Chapter 11

Chapter 11

When the Gamma Chief left the border to return to the event, the children were already playing another game.

He didn't bother asking anyone for the results, and went to find the pack warrior he asked to look after Amber while he was gone.

Brandon tried to mindlink that person on his way here, but the latter wasn't responding.

As he surveyed the location carefully, he also couldn't seem to find the Werewolf King representative…?

The Beta was busy assisting the Luna on the stage, that's why he didn't dare approach him for this anymore.

He and the Alpha were discussing how they should take Amber away from being under Alaric's observation without being too conspicuous when the Alpha suddenly shut him off from the mindlink.

Then, it didn't take long before Alpha Severus called for him again, stating that rogues had been sighted from the borders.

Of course, the news threw him off.

It wasn't because of complacency that those wild animals decided to attack—Brandon was shocked because of the impeccable timing.

As usual, the rogues had unusual objectives.

If they wished to harm the pack in the first place, they wouldn't be so sloppy as to show themselves right away.

That's not how it works.

That's not how they operate.

When Brandon came to the northeastern border, they stumbled upon quite a number of rogues—and they weren't growling and snarling.

They gathered behind the trees and bushes, but they weren't exactly concealing their presence either.

It was as if they were waiting for something to happen.

Talking to them was useless when they weren't even communicating with each other themselves.

All of them had a far-away look on their faces though, wondering what was beyond the borders.

Although, it wasn't clear if they bore ill intentions toward their pack, Brandon could tell one thing for sure—the rogues were planning to trespass.

Eventually, he was compelled to take necessary measures to ensure that whatever their plan was, they wouldn't succeed.

Brandon took matters into his own hands, and didn't wait for the Alpha's call.

No rogues had ever survived the Alpha's wrath after being caught trespassing anyway.

He was certain that the Alpha wouldn't mind.

The playground was filled with people, and the party was lively with all the noise the pups were creating as they let loose of themselves in the game.

Of course, what's a party without any music?

Taken altogether, the celebration was chaotic—but the good kind.

Going by how everybody was still carefree, despite the mess that he and the border patrols just faced, it seemed to him that they hadn't been informed of the real situation that lingered in the borders.

If that was, indeed, the case, Brandon realized that Alpha Severus intended to hide this.

It was a reasonable idea, knowing that revealing the truth would cause more damage than help.

'Where the hell is that guy?'

There are two reasons why a werewolf can't be contacted through mindlink; it's either his mind is shut off, or he has lost consciousness.

Brandon couldn't think of a reason why the pack warrior would shut off their only form of communication when that person knew damn too well that he'd obtain updates from him every once in a while.

'Silas, where are you?'

Several seconds later, he received a response.

'Pack house, Chief.'

'How are the kids doing?'

'They're still watching that historical war drama as you ask, Chief.'

Brandon should have felt satisfied with the pack warrior's statement, but unfortunately, it wasn't good enough to ease his worries. Just how many people from the pack actually have an idea about the rogue case? It would be so much better if he could share the burden of knowing to some trusted people, too.

'Do you see them right now?'

'I'm in the same room as them, pretending to be working on pack documents, Chief.'

That was the only time he sighed in relief. 'I see.'

'Is there a problem?'

'Not really. Just keep an eye on the kids. Don't let up even for one second, Silas.'

'The Chief opposes the idea of them joining the kids' party that bad, huh?'

Brandon grunted.

It was more like a command from the Alpha though…

'I'll get in touch again soon.'

'I'll be right here, Chief.'

Thankfully, he could reach Silas—the one who was watching over the three kids.

The problem now is…

The pack warrior he assigned to Amber.

Brandon couldn't get through the man's mindlink at all.

How is he supposed to find Amber now?

Not to mention, Alaric was nowhere in sight as well.

All these signs were making him feel more agitated than necessary.

'You look troubled.'

Brandon was caught off-guard when he suddenly heard a familiar voice in his head—it was the Beta. 'Trent?'

'Hmm, are you, perhaps, looking for that child?' Trent's voice was calm. 'That Amber…'

'That's right…' Brandon trailed off. 'Is it that obvious?'

'Nothing perturbs you more than the Alpha's orders, and nothing perturbs the Alpha more than that child's well-being, so… you do the math.'

A loud breath rushed through his nose. 'Ha…'

'I think the pup went for a bio break.'

