


It wasn't a slip of the tongue.

She really did give it a try—pronouncing the man's name alone.

But the way her entire body shuddered in uneasiness just by uttering his given name…

"Could you repeat that for me?"

"I-I'm sorry?"

"You've got quite an accent, Amber."

'Is that supposed to be a compliment?'

Amber didn't know what to say, so she just stared at him—blankly.


No one had ever pointed that out to her in the last five years, and she wasn't aware of this 'accent' he was talking about, too.

Sir Alaric always wore a grin—she couldn't tell if he was being serious right now, or just teasing her?

But… they weren't close with each other, and they just met today.

Why would he tease her?

"Oh, the game is about to start," he blurted out while observing straight ahead.

Amber exhaled, then inhaled sharply.

Breathing the same air as him when they were literally standing next to each other was difficult.

Sir Alaric stinks like a sewer—maybe that explains why there isn't anyone who dares try to approach the person.

And looking around the surroundings, the two of them were pretty much isolated from the rest.

Though, they shouldn't be that far.

Just several meters away.

'Are the pack members distancing themselves?'

'Does Sir Alaric even have a companion?'

"Alright, now that we have twenty players, shall we start?"


"I can't wait, Luna…"

"I declare myself as the winner…!"

"I'm very excited. I hope I can win this game."

"I hear you," Luna Xyla mused, smiling. "Then, let me ask you now—who's the bad wolf?"

Amber was just as thrilled to learn how the game would play out.

Right now, all she could do was observe what the participants were going to do.

Twenty children stood in front of each other, and were given ten seconds to study each other. That's what she sees in her point of view for now at least.

After that period, they were to go through the makeshift tent one by one, and once all of them had gotten out of that 'passage', they were back to stand in front of each other again—but this time, the children looked determined.

'I wonder what happened in the tent…?'


Why do they keep eyeing each other up and down?

Is that an intimidation tactic or something?

Everyone was watching the game with high hopes.

When the Luna finished the countdown, she then said, "You're a pack, and one of you is a traitor who has successfully infiltrated it, and is now sitting alongside those on higher ranks. You have five seconds to identify the traitor, and write down their name. The three werewolves who get the most votes will be then condemned. If one of them is the confirmed traitor, the pack wins…"

Then, for some reason, her expression became grave. "If your pack wins, then the traitor is caught and condemned. Punishments await the fate of the mole—punishments that are decided by the legitimate pack members."

"…and mercy won't be shown. As long as it doesn't warrant a certain death, any form of punishment shall be honored."

Amber was absolutely horrified.

They're just playing a game, right?

Her mouth parted in disbelief.

She was flabbergasted.

'The Luna allowed them to play such a game?'

It was certainly not intended for… kids.

Amber closed her eyes tightly.

'Who's the Bad Wolf' is a game of chance, and through thorough observation can only the traitor be identified.

To avoid selection bias, the participants will be writing down their verdict—instead of declaring it.

However, even if someone has gotten the correct answer, as long as the name doesn't get into the Top 3 votes, the pack will never win.

What would happen then?

As if the Luna heard her question in mind, she went on to explain further, "If the pack fails to identify the traitor, everybody loses, and flagellation awaits your fate." Her breath was shaky. "Good luck."

Amber had gone numb.

'What am I hearing?'

How could River Severn accept these terms?

Kids her age looked eager to prove themselves, and they were the same crowd who cheered earlier after hearing the mechanics of the game.

Amber thought there wasn't going to be a 'real' winner in this game—either way, one of the participants would surely get beaten.

That can't be the reward for the winning pack members, right?

Hurting one of their own…

'How is this acceptable?'

"So, how do you find the game, Amber?"

Sir Alaric's deep, taunting voice, saved her from drowning in her own dark thoughts.

"Disgusting…" she replied in a low whisper, her doe eyes still trained on the event before her.

The fact that it was the man standing next to her, Alaric, who suggested to play 'Who's the Bad Wolf' was now long forgotten. There was also a look of disapproval on her face which she could no longer hide from anyone—and at this point, her expression gave away everything.

