Team Matches

"Alright you're good to go. You just need to make sure to get some rest" she said to Shinta handing her the harness "Thank you Recovery Girl. Oh and sorry for bleeding all over your floor" she said before heading out to the hallway hearing recovery girl chuckle "not a problem dear, its my job" to see Shoto was still out there but he had fallen asleep on one of the chairs. She couldn't help but smile at the younger boy 'maybe one day I can tell you the truth' she thought to herself before tapping Shoto on the shoulder "hey bro....I mean shoto I'm all patched up let's get back to the others" she said hoping he didn't catch her calling him bro. Shoto heard her but luckily due to his groggy nature the first few words she said went in one ear and out the other. "Oh hey, took you long enough. Yea let's head back to the rest of the class. I'm sure it's almost time for the next part of the eval at the point" he said in an almost demeaning tone 'yup no questions about it. He is definitely his fathers son that's for sure' she thought to herself as they got back to the rest of their class. Shinta returning the harness to her teacher her wings now looking full and healthy again. The sight of that put a smile of Aizawa's face even if just for a quick moment.

While they were gone the rest of their classmates did their battles. It was now time to see how groups would work against other groups from other classes. Aizawa wanted to try to challenge Shinta some and see just what she could do in this environment before losing control. "Alright last thing for today. The group you are in pick one other group. The four of you will be fighting another group from another class" he said and Shoto looked around and Midoriya and Uraraka came over to the two and they decided to team up with them. All the groups were now situated on the other side of the arena Shinta noticed her brothers class 'great I may have to fight my brother today?' She thought looking across at shinso.

Another pro hero Shinta recognized walked out into the arena it was present mic, he was close friends with her dad so he was more like an uncle to her than anything. "Alright students now it's time for team battles. Let get this show on the road!!!!" Present Mic shouted like he always does as he announces the teams. As he gets to the last team Shinta and Shinso lock eyes knowing their teams were being paired as present mic called the final team match up "And for the final battle today it will be Shinta Aizawa's team vs. Shinso Aizawa's team!!" He said super excited which caused Aizawa to grumble and glare at mic for that outburst.

After all the teams were matched they all met up with their rival groups and waited for their match as they watched the other rounds. Bakugo and his team lost due to improper team work and communication. Ida's team did well and won on there round and it seemed to just go back band forth between their classes fighting but at least it was interesting. After the first couple matches Shinta grabbed her brother really quick and pulled him aside "Whoa sis chill. Whats up?" He said with his normal blank tired expression. "M-My teammate....h-he is my half brother by blood" she got out showing her brother how much it was worrying her and he knew exactly what thoughts she had going on in her head. "Shinta take a deep breath, from what dad told me none of the other todoroki kids even know you exist. So unless you tell him he won't know. It's gonna be alright" he said to her holding her chin up to maintain eye contact as he gave his little sister a soft smile. "I guess you're right. But he kinda reminds me of Enji" she said to him and he nodded knowing what he needed to do. Aizawa may get mad at him for it later but for now he needed to do this for his little sister.

"Hey Shinta, how about after school I take you to go get your favorite milk tea?" He asked his sister who's eyes lit up in excitement knowing full well what her brother was about to do. "Hell ye-" she said and stopped staring back at her brother blankly "Good, Shinta yes Shoto Todoroki is your younger half brother. But you care about him as a big sister would but making sure to make it seem like you are just good friends. Eventually once he trusts you more you can share your secret with him. Now nod you understand" he told his sister using his quirk to help her relax. He knew if didn't do this her stress thinking about this situation could cause her to lose control of her quirk. Shinta then nodded and Shinso quickly made sure no-one was looking and kissed his sisters forehead "wake up" he then said releasing his sister from his control.

"Thanks Shin" she said and they heard their teams being called and they both quickly returned to their groups. Shinta goes over to her group and smiles they all talk over a plan "So Shoto and Shinta you guys take offense and try to stop the stronger people on the other team" Midoriya said and everyone nodded in agreement. Both teams walk out onto the arena and stare off at each other

"Let the fight staaarrrtttt!!" Present Mic shouted and got out of the way. As soon as he was clear Shoto shot up a huge wall of ice which surprised the other team and distracted them from the next part of the plan. Shinso went after Midoriya, Shoto wound up focusing on Bondo while Uraraka provided support and defense for her team mates. Shinta searched around flying through the air she looked to her right and before she could turn her head a vine wrapped around her ankle and pulled her down toward the ground. Shinta almost lost her balance but quickly caught herself using a small flame to burn off the vine from leg "Looks like its you and me" Shinta said and used her flame quirk throwing a small fire orb at her opponent. Aizawa looked over each of the fights impressed with how well all the students seemed to be holding their own. "Alright that's it this is getting boring now" Shinso mutters to himself turning the dial on his device he wears during battles "Midoriya, Uraraka come on is that really all you guys got for me?" He asked and waited for them to respond so he could use him quirk on them. "We are tryi-" them both said almost in unison and stopped as Shinso smirked "alright you two you're out I caught you" he said and walked the two under his control to the edge of the arena and guided them right off the edge before releasing the two students.