'Are you sure?'

'That's what I understood based off what she told Alaric.'

His eyes widened, alarmed. 'What do you mean? Was she with Alaric?'

'She was… until the first round of the 'Who's the Bad Wolf?' game. I saw them together the entire time. Did you leave a watchman on her?'

'I did…'

'Then, he isn't very good at his job, is he?'

'Shit,' he cursed in frustration. 'I can't reach the pack warrior either.'

'If you catch him slacking off, I hope you'd go easy on the poor man.'

'Like hell I would!'

'Don't worry. Amber left by herself, and Alaric stayed behind. That's what I had observed at least. I was occupied for long, and didn't notice when the Werewolf King representative left.'

'This is actually a huge help. I appreciate this information, man. Thanks!'

'Give me an update, too.'

'Got it, Trent.'


Brandon immediately went to search for the nearest restrooms in the area.

The first one that he chanced on had a long queuing line.

Most people there weren't even their pack members, so he doubted Amber would be considering going here.

Nevertheless, he stood stiffly just nearby to observe the faces of whoever was going in and out of the loo.

He may seem like a pervert in the eyes of others right now, but…

He'd rather have them misunderstood his intention than fuck up on this one.

Brandon stayed for another minute or two before he went to the second place that he knew of. This time, there weren't many people frequenting the restroom—and it was maybe due to the fact that they would rather fall in line to the first place that they were able to find than look for other public loos.

The Gamma Chief persisted on exploring the area until Amber's faint scent hit his nose like a brick.

He turned his head abruptly he thought he had a whiplash. "Where is it coming from?" he muttered to himself.

On this particular street, there are mini boutiques and restaurants—and they're going to extend their open hours to accommodate more customers to boost their sales.

That child… Amber.

She doesn't carry cash with her, and refuses to spend the allowance that the Alpha gives her.

Furthermore, Pepper once told him that Amber was good with money. If she thinks something isn't worthy of her penny, no matter how good the item looks, she will snob it. And the same logic applies for food—it doesn't matter if it's delicious, and everyone is having it. As long as the serving isn't proportionate to its cost, Amber won't have it.

Amber has an appetite of a starving wolf.

It's quantity over quality for her over that matter.

'I don't know about fashion though…'

Isn't she too young for that yet…?

Brandon inspected each boutique along the street while sniffing the air that surrounded him. He was positive that Amber was here for he couldn't be mistaken of the girl's scent.

His daughter would always go home, smelling like another person—and that person was her best friend, Amber Santiago.

All the boutiques here are tailored for young adults.

That's when it dawned on him.

Amber would never visit these shops…

She might have decided to come to a restaurant where she could relieve herself…!

And if his suspicion was correct, that kid would definitely choose a place that wasn't too busy.

It's in her nature.

She doesn't want to cause disturbance, especially to people that she sees working hard.

Brandon ignored the high-end restaurants, and went to see the remaining places on the list. He lived in this pack for so long that he was also acquainted with the business owners around these parts.

Therefore, he knows where to go now.

He can only hope that Amber is still there.

Brandon attempted to contact the pack warrior once more—but to no avail.

He was getting more pissed now.

As the Commander of River Severn's pack warriors, what he detests the most are irresponsible people.

He knows one when he sees one.


"It's you, Kyle."

Kyle is a waiter for a small-time restaurant on this street, as well as an errand boy for the owner outside this job. Brandon met Kyle's mother before she died of longing for her beloved mate.

Kyle is of age, and an official pack warrior now, too.

Even if the restaurant barely had customers, he still stayed because he was loyal to the family who took him in during his hard times.

Brandon is seeing a new face inside though?

The restaurant didn't have a concierge before.

It goes without saying that they're making some improvements to level up their services now.

"Is the Gamma here to dine in?"

Brandon shook his head. "I'm sorry. I'm actually here to look for somebody."

"Is it a person that I know?"

"I don't think so." He looked the young man in the eye. "You might be familiar with her face though."

"Ah, so… it's a she-wolf?"

"Yes…" he answered gravely, "and a child at that."

Kyle's eyes widened in confusion. "But we only had a few couples as our customers tonight, Gamma."

"I don't think she came here as a customer, Kyle."

"What do you mean…?"

"The child has fierce eyes, but is actually soft in person. She stood about 144 centimeter tall."