Alaric was amused.

The child didn't even bother looking at him when she said that word—as if that was the only word she could think about the entire time, so the word automatically came past her lips before she knew it.

Until now, it doesn't seem like she's going to realize what she's done anytime soon.

Luna Xyla clapped her hands once. "Now, I'm going to have you reveal the names of the wolf you wish to condemn. Once the pack has included the traitor in the Top 3, those who vote for the correct name will need to stand in the center, and state his and her reasons for choosing that bad wolf. Understood?"

"Roger that, Luna…!"

"We're ready."

"I feel like I've got the correct answer as well…!"

Unconsciously, Amber brought her hand to mouth, her fingers playing with her lower lip.

She felt anxious.

This wasn't a game she'd love to introduce to her friends.

Hide and seek is still far superior than this.

Who cares if this game is popular in the Capital?

Which part of this game is for enjoyment?

"In three… two… one…"


The crowd watched in anticipation as the children started to show up their cards—the parents were especially fretful.

Right now, you could tell by their faces that they were all hoping that the traitor was voted into the Top 3, so their pups wouldn't have to experience flagellation at such an age.

They all know that one whip isn't enough to put the pups in their deathbed, but still…

As parents, they wouldn't wish to see them get hurt.

In River Severn, trainees have faced harsher situations during training, and a whip on their back can't compare to the drills they have to finish regularly to get stronger, and become more enduring of the hardships in life.

In a fight, you can't expect your enemy to wait until you're ready.

There's no such thing as 'time out' on the battlefield.

One has to bear that in mind every day.

In River Severn, that mindset is instilled into the pups' young minds as early as possible.

That's the reason why the children don't fear the consequences this game promises.

They aren't afraid of whipping.


Amber thinks otherwise.

That isn't the point here.

She has only one question in mind right now, and that is…

'How is this fun?'

The Beta took the floor to announce the findings for the Luna didn't seem to be comfortable with it. Concern was written all over her face, and the facilitators figured that her expression might affect the children's mood and performance.

The Beta reviewed the players' decision once again before a proud smirk formed on his lips. "Congratulations! Your pack is saved. You may now show everyone the names."

Amber clenched her fists on her sides.

So, what will be the outcome?

"X?" the crowd murmured.

"What's X?"

"No… who's X?"

"Is that a code or something?"

"Then, this X person will have to receive the punishment decided by the pack members—and in this case, the kids, right?"

"That's what the rules say…"

Amber saw the Beta give a signal to someone at the backstage, and while the guests continued to chatter among themselves, fireworks boomed, and burned themselves into the night sky, surprising almost everyone. "There's no traitor in the pack, and the children has written 'X' which means no one. Therefore, this round is won!"



"I thank Selene for hearing my prayers."

"Yay…!" the kids shouted in joy.

"Is it true!? We won!?"

"Don't doubt yourself…!"

"Just to make it clear to those who weren't present when the mechanics of the game was being explained by Alaric, the Werewolf King representative, the traitor will be marked upon entering the tent, and for this round, no one was marked. The purpose of these markings is to help the players identify the bad wolf during the ten-second observation period. That's why, as you would notice, the children were given time to scrutinize each other."

"…and they undoubtedly won this round. Let's give them a big round of applause!"

Amber didn't know what to feel.

Of course, she was relieved that nobody was going to get punished.

But that was only made possible because all of them shared the same answers.

What if…

It turns out to be different?

"You should try to look happier, Amber," Sir Alaric stated all of a sudden. "They won, yes?"

Amber offered him a faint smile. "I don't like this game, Sir. I think I'll go home."

"So soon?" He raised a brow at her.

"I promised myself that I wouldn't go over an hour out here…"

"And why is that?"

"Assignments…" she reminded him.

"Aww…" Sir Alaric chuckled lowly. "Ain't that sad? After all, the bad wolf… is still at large."

His eyes glinted in what could almost be called as taunting. "Don't you want to catch him, Amber?"