Is that Really Him?

A/N: Hey guys, I really hope you like it.

Todays the first day of freshmen year and Shinta's getting to go to her dream school. UA which also happens to be where her brother goes and dad teaches. Shinta was adopted when she was around 13 by Aizawa after she was cleared for mental health. She still has some slight ptsd but is still unsure of her triggers.

As Shinta got ready for school she grabbed everything she needed and headed off to school. "Well let's do this, I just have to keep calm and not lose my temper" she mumbled as she got to the gates of the school and walked through the gates taking everything in. She had never been on the school grounds before today only studied maps. Aizawa was a bit protective of her due to her past.

Shinta turns around to continue taking all of the sights in and winds up tripping over not one but two boys. She immediately used her wings to push herself up "I'm so sorry" she said bowing her head looking up to see bakugo and Midoriya getting up. Bakugo pushed her "the hells your problem!! Watch it idiot!" he yelled and stormed off leaving her rather confused. Midoriya then rubs the back of his head "oh no sorry about that. Oh and don't worry about Kachaan. He isn't always like that" he said and then ran off to his class. Shinta just stood there confused before hearing the warning bell and she ran off to her class. 'Class 1A' said the sign above the door and she walked in and found a random seat in the back by the window.

Waiting for class to begin Shinta kinda just spaced out looking out the window until a hand slammed down on her desk "Hell no! You're in my class too! You better not hold me back you damn extra!!" Bakugo shouted at her making her jump and tremble some and small blue sparks emitted from her wings from her fear. As if on cue Aizawa walked in and everyone calmed down and hurried to a seat.

"Welcome to UA first years. Over this next week we are going to be doing evaluations and testing to figure out your standings with your quirks. So we can judge everyone on their own development as you all grow into pro heroes. So for now everyone go get changed into your gym clothes its time to head to the training fields for the first day of the training and evaluations to start" he said to everyone and looked over to Shinta a small blink towards her and she smiled and mouthed back 'Thanks dad' and he nodded.

Shinta knew that look just meant 'be careful and don't worry I'll be there if you lose control' and she headed off with the other girls to the locker room and got dressed. She kept her distance from the others still pretty shy. Mina came over though and introduced herself with a smile before heading out with her friends. Shinta headed out the the training field with everyone else still a bit nervous. When ever she would get nervous she would play with her scarf, what she didn't know is that her brother had sneakily sewn a small pouch to the spot she always played with. Shinta felt a small zipper and looked at it confused and unzipped it seeing a small necklace that looked like her wings when she is powered up and she smiled and put on her new necklace. 'Shinso you're so sneaky. But thanks big bro' she thought to herself as she kinda staid back. As far as she knew she was the only one with her quirk. And not many hero's have wings so she still felt out of place so she sat under a tree stretching her wings ash falling from them with some feathers as she winced before retracting them again and waited to see what was gonna happen. Shinta just tried to ignore the dead feathers around her that just fell from her wings

The wind picked up some and she lifted her head some to feel the wind on her skin. The breeze felt both good and painful at the same time due to her burns she has. Shinta decided to take in the other students and did a glance around the room. In the distance she saw her brother with his team looking mysterious as always. As her eyes continued they landed on a fellow classmate and she cocked her head to the side 'why do I feel like I know him' she thought to herself and the white and red haired boys head turned and he made eye contact with her. Shinta froze up their eyes locked on one another even with the distance between them 'shit what do I do?' She thought to herself as she blinked looking down for what felt like only a second. The next thing she knew she heard a voice quite close to her and slowly she looked up "do you mind explaining why you were staring at me? Or was that just your way of saying you want to group up with me for a match?" Said the boy who previously was just having a staring match with the winged girl. Shinta was taken back by his words and something in his tone stroked a nerve that almost scared her "Sorry, you just looked familiar. And sure I could do a match with you. I don't have a lot of practice with other heroes due to my quirk though" she blurted out as she stood up to be just a few inches taller than the boy infant of her.

"Oh by the way my name is Shinta" she said to him and extended her hand to him "Shoto" he said and shook her hand looking up at her 'Theres something about her that seems so familiar yet distant' he thought looking into her eyes and now they both being eye level with one another noticed they both have bi-colored eyes. Practically Identical just on opposite sides on each others and they both kind of blushed and turned away. "Lets go back with our classmates and wait for our match" Shoto said to her and headed back to the group. Shinta was still a bit confused as to why his eye color was the same as hers and why that tone he had strikes fear deep with in her. The winged girl shook it off and walked over to her classmates, the wind picked up again but from behind the girl. She was not prepared for the strong gust that came from behind her as it spread her wings due to force knocking more of the dying feathers loose as they glass and crumble to ash. Shinta just froze for a moment as the pain went through her body small blue sparks popped on her skin before she took a deep breath and finished heading over. The feathers had been blown right to her classmates.