The waiter had a puzzled look on his face. "I'm afraid I'm going to need more than that description, Gamma…" he replied while thinking.

"She's the only pup in our pack who doesn't attend the training, Kyle. I know you haven't seen what she looks like due to her absences, but her records speak for herself. She won the provincials for the kickboxing competition. Have you heard of her? The name is Amber."

"Amber does sound a bit familiar, a name quite famous…" Kyle straightened out his uniform. "But I was on a mission around that time, so I didn't actually get to see the person behind the trophy. I'd love to meet a proactive kid like her though. I'm really sorry about this, Gamma, but I think I'd know if someone as prominent as her had visited our restaurant."

Brandon can't believe it.

They're the only restaurant on the street that isn't as packed as the rest.

Was he wrong about his calculations?

"But… I did meet a child who looked ten or eleven years old. Her eyes weren't fierce like what the Gamma said though. Actually, hers were a little teary... pleading? I haven't been able to ask for her name, but she did have a talk with our concierge here."

Brandon narrowed his eyes intently—as if he finally reached a conclusion. "She was chased out, wasn't she?"

"Chased… out?" All of a sudden, Kyle was reminded of the timid girl from earlier, trying to peek inside the restaurant through the glass door. She has an airy vocal, and is about the same height as what the Gamma has mentioned.

The only difference is… how the Gamma described the child's eyes.

The eyes that Kyle remembers weren't fierce.

They were kind… and communicating.

"There was this one girl who looked like she needed help. I think our concierge will be able to answer your questions. Should I call her?"

"No…" Brandon assessed the road. "I think we've wasted enough time. Any idea which direction she went to?"

"But, I don't think she's the person you're looking for—"

"That was Amber."

The waiter listened, mouth agape with incredulity. "Then, she went to your right, Gamma. Please take that road—just go straight ahead."

Kyle was left stunned when the Gamma Chief shifted into his wolf right after he said that. He has no idea what's going on, but for the Gamma himself to take the lead, and personally look for the girl—it gives him the idea that the situation is urgent.

He ran back into the restaurant, chest heaving, before he asked their new female employee a question. "What did you say to the kid?"

She stared at him, appalled. "Why are you being intense? Which kid?"

"The one who wished to talk to you!"

"Hey! Calm down, will you? My ears will fall off! Why are you suddenly concerned about it anyway?"

"Just tell me what she asked of you, and what you said in return."

"Wow! Did she tell on me? Are her parents here, or what?" She glanced at the entrance, and found no one there. "Meh."

"Please answer my question."

"Fine! Since you look desperate for some reason…" She crossed her arms. "She had no reservation whatsoever! That pup asked if she could use our restroom. I was like… what's wrong with her? Does she think that our restaurant is a dump or something? There are lots of public restrooms everywhere! Who is she to be very picky?"

"Did it ever cross your mind that it was maybe because she didn't want to cut in line?"

"Do I have to be that considerate, Kyle?"

"Empathy…" He looked at her seriously. "It's free."

"Why are you suddenly attacking me?"

"I'm not. I'm just saying that you could have handled that situation better. You shouldn't have chased her away."

She laughed sarcastically. "Isn't your reaction a little too late now?"

"The Gamma Chief was here, and he was looking for that girl."

The concierge went pale, her throat becoming dry. "You're bluffing! You just want to scare me!"

"It's just as you said. Why the delayed concern? To be honest, I was only alarmed after finding out that she was closely associated with the Gamma Chief."

"Did you tell the Gamma that I talked to that child, too?"

"He didn't have to ask. I explained what I saw. That's all."

"What! You threw me under the bus!?"

"Threw you under the bus? Not quite…" Kyle felt apprehensive. "This isn't about you. I just said things that might be of help to the Gamma. Don't get the wrong idea. You're panicking because you're guilty. Don't put the blame on me."

'Amber's scent is getting stronger…' Brandon thought. "If she's going this way, then maybe she's headed to the pack house?'

He decided to alert Silas regarding this. 'Did Amber get home? This is a matter of urgency. Respond as soon as you hear me.'

Brandon pushed his legs harder.

There's no mistaking it.

Amber was here until recently.

Otherwise, her scent wouldn't linger in the air for so long.

The road was dark and eerie. Only the swaying of the leaves from the trees could be heard as his wolf zoomed through them without a care.

