Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Fifteen minutes ago…

Amber's hands got paralyzed.

And that was after only a minute into the match.

Ms Cataleya had made no attempts of dodging her punches at first. And despite letting her fists hit her, the squad leader gave no openings.

That's why…

She found it strange.

Based on the personality she showed her earlier, Ms Cataleya didn't seem like she'd let her bag the win so easily.

Amber is fully aware of the fact that the lady doesn't like her. Hence, Ms Cataleya accepted her challenge without batting an eye. She was… decided to put Amber in her place.

'Letting me hit her probably has consequences…'

And Amber realized she was right.

Because a minute after throwing some punches in, her nerves started acting up. Her fist won't move the way she wants it to. And before it could even reach the smirking squad leader, her hand would relax—resulting to a weak blow delivery.