Once they snap out of it and realize they're out Midoriya looks back at the arena at Shoto and Shinta "Come on you guys got this!!" He said cheering for his team mates. Shinta was starting to get rather annoyed with her opponent as her anger rose the small blue flame had now spread to both hands and started to spread up her arms some. Smoke starting to come from the sleeves of her gym shirt "Thats enough I'm done playing with you. Time to LOSE!" Shinta said and shot a big fireball at her opponent Ibara. Ibara barely got out of the way in time but trying to dodge the fire she ran out of the arena getting knocked out of the fight and she groaned in defeat. "Nice work Flame" Shoto said smiling at his partner who had also just knocked out the other member of the team. "So that just leaves..." Shinta said and gulped as Shinso's scarf came at them as they both dodge in separate directions. "Me" Shinso said emerging from the shadows in front of them. His scarf going after shoto first. Shoto tried to freeze it but was just a fraction too slow and got caught by shinso's scarf.

"Aww, What happened Shoto did I manage to outsmart you?" Shinso asked him waiting for that moment to give him another victory. Meanwhile Shinta was charging up a nice little attack to throw at her brother. With in seconds Shoto growled "scre-" and he was done "Too easy" shinso scoffed and ordered Shoto to leave the arena once outside he release him. This further pissed Shoto off of course. "Just you and me now sis. Why don't we just end this quick?" He asked hoping he could trick her into answering him this time. He looked around since it was starting to get dark vision was becoming more limited 'I don't see her but where did she go?' He thought to himself and right as he went to turn around a giant ball or blue fire flew at him. He quickly got out of the way or the large attacked but immediately fell victim to some of Shinta's smaller attacks. "I know not to answer your questions remember" she said chuckling at her brother "Thats right your always a sore loser when I trick you with my quirk" he said, this statement he has said to her countless of times before but for some reason today it set her off and she just growled "I am not!" She yelled starting to lose her temper. As her anger rose her blue flames moved from her hands to her wings. Starting from the very bottom of her wings began to become engulfed by her flames. This causing her own flames to start burning her wings as the fire slowly spreads up her wings as she lunges for her brother.

"Thats Enough!" Aizawa shouted using his quirk and deactivating Shinta's quirk and Shinso helped her up but she pushed away "Im fine, they can't see me as weak" she grumbled and he let go. "Sorry Sir, I kinda lost me head for a bit there huh?" Shinta said with a slight chuckle and aizawa just growled lowly at her "Thats is it for today. Everyone hit the showers and head back to your dorms. Shinta please wait a moment before heading in" Aizawa said and she nodded everyone headed in "see you at home" Shinso said to both her and Aizawa before he headed in as well. Now outside it was just her and Aizawa and she looked down "I'm sorry I lost it again, I don't know what set me off this time. I really am sorry" shinta said bowing her head to her dad "Shinta its alright, but you need to remember your flames are hotter than most including todoroki's as far as I am aware right now. So you need to be careful and not let your anger consume you. Other than that you did good kid" he said playfully punching her shoulder that was his way of affection now that the kids are older.

"See you later at home" Shinta said and headed into the locker room and got changed and headed out, Shinta wanted to try to get a part time job and make up for her lack of experience and decided to reach out to another hero she knows hoping maybe she could get some part time work at his agency. Shinta looked at her wings seeing that luckily this time the burns to her wings weren't too bad so she figured she could fly to her destination and she took off after she pulled her hair back and put on her flight googles that were typically hidden away in her scarf. Before too long Shinta landed outside Hawks agency and she took a deep breath walking inside.

Once inside she was met with lots of busy people running around and answering phones. Hawks saw her as she walked in and came over to her "Hey what brings you here today kiddo? Please tell me you at least let them know you left campus" he said to her and she just grinned and he chuckled "I swear if I didn't know any better I would say you really were Aizawa's kid your a lot like him when he was younger" he said jokingly which received a chuckle from the girl "I actually came to see if there was any way I could maybe get a part time job here after school a couple days a week?" Shinta asked him with puppy dog eyes, she knows how hard it is for him to say no to her if he makes eye contact when she pouts. "I'll talk with Aizawa to double check but I don't see why not. Now why don't you run along and get to your dorms before it gets too late" hawks said to her and she nodded "Oh real quick I wanted to give you something its just a little something for you to wear with your hero gear" hawks said handing her a Black leather jacket much like his own and she smiled hugging him "thanks your the best" shinta said putting the jacket on "your jacket is special though the leather has been treated to be able to withstand your flames so it may also help protect you from more burns" he said to her in a caring yet concerned tone. When Shinta was younger Hawks was the only other hero she got to meet besides who she lived with "Thanks it means a lot to me. I'll see you around, take care" Shinta said before heading out the building putting her goggles back on before taking off back to the school and to the dorm building that Aizawa, Shinso and her are staying at.

Hawks just kinda chuckled watching her fly off, meanwhile back home Aizawa was making dinner and Shinso was studying in the dining room. "Hey guys I'm back" Shinta called out coming in the front door taking off her shoes before heading into the dining room with her brother to begin doing her homework as well. "Nice jacket sis" Shinso said which caught Aizawa's attention and he looked over "I take it you went and talked with Hawks?" He asked knowing why she went, they had discussed it the day before and she nodded "Yup, he just wants to clear it with you and I'm guessing the school first" shinta said proudly earning a smile from her father.