Brandon is beginning to think that Amber is a trouble magnet.

He can't call her a troublemaker, but her existence alone attracts troubles.

What's even worse is…

More often than not, those weren't 'simple' troubles.

River Severn Pack was always affected as a whole.

'Amber isn't here, Chief. Are we to expect her arrival?'

'She should have arrived by now. If not, then report back to me in ten minutes.'

'I'll have my men watch out.'


Brandon almost missed his own footing when a whiff of blood caught the back of his nose.

His ears pricked forward. "Blood…? But, why?"

His wolf went to sniff its surroundings carefully. They were looking for the grounds where the strong, metallic scent of blood was coming from.

Grass? Pavement? Tree?

He couldn't get over the possibility that the blood might be Amber's.

Her scent was all over the area, but he couldn't find any indication that a fight broke out here.

Did she injure herself then?

That's the only explanation he can come up with as of the moment.

Brandon stopped in his tracks when he felt someone trying to get into his mind.

Going by its acute exertion, he could tell that it was the Alpha.

'Where are you?' Alpha Severus sounded harsh. 'I hope you haven't been goofing off, Brandon. Are you at the playground right now?'

'No, Alpha, but I'm on duty right now.'

'I found an unconscious body.'

Dread enveloped Brandon's heart. 'A guest… or a pack member?'

'A pack member.'

His wolf was getting restless. 'Is it a she... or—'

'It's a man. Where are you?'

'I'm… on my way to the pack house. I'm at the crossroads. Does he need immediate medical attention, Alpha?'

'That's what I'm wondering about. He appears to be… unharmed.'

'But you said he was unconscious…'

'Exactly…' The Alpha's deep voice resonated in his head. 'Are you thinking what I'm thinking?'

Brandon's wolf growled lowly. 'Silver.'

'It's either he consumed it unknowingly, or it was injected into him subcutaneously.'

'I've already informed Trent. Not a single guest will be going home tonight. We're monitoring each one of them.'

'Are you sure about this, Alpha? Can we really do that? There are other Alphas here, too…'

'We're not letting anyone out because… the rogue already got in,' Alpha Severus explained, his tone venom-filled.

Severus is determined to finish going over the border inspection in one go with the objective to return to the party as soon as possible.

Once the principal guests have noticed him going missing on his own celebration, it may create confusions, as well as disapprovals.

His wolf is especially worked up.

It knows that there are rogues who have yet to be taught their lesson, and it can't wait to deliver the final blow.

His wolf isn't entirely happy that he has been lenient to those two rogues who were caught hanging around their territorial border.

It refuses to accept the reason behind his action.

However, Severus wouldn't call it leniency if those mutts would meet the same ending either way.

It's just that—his wolf can't stand the existence of rogues.

The memories of their mate getting abducted for personal revenge are still fresh in its mind.

Rogues are despicable creatures who don't deserve its forgiveness, and its stance on them isn't going to change even in the distant future.

All rogues share a distinct smell—one that's awful and sickening, and it gets even worse with time due to their deep sense of malevolence.

Those who stink more than the others require special attention.

Their hearts are coated with pure evil, and can no longer be saved.

Severus has already met several rogues whose stench speaks for themselves.

Once you've encountered a deranged werewolf and a normal one, it gets easier to tell them apart.

Hopeless rogues do really stand out because of the smell they're exuding.

Unfortunately, his Gamma confessed that he gave the command to his squad to not spare the lives of the rogues they ran into at the northeastern border.

So, there was no telling what kind of rogues they were, now that they were dead.

Severus could only wish that the remaining two of them in the underground prison would talk.

It was the only way to get to the bottom of this… or so he thought.

Severus came to a halt when he caught something through his peripheral vision.

His wolf became more guarded than before as they went to approach the 'thing' that caught their eye.

His alertness is at an all-time high, checking—trying to sense what sort of life form is lurking in the dark, waiting to pounce on him while he's currently distracted by the scene in front of him.

A low growl escaped his throat as soon as he recognized what that 'thing' was—and it turned out to be a person, a member of his pack to be specific.

Severus continued to track down anything that might be related to this unfortunate event by focusing his hearing until the farthest mile away that it could reach, and filling his lungs even with the barely perceptible scents at the same time.

Thankfully, his pack member is still alive.

