Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Stolen belongings.

Everything was all gone without anyone's knowledge.

When they returned to the central site, Aries was already awake. Pepper's yelling stirred him in his sleep.

Unfortunately, he couldn't go back after learning what actually happened.

Their duffel bags were placed inside a separate tent. That was in consideration of the space those would take up if they were to sleep with them.

Their duffel bags contain all the necessities they need to get through this mission.

Extra clothes, small weapons, flares…

Things that pack warriors should possess were all there.

"What are we dealing here?" Aries asked, now fully awake. Someone had the gall to infiltrate their campsite, and even steal their stuff!

That could only be the work of a fearless person.

Aries refused to believe that the culprit was a lower animal. Why would it focus on taking their duffel bags away in the first place?