Of course a certain black and green haired boy she had met earlier that morning was there as well and noticed the feathers and the slight tears that had escaped from the girls eyes. "Hey, Are you ok? That looks like it hurt, How did that happen to your wings? If you don't mind me asking that is" Midoriya asked with a small bashful chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head. "I'll be alright, and oh believe it the pain is excruciating. My quirk doesn't always play nice with my wings" Shinta said the last part with a chuckle remember what happened the last time she lost her temper. Thats why her wings are in the state they're in now. Everyone's eyes except bakugo's showed remorse for you "that sounds rough, hopefully being here you can get help so your quirk won't hurt you so bad" midoriya said with a smile trying to find the bright side. Shinta just chuckled and nodded her head.

"Alright class if everyone is paired up let's get the fights started. Shinta Aizawa and.....Shoto're up first" he said with a small gulp as he looked up. One no-one knew he was her dad and two he didn't know if she still remembered her true family name. Shinta heard the name and her face paled some hearing his last name, her head dropped for a moment and she took a deep breath in. The other students all gasped hearing her last name "Wait you have a kid?!" They all said which gave Shinta the moment she needed to prepare. "She is my adopted child yes. Now let's get on with it. If you two would go to the arena in front of your classmates" he said as he looked over at shinta who's expression went blank and she nodded heading out there facing the boy she now realizes is related to the man who abandoned her, which makes him her half brother. Shinta truly didn't know whether she should hate the boy, tell him the truth or befriend him. 'So I do have a sibling. And now I have to fight him? FML' she thought as Aizawa instructed the match to begin.

"Just because you haven't had practice against other heroes don't expect me to take it easy on you!" Shoto shouted as he threw a wall of ice up in front of himself hoping to have caught the girl. Shinta used her wings though and got out of the way in the knick of time and as she does the dust began to settle Shoto looked around and before he knew it a ball of blue flames flew right past his face just barely grazing his cheek, but just enough to leave a small burn as Shinta landed back on the ground. Shinta's right hand glew with her blue flames going about half way up her arm. Shoto looked at her flames and froze up a moment and them threw an ice attack at her again. This time though when Shinta went to fly up to dodge the ice she got hit by Shoto's fire knocking her back into the ground sending her flying back some. Once shinta got up it was like something in her was different her stature had changed and she laughed some as she wiped a small bit of blood from her lip and charged at shoto about to try to hit him with a large blast of her fire. Her Wings started to ignite while she charged at shoto. Aizawa saw this and immediately stopped the fight nullifying both the students quirks.

"Thats enough you two, Shoto take shinta and you both go get checked out by recovery girl" he said but not before gesturing for shinta to come over to him with the stern father look. Shinta gulped slightly and saw a type of harness aizawa had pulled out. She knew what it was and she lowered her head and turned around lowering her wings. When ever she would lose control aizawa had something made to help contain her wings for a short time as her temper settles itself. It was something made specifically for her quirk. Once it was in place aizawa deactivated his own quirk and shinta followed shoto trying to hide the discomfort from the harness that was constricting her wings to her. To make it worse due to how tight the harness keeps her wings to her body with ever step she took the dying burnt feathers kept falling from her wings. Once Shoto noticed this he slowed down some and watched her for a moment quietly as he would see with ever step she took she was swallowing her pain keeping a strong expression the entire time and he just sighed quietly as they got to the infirmary and went in. Recovery Girl looked over shoto first and bandaged his cheek for him. "Hmmm, shoto, shinta may be here for a bit Aizawa had sent word for a bit more of a check up for her. You could go back out if you want" she said as she began her check up on Shinta who tried to resist since there was a boy in the room. Shoto turned around "umm...ill wait outside until you're done so we can walk back together and you don't get lost" he said and headed out the door to wait for her.

Once he was outside the room recovery girl removed the harness from Shinta's wings setting it to the side. "Now I know this is going to hurt but I need you to lay across the exam table with one wing spread out fully. Aizawa instructed me to clean your wings up" she said and shinta's expression went blank "if the pain get to be too much I'll lose control" she said to recovery girl who just chuckled guiding Shinta into place so she can get to work. "It's alright I'll be fine. Just take a deep breath and think of a happy place for me" she said and with you warning clamps that were created to help nullify quirks held her down and recovery girl began her work to pull out all the dead and burnt feathers. Shinta went to scream but held it in she couldn't let people see her weak so she stared up at the ceiling trembling in pain as blood began to run into the floor. Once all the dead feathers and ash had been removed recovery girl did her thing and Shinta was good as new just tired now.