He could hear his heartbeat—his pulse.

His breathing is steady.

Nothing seems to be wrong with him, he's just… unconscious.

The man doesn't reek of alcohol, ruling out the likelihood that he was drunk to the point of passing out.

Although, his pack members are generally well-disciplined in combat areas, there's still a few who are immature, and don't know when playtime is over.

Some would sneak alcohol while on duty.

Some would slack off while on a night patrol.

Some would admire the view from the top of a tree, and fall asleep on one of its branches while on the lookout.

Some would even skip, wishing that their squad leaders wouldn't notice it.

There's a lot of factors that contribute to a man's disgrace—both internal and external. And this pack warrior doesn't seem to fall into the category of misguided ones, seeing that he has completely fallen into a deep sleep.

His expression, however, revealed the story behind his current circumstance.

A pained, uncomfortable expression…

It could only mean one thing.

It's the work of silver.

Upon realizing this, his wolf impelled him to release a howl.

It's dying to send a message to whoever did this to his pack member—that he knows… they know.

That they aren't going to simply get away with their sins.

That they wouldn't be able to leave, unscathed.

What's bugging Severus is the vagueness of the scents that he just inhaled. It's a chaotic jumble of nature's natural smell, fresh air, and the scent of his pack member who's currently out cold—musky.

If that was the case, then who gave him a dose of silver?

It was well-calculated.

Not the lethal dose.

Whoever is behind this scheme, his objective isn't to kill.

And the person is being… prudent.


That's when it finally hit him.

This could be a work of an insider.

Severus would know if a rogue had managed to trespass through this location.

His wolf would know.

Their scent is impossible to miss after all.

'He has successfully blended into our community.'

'That's right.' His wolf was growling. 'You've been too soft, Severus.'

'Our pack isn't in danger—somebody from our pack is.'

'Mate. Pup.'

'They're safe. Stop with your incessant rambling.'

'How can you be so sure!'

'Lukas is with competent men. Xyla is surrounded by Alphas.'

'Do you think they're going to save mate? They're going to prioritize their own family! You've totally lost it, Severus!'

'We know the best solution to this, don't we?'

'Then, do it! Now!'

That's how Severus arrived at the decision of putting his territory on lockdown. The perpetrator should still be here, bidding his time to make the perfect exit—which he wouldn't allow to happen.

Whatever that rogue's plan is, Severus is going to make sure he gets to put the mutt's head on a pike before this day ends.

He then mindlinked Trent, his Beta, to inform him of the crisis they were facing.

It was up to Trent how he was going to appoint a watchman on their guests tonight.

"Ha." Severus couldn't help but chuckle bitterly.

So, this is what he gets for receiving the guests warmly?

They don't deserve his generosity nor Xyla's efforts!

Damn it!

Severus waited until one of his men arrived to look after the unconscious pack member. It's guaranteed that once the man wakes up, he will be experiencing an excruciating headache, and confused for the most part.

After he briefed his men on their current situation, his wolf was back at it again—running.

He knows he won't stop until he gets the confirmation that no one else is hurt.

His wolf was growling the entire time as they ran, though Severus toned it down quite effectively.

He's afraid that if his wolf gets any louder, they will get heard even from somewhere far away, especially by the other Alphas.

They have a keen sense of hearing after all.

Once they find out that River Severn is going to be on lockdown, they sure will kick up a fuss about it.

As much as possible, Severus doesn't want them to start getting weird ideas like claiming that they're being held captive, and it's the major purpose of the celebration.

To absorb and gain more pack members.

To subjugate werewolves from other packs.

Alphas tend to overreact when it comes to such things because they're extremely volatile creatures.

Severus knows it well, too.

Because it takes one… to know one.

'Alpha, are you there? I wish to make a report.'

'Go on. I'm listening. I'm about to contact you anyway.'

'Please try to stay calm after you hear this, Alpha. I've mobilized groups to help with the search, too.'

His wolf's snout wrinkled in annoyance.

Brandon sounded wary, and it already gave them an idea that what he was about to say wasn't going to be… nice.

His Gamma has that habit—stalling, thinking that as he buys time for himself, he may come across a solution that will solve the problem at hand, which will no longer require him to share the bad news.

Right now, Severus is on a testy mood.

Asking him to calm down is like hoping for a ticking bomb to not detonate when you haven't even done anything to defuse it.

'We haven't seen Alaric anywhere.'

'He's not one of my main concerns right now, Brandon.'

'But… he was last seen together with Amber.'

His breathing hitched. 'And Amber? Where is she?'

'I believe she was supposed to go back to the pack house, but I'm guessing that she didn't ask anyone for company when she did it. I… I want to let the Alpha know that she still hasn't made it here.'

'Are you stupid!?' Severus yelled through mindlink, the landing of his paws on the ground becoming more and more intense—heavy. 'Where's her watchman? Shouldn't you hold him responsible?' This isn't supposed to add to the tension he's feeling right now!

And what did he say?

He mobilized groups to search for Amber?

Instead of commanding them to capture the mole, walking freely in his territory?

What a waste of manpower!

'You didn't have to mobilize groups, Brandon. Have you heard from her watchman? What did he say?'

'That's the point, Alpha…' Brandon trailed off. 'I haven't heard from him. His mindlink is completely shut off.'

'What?' Severus snapped, his eyes glowing a vibrant shade of red. 'Who is this watchman you speak of?'

'It's Allen of the Roth family, Alpha.'

Allen… Roth?

'Are you sure?' He questioned, his breath shaky.

Severus prayed to the moon goddess that his Gamma would say no.

That even if Brandon doesn't usually make small mistakes with the names, this can be the first.


'I'm afraid so, Alpha. I personally approached Allen, and gave him instructions.'

'Damn it!' Severus hissed angrily.

Brandon was surprised by the Alpha's sudden outburst that he fell quiet.

Teeth ground together in frustration, Severus slowed down, his mind being needlessly graphic as he tried to recall the faces of Allen, Amber, and Alaric.

Allen Roth—that was the name of the man whom he found all flaked out at that location near the border!

So, he was Amber's watchman!?

If that's the case…

'You've mobilized groups, yes?'

Brandon was gauging his temper. 'That's… right.'

'Don't pull them out.'

'Alright—wait, come again?'

'The pack member I was talking about earlier who had fallen into a silver-induced sleep…' Severus stared up at the moon. 'That was Allen Roth.'

Contemplative dead air prevailed between them.

And it was his Gamma who decided to break that atmosphere first. 'So… are we doing it, Alpha?'

'Do what?' Severus asked coldly. 'There are so many things I'm itching to do right this moment, Brandon.'

'Seize him.'

'Seize? Don't you think that word is a little too lacking?'

'He's still the Werewolf King representative…'

'Not in my eyes.'

After that, Severus let out a powerful howl to the moon.

It was loud, and filled with rage.

It's no doubt that some guests have probably heard him now.

He then proceeded to mindlinking each and every member of his pack. 'Dead or alive, bring Alaric to me!'

'Y-yes, Alpha!' replied the pack warriors, clearly startled by the message.

Trent, his Beta, suddenly intruded into his mind. 'What's happening, Alpha? What's with the order?'

'Don't get involved. You know what your job is when it comes to operations of this scale, Trent.'

'But, are you serious about this, Alpha? What we're about to commit is treason! We can't escape the wrath of the Werewolf King! For whom are we doing this for?' Trent remained silent for a moment. 'Is it for that child… again? Alpha, this is no good! Please be more mindful of your actions!'

Severus growled in warning. 'Remember who you're talking to!'

'The Alpha is sacrificing his entire pack for one mere life?'

'Do as you're told, Trent!'

The River Severn Pack is in chaos.

What started out as a minuscule suspicion soon became an untamable feeling of hatred and vengeance.

To be able to move stealthily despite their huge bodies has always been an advantage for werewolves, but now—this is no longer about catching their prey off-guard by rolling out a surprise attack.

There's nothing 'covert' about their movements right now.

Trent's role in this should allow them some time to set things straight.

Trent is going to be the one who will provide an explanation to the guests.

Hopefully, he could discourage the other Alphas from joining their operations because it would certainly become more problematic—not only for Severus, but also for them.

When River Severn became officially recognized as an independent pack, Severus had to adhere to countless formalities, and uphold the virtues that the Werewolf King wanted to see in the nation of Akkad.

But… how do they expect an Alpha to bow down to an existence lower than them?

Representatives or not, it doesn't matter!

Their wolves won't acknowledge those positions!

It's only the 'human' side of a werewolf who can try to understand those absurd rules.

Severus had been looking forward to meet Alaric. He didn't even have the slightest clue about the man's name from the beginning. The letter from the Capital didn't reveal anything. It just stated that they would send a representative in behalf of the Werewolf King to observe the celebration with them, too.

Now that he thinks about it…

How are they supposed to know if Alaric is legit or not?

Was the man's acting just that good?

Or could they have planted moles in his territory beforehand, allowing Alaric to enter his territory smoothly?

Severus didn't see this one coming.

He can't believe that there still exists a man reckless enough to challenge him or wreak mayhem to his pack.

Not to mention, he picked a day where many Alphas would gather in the place.

Severus doesn't know what to make of it.

Is it plain stupidity?

Or a thirst for thrill?

He should have known it right from the start—the signs were there, but he ignored them.

Perhaps, he was still in denial then.

He found the idea implausible, especially in his presence?

Severus knows the reckless nature of rogues, but he hasn't met one who gets off by treading on thin ice.

Amber and Alaric going missing almost at the same time…

Amber's watchman lying unconscious in an obscure part of his territory…

The endless possibilities…

Trent has never failed to express his disfavor in his fondness of Amber because, aside from the fact that she's Cain Santiago's daughter, there's nothing left to like about her.

That's what his Beta always claims—that he won't benefit in the long run from spoiling the pup rotten.

It wasn't even about hatred.

Trent just dislikes playing favorites.

He never bothered to get to know more about Amber.

Severus' attention was something that she had already gained. His Gamma was a former pack member of West Crescent, too. That's why, the man felt even more compelled to look after the child—even on the busiest of his days.

That's probably one of the reasons why his Beta isn't interested in Amber's growth.

The man thinks that she's getting pampered non-stop.

Severus will try to talk to him after this. Misunderstandings are poisonous. They can ruin one's perception of a person right off the bat. His Beta knows of the history of Amber's previous pack.

However, Trent didn't get the chance to meet any of the Santiagos before.

If he did…

He would learn that taking good care of Amber was the right choice.

'Alpha, I'm heading to the southwestern border now,' Brandon informed him.

'That's where I am headed, too.' It was true. It just happened that the two of them were taking different routes. 'I'll meet you there.'

'Who's on the pups?'

'It's Silas, Alpha.'

Severus hummed in approval. 'Protect the pack house at all costs. That's our fortress. You hear me?'

'Yes, Alpha. I believe the men are aware of that.'

Severus lowered his stance, his wolf raring to barrel ahead relentlessly.

How much more does he have to cover before he finds that bastard?

Alaric doesn't smell like a rogue.

That's why, when he introduced himself to them earlier, Severus had no doubts.

Besides, Alaric was quite capable of pulling off his character just fine in front of everyone.

Has he been rehearsing?

A snarl was threatening to escape his throat.

His wolf kept urging him to kill the rogues in the underground prison now—that there was no reason to wait.

But Severus can't do that.

If Alaric managed to escape, they'd be left with no one to turn to!

Those rogues still have their use.

'If I were Alaric, where would I go…?' Severus asked himself.

Where's the ideal place to hide?

Where's the best escape route?

As an Alpha, he should know.

All of a sudden, his body unconsciously made a sharp turn to go on another course. 'Take care of the southwestern border,' he told Brandon.

'I… I'm actually on my way somewhere else, Alpha.'


'I'm following a bloody trail…'

Severus was immediately overwhelmed by the feeling of utter dread and futility in the pit of his stomach. 'Whose blood was it?'

'That's the thing, Alpha… I'm unable to tell.'

'It wasn't Amber's, right?' Adrenaline rush filled his veins as his chest felt… heavier. He was starting to feel things—things that didn't signify anything good.

Amber is one of the people he holds close to his heart.

The child has already grown on him, and should anything happen to her…

Damn it!

They shouldn't have tried to bring her down to the party.

He should have let the child do her own business.

It's just that…

Severus is worried that she will grow distant if he continues letting her be.

Of course, it's wrong to try to control her and her hobbies when she's doing well both at school and the combat sports that she has chosen. In addition to that, Amber is sweet and caring, and it shows more through her actions.

But, she's good at being… subtle.

Sometimes, he couldn't help but wonder why.

'I don't think it was Amber's. I've seen her bleed before. I can tell for certain that this wasn't hers…'

"Oh, Selene." Despite wanting to see it for himself just to make sure, Severus felt relieved to hear the conviction behind his Gamma's words.

Severus is at the point where he treats Amber like his own daughter, too.

His wolf hasn't made a single comment about her situation, but at the end of the day, he will always remain one with his wolf.

And he could feel its towering rage.

'State your specific location, Brandon.'

The southwestern border had suddenly become their last priority right now.

Brandon was following a trail, and it seemed more meaningful than sprinting through the woods aimlessly.

He, on the other hand, had already enslaved himself to his instincts.

And right now, his aim was to go to 'that' place as fast as he could.

The answer to his question…

The river.

Werewolves could lose track of one's scent in the face of water.

The riverbank—it's the only place nearby where one can hide or take refuge without raising the suspicion of others.

After all, it's right in the middle of his territory, and within the city proper's close range.

No one would suspect that he would choose someplace not too far off.

If you're going to escape, you will have to run for your life, and never look back.

That's basic strategy.

Unless, of course, you don't wish to flee in the first place.

Alaric had been elaborate with his methods. Severus doesn't think that he can still go back to being civil if it turns out that everything about their assumptions is wrong.

His mind was already dead set on making Alaric pay—legitimate person or not.

If he's innocent, then what is it he's going to pay for?


His unwarranted fascination with Amber Santiago!

'Alpha, I think it's here…'

His wolf vanished into the forest as he raced through the winding trees. 'Where?'

'The river.'

Severus pushed his paws into the ground as he ran. 'That's where you were headed?' he asked, calculating.

'Yes, Alpha. So far, I don't see anyone around.'

'I'm on my way there.'

'You are?'

'Think of a place where you can stay undetected…' he trailed off. 'Water is a powerful ally, but a terrible enemy, Brandon.'

'Should I call for reinforcements?'

'Direct them to the southwestern border.'

'Roger that,' Brandon swiftly said. 'By the way, Trent is on his way, too.'

'What do you mean?' Severus questioned cautiously. 'He's not supposed to leave the pack members during these times!'

'The other Alphas have caught wind of the situation. I think… they were able to convince Trent to join us.'

'Damn it! That's not my order!'

Severus soon rendezvoused with Brandon, and standing next to him was Trent.

He bared his teeth at him.

Both he and his wolf weren't pleased by his actions.

He was a Beta—he couldn't go making his own decisions without his Alpha's permission!

Trent clearly defied his instructions.

'This isn't over,' he told Trent via mindlink.

The man had his head bowed in respect.

Severus shifted back into his human form. "What is this?" he snarled. "A gathering?" His nostrils flared. He was infuriated. "Back-ups are necessary—but only when we're on the losing side! Have you no pride?"

Before his men could even respond to that, and justify their actions, a fierce, haunting howl suddenly pierced the quietness of the land—and it was coming from the hill.

They all looked at each other, unnerved by the unfamiliarity of that howl.

A howl that they don't recognize.

A howl that doesn't belong to any of their pack members…!

The next thing they knew…

They found themselves bolting through the forest.

That howl sounded so close.

That could be… Alaric's!


As they closed in on the scene, their legs slowed down in apprehension… in shock.

Lying beneath the paws of a medium-sized wolf was… Alaric's cold body, his eyes still alarmingly open, though his gaze was already blank—lifeless.

"The blood…" Brandon muttered. "So, it was his…?"

Alaric was soaked in a pool of his own blood, lying dead on the grassland.

"Who?" Trent couldn't keep his gaze off the wolf. "Who is that?"

The wolf howled to the moon majestically, unbothered by the growing number of people circling her.

Severus approached her from the back carefully, his steps slow, and meant no harm. "Amber?"

Gasps filled the air after hearing 'that' name leave their Alpha's lips.

As if her switch was flipped, the wolf turned back into its human form—the sound of her bones popping echoed on top of the hill.

Then, she faced Severus with an innocent look on her face.

"I caught the bad wolf, Alpha. I won the game he started."

Amber beamed at him softly, oblivious to the blood dripping from her mouth.

At the age of eleven, the sole survivor of the Santiago clan had her first kill.

And the victim?

A rogue.

To be specific, a death-row prisoner from the largest penitentiary in Akkad…

…located in the Capital.